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Everything posted by VampireBohrok

  1. Oh?

    Though maybe becoming staff has instant effects? This needs to be examined.


  2. I think I'm detecting instabilities already.

  3. Now let's sit back and watch how being a staff member affects your mental health. :)


  5. Still more than a couple of days left though. :\

  6. Good to hear.^^

    Yeah, those blocks are pretty freaking annoying, aren't hey?

  7. OK so apparently Karkat is open. I think I'm just going to take the chance while it lasts.

  8. VampireBohrok

    I Start School Today @.@

    Maybe the heat wasn't on?
  9. oh man the squiddles <.>

    And I haven't read Problem Sleuth yet... Perhaps I should.

  10. Hmm yes,

    or I could go with Bro.

    Because someone did have Jack Noir as a name for a while, right?

  11. Man I need suggestions for a Homestuck related name change. D:

  12. Oh, I'm fine. Thanks. I'm making an entry for Primus' blog contest... And some other stuff as well, not much else going on.


  13. guess who has tickets to Ozzy's concert tonight this guy right here B)
  14. :(

    didn't really want to

  15. Doesn't make the set any better though.
  16. lolthx And yes, absolutely. B) I might have to, actually... >>
  17. <3<3<3<3<3 Question is whether I'll forgive myself for not checking up on it earlier. <<
  18. I like the sound of this. B) Nice to see you're not dead, too. =P
  19. Of course I can. :)

    I never was too fond of the Krom craze. =P

  20. I got waken up by this weird mechanical-sounding noise early this morning. I didn't think anything of it, I just thought it was quite annoying. So when I get up, maybe two hours later, my mom tells me that a circus has stopped at the field outside the house. So after school I went outside for a photoshoot. The first impression of the tent itself: Under this shelter one could find a bunch of different animals, including camels, llamas, some kind of cow,and probably some more. The entrance: AND THEY HAD ELEPHANTS They were surprisingly camera happy and did all sorts of poses. There was this guy who tried to feed the elephants with grass too, but they wouldn't bother with him. Then the guy managed to get one of the elephants' attention, which happily grabbed the grass from his hand. Then I saw this and was like "WHAT YOU CAN BE INSIDE THERE WITH THEM " But there was indeed some wire to keep the elephants inside the pasture. This elephant didn't mind the attention either. I wish they could stay a bit longer, but they're getting ready to roll off again right now. Even if I'm not crazy about going to circuses and stuff, I love the animals and the general feeling. I hope they'll come here again eventually.
  21. The head looks a bit too big to be a... head. It looks more like a creepy shell or something. Shoulders look a bit bare too.
  22. I was actually considering giving Junkyard Hound a try... Maybe I'll go with him too. I had beat machine in mind too, but I don't have enough 4x4 black dishes. ;_;
  23. Lol, thanks bro. It's all the tri-connectors, I assure you. =P They're just sooo lovely pieces. :3 Yeah, the second one isn't really the best one out of these. But the legs did turn out well. The last one is pretty well-portrayed there, actually. But yeah, it's a horrible pic anyway. thanks a lot bro B) Thanks. B) B)
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