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Everything posted by VampireBohrok

  1. 1-2-3 emperor ing yay Also topic for emergency cases
  2. Nah, I dunno. It just doesn't appeal to me with its gappiness and all. I'd rather get the Undersea Explorer if I got that much money over.
  3. ... That I can't wait for Hero Factory to come out. Altough it's not going to be here until about a month from now. :/ I just really want to get my hands on Meltdown so that I can revamp him beyond recognition.
  4. Meh, two of the Atlantis sets are quite large, so I'm aiming towards them instead of a bunch smaller sets. But we'll see. That's just what I've got planned just for now, pretty much based on the resources I've got at the moment. Things might turn out differently.
  5. They are the following: - Meltdown - XPlode - Atlantis Exploration HQ - Deep Sea Striker - Portal to Atlantis Plus a whole lot of other sets since my friend offered me his collection for a fair price.
  6. fish

    lots and lots of it

  7. Made this earlier today and thought I might as well take some pics of it in the forest close to where I live. Both pics are 1200x800 I'll be taking some pictures with a white background too.
  8. VampireBohrok

    So Um

    Something tells me I should've gotten here to approve comments earlier. Thanks all for the help, anyway.
  9. VampireBohrok

    So Um

    Finder says 100 K, Photoshop says 71 K. Help?
  10. wat

    why are you not anonymous anymore

  11. Yeah. More into Death Metal currently, but indeed, Maiden are totally great.

  12. That's nothing I have experienced before. There are positive aspects of not sticking with what you originally were going to build, altough probably not within these circumstances, huh?
  13. B) Yeah, I uploaded it to Brickshelf like weeks ago. Posting it never was of high priority though, so I never got to doing that until now.
  14. Because he was fun to make. 1-2-3 I can't deny that the Agori/Av-Matoran build is fuuuuun to mess around with.
  15. Well, you did it too late for a Monty Python fad. =P
  16. VampireBohrok


    The title and the content seem unrelated to each other.
  17. I never did make an entry about it. So, what do you guys think about it?
  18. Thanks. B) Yeah, I was pretty much just strolling around and was like "omgshjkl this place is perfect" I like the arms too, but they I didn't put down much energy in them. Might make new ones. Try using System pieces when making a head, this one is like 40% System or something. Personally, I think the thighs look fine. They are the ones I used on the Repcillian MOC, and they worked pretty good there, I think. Yeah, I can imagine that the torso design is hard to make out. I'll get pictures. I could do that, yeah, but it'd pretty much kill off the idea I had for the feet. Granted, I could've done it better, but I really wanted the claws to stick out from the flow a bit. Mabe a workover of the rest of the feet could make it look better. Not really, that thing looked like you have been MOCing for a couple of years.
  19. 1. Name change fail. :/

    2. Sure.

  20. Oh hey, happy birthday.

  21. Hm. Didn't think of it that way. Great, now I can pretend it was all intentional.
  22. True, true. @ TMD: Now that's just silly. But hilariously so.
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