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Everything posted by vataki

  1. Bear in the Big Blue House and B.B. King in one comic?Too much awesome for my brain to handle.
  2. Confusing comic. Leaving questions with few answers.
  3. The part with NX09 laying on the ground looked good.Like Sybre, I was expecting more of a real fight, but I suppose this works too.
  4. This just about sums it up. Especially Akano's and T-E's part. That was win.
  5. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    Haha. Yes, she is also a Level 1. But she also has just a little more power, as she was created 2 years before the other Matoran Teridax. So she's trained herself to control her powers and such. It was my intention, yes. Since there element is shadows their powers blend in with all the shadows in the dark room. It is somewhat hard to see, but it's a cool way to emphasize how truly "dark" their power is.Still Waiting...I decided the season needed some fun. It's all been so serious lately, that I thought some comic-relief was called for. With cameo appearances by Bionicle Raptor and the Noobicorn. Also, I have updated the character sheet once more. Shadow Sashi and Dr. Kaushi added.Enjoy!~Vataki
  6. I know I've used Chimoru in different variations for the majority of my comic seasons, but Razor will always be my favorite kit. And I think that whatever I decide to do after 8th Generation will be done in Razor.

  7. Everyone did. It was funny, though.
  8. Bubble wrap. :D

    1. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      *pop* *pop* *pop*

  9. I went into your folder and took a sneak preview to your comics because I can.

  10. Hey, I remember you! :P You used to make comics, right?

    1. TinkerTech


      Yep, although I no longer make sprite comics on BZP. I do make a Lego webcomic, however (Technologically Incompetent.)

    2. vataki


      That's cool. I'll have to look it up. :)

  11. Comics.I love to write and read comics. I know that the "art" of comic making is sort of, kind of dying here on BZPower, but the comics forum was the number one thing that brought me to BZPower.Aside from that I actually don't do much on BZPower. Besides the personal message system and such.
  12. Updated my "interests" section on my page.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vataki


      How did you know?

    3. Soran


      Blues clues rocks. My favorite song was the mother nature one where she sings about the different climates. It was quite catchy.


      The tundra is cold, and everywhere you look its white and snowy... The flatlands are flat, so hold onto your cap, 'cuz its windy...

    4. vataki


      The best is the ending song.

  13. Magic Johnson - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  14. Practically any PM I've ever received from my younger brother, Dr. Giggles.And for him, probably any PM he's ever received from me.
  15. Sybre has only been a PGS for a few comics and you're already abusing him. Shame! Shame on you!
  16. One does not simply join BZPower. One must have his or her account approved by Black Six, first. :P

  17. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    ↓ This ↓ Plot twists are one of my favorite things to do. I thought more people would have seen it coming, but only Soran did, apparently. JUST LET US HAVE OUR MOMENT! COULDN'T YOU JUST DO THAT FOR US?!Thanks everyone!I'm Sorry, My SisterSo, Sashi is quite the butt-kicker. Also, in case anyone wanted to know, Act I will end on Comic #25. After that, there will be two more acts for the season, although Act II isn't very long, and is mainly being made to explain some things such as Dr. Kaushi's past, and the past of the Matoran-Teridax.More to come very soon!~Vataki
  18. Name change! :D Like it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Soran


      I just suggested C. because your name is cameron... I guess its just luck that your middle name starts with a c.

    3. vataki


      I was only kidding. :P My middle name starts with a P.

    4. Soran


      Vataki "Vahi" P. Teridax doesn't sound right...

  19. The background looks really cool. Especially the logo on the window and the banner at the bottom.Can't wait to see the new comic!
  20. I love it.It really looks and feels like the old forums again.
  21. !!!!!!!11111!!!!111!!HAHA

  22. Every thing in that comic would anger/sicken my sister in real lifeYou are my new best friend
  23. I've been meaning to read these for a while, and finally just got caught up.I'll have to say, this is one of the best series I've read since BZPower came back up after the downtime last year. The style is in many ways very different from what you see from most BZPower comic makers today, and the plot is very well done and easy to understand. The characters and comedy work well, too.I can't wait to see more. I am very impressed by this series.
  24. vataki


    LR's entry scene was so cool. Everyone is always happy to see him... Unless he comes in with the intention of kicking butt. I'm glad to see this is up. Having all the comic makers, both old and new battle to the death is quite an interesting idea.
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