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Everything posted by VampireBohrok

  1. The shoulder-neck area pulls it down a bit, doesn't it? I still <3 him though. But I'm a bit weak for all things radioactive.
  2. It's a genetic manipulation. Therefore it is awesome. ... It's so freaking weird. And yes, sorry for awful photography. >>
  3. Yes you do. It's a tad more lulzy than today's horror films though. =P

  5. I suppose it was pretty okay, considering what kind of movie it was. I can't say I loved the representation of Freddy. However the main characters did have some depth and the scenery was quite flawless really. Plus the fact that they included a couple of the classic scenes. :3 The insomnia factor was a welcome addition as well if you ask me. I guess I'd recommend it, but there's less of a point to watch it if you haven't seen the original.
  6. Technically it is indeed on October 31 here as well, but Halloween here is pretty much celebrated the entire weekend, albeit maybe a bit less seriously than some countries do.
  7. We haven't gotten any trick-or-treaters at all this evening. I'm kind of wondering what happened, usually there's always a heapload of them running around all over the place. Also we've rented the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street, so it'll be interesting to see what it's like compared to the original. I'm remaining skeptical until then though. Oh and I'm doing a Halloween-themed MOC. Any guesses as to what it'll be? Don't expect me to confirm anything though, hoh hoh hoh
  8. AND WE'RE BACK FOR THE SHOCKING CONTINUATION OF VB AND HIS CAT *guests with small dog leave* *VB lets kitteh out* *kitteh happy* tHE EDN Say folks, wasn't that the most beautiful episode as of yet?
  9. She's always planning something. >> Luckily she's on our side. OH OH OH WAIT SHE JUST GOT OUT OF BED HOW WILL THIS END
  10. VampireBohrok


    We've got a small dog running around in our house this evening, so the cat has to stay in my room seeing as she's not that good with company of other animals. She is not pleased. At least I'm happy she's not going berserk as she tends to do when she's in a crazy mood. >>
  11. I wish doing those was as much of a tradition here as it is for you guys in America. I made small pumpkin only once, and that was like five years ago or something. I'd imagine making one today would be crazy fun, the ones I've seen looks like they've been a pleasure to design. ;_;
  12. I'm off school. B) This means way more MOCing time. B) B) B)
  13. Thanks. ^^

    And why, hi to you too.

  15. VampireBohrok


    Finally got around making one for Peloria. Also appears like it's gotten blogged on one of the more well-known Lego blogs.
  16. Yeah, they've got a variety of weird ones. This one made me particularily amused though, seeing as I am in fact Swedish. But I've found you. > Added.
  17. Yeah. That's really something I didn't know before. =P
  18. Nope, a Monty Python sketch. :P

  19. VampireBohrok


    Peloria means "freak" or "monster" in Latin.
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