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Everything posted by vataki

  1. New theme/skin is awesome. Feels and looks like the old BZPower again. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vataki


      Some things could be improved, but overall I like it's feel. It looks really good on Firefox.

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Maybe if the buttons would've kept in green and black, and the layout in blue, it would've looked good. XD

    4. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      MOE... that's the exact same thing. X3

  2. You have always had the best display name ever.

  3. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    I'll admit myself, that could've been better. And thanks! I hoped for an emotional effect. You LITERALLY listed the saddest things EVER. And this does indeed top them all.... Apparently, it worked. A Worthy Opponent...... Who would have guessed?~Vataki
  4. You most certainly have.
  5. I can change my name Tuesday because of the premiere member perks. Awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vataki


      We're all premium until July 28th.


      I'm talking about Tuesday, the 24th.

    3. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      I feel like an cool dude right now. I had completely forgotten what day it was.

    4. vataki


      No worries. In the words of my idol Hannah Montana, "everybody makes mistakes."

  6. Eleven years. Quite an accomplishment, I'd say. Especially since it has survived the end of Bionicle and numerous hacker attacks. Happy Birthday! Ceeelllllebrate good times, c'mon!...What? No one wants to sing with me?Fine.
  7. Your profile picture/banner is win.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vataki


      Indeed. It's in my top 3 favorite Anime. :P

    3. Let's Henshin!

      Let's Henshin!

      One of my favorite as well.


      Which is pretty obvious. :P


      Who's your favorite character?

    4. vataki


      Kamina, probably.


      He was epic... Then they killed him.


      I was soooo mad about that.

  8. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    Quite. Confessions.Just dialogue in this one. No action of anything. That's for the next comic.Enjoy!~Vataki
  9. If a pizza guy showed up at my door at some random point in the day, I don't think I'd turn him down.Justax is very wise.
  10. Vataki in a speedo... I am mildly disturbed.We all know what a trouble maker I am. :PGreat comic, and the entire photo collection was win. Except that speedo one. That will haunt my dreams forever.
  11. Got Letur-Lefr by John Frusciante. It's absolutely stunning.

  12. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    Creeper? More like Vataki's conscience. It seems like Tharik is working out (as a character) just as well as I'd hoped he would. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the season, and understanding everything easily. (Sometimes I fear that I make things too complicated to understand... Haha.)I Have Failed You...The past few comic I've made were simply to link major events together. In this one, some serious ###### happens. We can obviously see Shadow Vahi's skill level increasing, as he actually managed to give Rakau sort-of a challenge here.More to come!~Vataki
  13. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy them.So This Must Be It...We finally get to see outside of Tharik's lair. Pretty cool, right? And it seems Sashi and Haley are up to something...Enjoy!~Vataki
  14. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    Oh yes. World domination. Nothing very big.I have actually fixed that background. I didn't realize how bad it actually looked until it was too late. But it is fixed now, just not in that comic. Next comic should include the improved one. And I very much agree that the last panel could have been improved. I might fix it never sometime in the future.This following comic has a background with sunlight. Therefore, there should have been shadows of the rock and all the characters. But I didn't realize until now that I fail at making shadows. So sorry if the lack of shadows irritates anyone.What Would You Do?EDIT: I didn't realize this mistake until now, but panel 18 was supposed to say, "I'm her last chance... Her only chance..." but since I fail at life I accidentally made it say "her last chance" twice. You may punish me accordingly. (lololol jk this is the internet the worst you can do is caps lock me.)I only made this to please Chath.Enjoy!~Vataki
  15. Eljay was using Chimoru mods before it was cool
  16. I call sides with the Pancho brothersPyromaniacs always have the upper hand
  17. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    To be honest, for how long a comic it was I rushed this one. I never really figured out how to fix that, so thanks for the tip. I'll remember that next time. Thank you. Comic #5. You're welcome. Cruel, Evil PersonSo, my vacation is over. It went on a bit longer than it should have, due to problems with a laptop charger. These issues are resolved now, so expect new comics soon.~Vataki
  18. Charger is fixed... Oh, the wonders of duct tape.

  19. I might be without a computer for a week or so. Broken charger. :/

  20. Well, tomorrow I'm preparing my first comic in a week. Break is over, back to making comics.

  21. Nice new personal photo. I've always admired your artwork. :P


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