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Everything posted by VampireBohrok

  1. That might be because there are certain vitamins you don't regularily get enough of. Peeling fingers/feet usually are a sign of that.
  2. I've got lots of stuff going on, I have on the other hand got no camera. :\

  3. Pfft, you're acting like little kids. At least I've taken some responsibility here to make you stop this stupid childish argument which makes me far superior to you both.
  4. Oh lol, I don't mind.

    I'm fine, thanks for asking. School begins in a couple of days, so I'm not too thrilled about that though.

  5. That's right, folks - I've been participating in The Three Virtues' third MOCist interview! So do go listen to that in the supplied topic link, and preferrably to some of their other episodes too, because they're an awesome bunch right there. And also big thanks to Tom and his editing skills for making me sound nearly normal instead of like a stuttering freak.
  6. VampireBohrok


    Decided to get it while it was 50% off, and boy is it fantastic. I'm having a great time killing zombies in unorthodox ways. I'm VampireBohrok on Steam as well, if you feel like adding me there.
  7. Good. Now ship it to me, just according to our agreement.
  8. VampireBohrok

    Blog Q&A

    You can. Revival rules don't apply to the blogs.
  9. I'm off school. This is very awesome. Let's celebrate with some Lehvak-Kal art. If you Internet Exploder users can't see this, I'd recommend switching browser. IE sucks anyway.
  10. It's there all right, but some computers can't seem to view it for some reason. :\
  11. More art. This turned out reasonably well, considering the lack of tablet. Thoughts are appreciated. :3
  12. I guess I didn't really do my worst, but you get the idea.
  13. VampireBohrok


    Ah yes, that was a fun challenge all right. And lol I'm not sure what makes him a crocodile, but okay. I'm going to colour it at a more convenient time, so I'll not post it in GA until I've done that. But eh, I dunno. Tablets are kind of pricey and I've already asked for the Atlantis Exploration HQ as my main priority, so it'll probably wait to around my birthday in March or something. Well it may be one of the better things I've posted on BZP, but really, this doesn't stand up to the things I draw IRL. Thanks guys. :3
  14. WHOA WHOA WHOA IT'S IN SWEDEN ALREADY This means I must venture into the city more often. If only to confirm it's around.
  15. Well, the urge to get this set one way or another certainly will be hard to resist.
  16. heppy burthday zud :)

  17. VampireBohrok


    I seriously need a tablet. :< But yeah, this is supposed to be Irnakk. I decided to take some artistic liberty, as you may see. I'm pleased with the end result though. But this actually isn't exactly the end result, it will get coloured in due time. So yeah, comments are very appreciated.
  18. VampireBohrok

    Oh, Spirit

    Yeesh, Vlad. That was ages ago. IT LEFT A DEEP SCAR OK
  19. VampireBohrok

    Oh, Spirit

    I'd rather be called Sue than Edward Cullen. :<
  20. Evo, Nitroblast. Evo because I really just like the general concept, and Nitroblast because he looks like a well-balanced set with much character.
  21. Hm, wouldn't have guessed that the snowman would be first out. Also I've got the Kingdoms calendar, but I've got no camera. So yeah. :[
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