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Everything posted by VampireBohrok

  1. Let's talk science. ^Gallery 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 This is something I've been working on to try the Portal 2 Authoring Tools out. I haven't learned how to create the more complex test elements yet, but as soon as I do, emancipation grills, gel and buttons will be added to this map. I'm still working on this, so any suggestions would be very welcome.
  2. Rarely ever. Like, this is sort of an unique occurrence. In the blogs however, I tend to comment about once or twice a week I guess?
  3. VampireBohrok

    Metroid Fusion

    Oh yes, Fusion is awesome. I can't even tell how much I've been playing it. <3 I wish I could play Super Metroid too, though. Alas, I don't have a Wii nor a Super Nintendo. :<
  4. Does that happen when the computer is plugged into an electrical outlet?
  5. How can a tiny plastic version of Slendy be so disturbing I don't even
  6. oh cool I can have one of these now

  7. I don't think anyone would disagree with Toa Mata Nui being an excellent parts supply.There are plenty of reasons to dislike the set, though - for instance, his colour scheme consisted of seven colours,which definitely is a tad too many, and his design was an inconsistent build with plenty of gaps. And really, I don't know if there's anything that fits that description that I enjoy looking at.
  8. I've watched the first season. I found it okay but I think that most of the plot changes they made from the comic were for the worse.
  9. VampireBohrok


    Waspix is the best giant biped robotic wasp ever. B)
  10. I had expected it to take longer ._. What's important is that it's back. With us. And now we're on to all its little tricks. Also Portal 2 references aside, I don't think that's actually possible. BZP is quite unpredictable. Oh yeah, and if you're like me and are displeased with the new layout, here's a kitteh to boost your mood. :> http://www.majhost.c...eh/rimg0138.jpg
  11. how did I get here I am not good with computer

  12. Meltdown, because yellow radioactive sludge-spewing cyclops crab.
  13. Man this thing was so rushed It's for the HF building contest, if you didn't figure that out already. Oh well, the very fact that I made it is somewhat an accomplishment!
  14. Yup, indeed it is. :P

    Oh and happy birthday

  15. VampireBohrok

    Yeah, Uh...

    Lol, I think those people need to be reminded of that there are much more disturbing things out there.
  16. lololol sarcasm But oh hey co-op mode has a story? *is 20x more excited*
  17. afdsafdsfdfadfaffaaasfdafsaafdasfadasfdsaasdsddf More or less three days until it comes out here. I don't know what I'm most hyped for, seeing how the graphics and such have been developed or GLaDOS' sheer brilliancy. Yeah, probably GLaDOS. Oh, and maybe co-op mode. Just maybe.
  18. Oh no problem, I didn't plan on sleeping at all tonight to begin with. I promise.
  19. Oh hey, an excuse to build something. I do believe I'll be entering this.
  20. Unless you've gotten pills of some sort with questionable contents, I've got no clue.
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