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Everything posted by vataki

  1. I was always too lazy to do make shadows with visible eyes.Kudos on that. (I hate the word kudos I can't believe I just used it.)
  2. This is good to know. I didn't really get to read all of AVID just because I'd been too lazy to check back on my favorite topics for awhile.I'm glad that I'll be able to catch up now. Thanks!
  3. vataki

    Quest For A Truth

    DAT CAVESeriously. It looks brilliant.
  4. vataki


    So you're finally doing something again? I like the style of this comic a lot. I see you're mixing together your recent hand-drawn style with the old Chimoru sprites. It looks really nice.
  5. vataki

    Quest For A Truth

    The plot thickens!The "don't kill me" line was awesome. He seems so evil and tough, it was quite humorous.
  6. One of the benefits of homeschooling? Getting finished at noon every now and then.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I could never do that. :P

      It makes me feel weird.

      For me, I have to wake up 4:00-9:00 AM or else I feel weird.

      During the school year I allways wake up a 7:00 AM to 7:15 AM.

    3. vataki


      I sleep til noon on some weekends.


      I'm not allowed to sleep until noon on weekdays. :P

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
  7. vataki

    That Retro Comic

    These comics certainly have a retro feel to them. The backgrounds, the kit, the text-style. Just about everything. Brings you back to the "good ol' days." I'll keep an eye on these, although you should fix the link to the second comic, because when you click it, the first comic comes up again. (Being the majshelf stalker I am, I was able to find the second one, but you should still fix it for everyone else.)Good work so far!~Vataki
  8. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    Was it supposed to be touchy-feely? Some Old Friends...I kind of just threw this together. Between school and wasting all of my free time on LOTRO, I haven't had much time for comics lately.I promise to get more active, though.~Vataki
  9. 9/11/01. Saddest day in American history. To the Americans who lost their lives that day, we salute you.

  10. vataki

    Quest For A Truth

    OH BOY WE GOTS THE TOAInteresting sort of plot-twist. Reminds me a little bit of the second Bionicle movie. With all the Matoran becoming Toa and what not.Can't wait for Chapter II.
  11. M'mm, Earl Grey.

    1. -DJ-


      Io do make an ace cuppa'.

    2. vataki


      Well, duh.

      You are british.

  12. Afro, huh?I thought it looked more like the Bearskin hats that the guards at Buckingham Palace wear.
  13. vataki

    Quest For A Truth

    Sweet, new characters.Can't wait to see more of them and learn about them and such.
  14. Act III is gon' have lots of plot twists you people jus' won' be 'specting.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. -DJ-


      Nope, no PGSs.

      Wait, what about Giggles and Haley?

      They get to be in it, but not us?


    3. vataki


      Dr. Giggles and Haley are characters.


      I created their original characters before they even joined.


      Somewhat like Dark709 and his sister Light907.

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
  15. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    OHHH BOY That is a possibility. It will be explained eventually. Dat grammar. You disappoint me, Chath.Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies.Brain lag. I was gonna say 'Like a domino track'.I changed it, forgot to take the 'a' out.Tsk, tsk, Chath. You've disappointed us all.If We Return...Just a short comic. Sally, Haley and Giggles will no longer appear as major characters in this act.More to come soon.~Vataki
  16. Dull? Boring? Perhaps. But I seriously wish I could draw hands as well as you can.
  17. Premier Forum Mentos?This forum just became twice as delicious.
  18. Anyone here ever listened to Disturbed? Not very heavy metal, (I'd consider it to be more "Alternative Metal") but I really enjoy their music.
  19. Nope don't watch poniesThe person below me is secretly my mother spying on me to make sure I'm not making trouble with other people on BZPower and being an annoyance.
  20. Hump de Bump - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  21. It's certainly not as active as it used to be, but it's incredible that it's active at all with Bionicle being "dead" and whatnot.It's a great community and even as my interest in Bionicle and Lego continues to decrease, I still find myself coming back every day just for the community and friendly people who you can have a nice discussion with about common interests. (Whether Lego related or in the COT or whatever.)Definitely a great community.
  22. My good friend NX09 has returned to comic making after over a year of absence. Please read her series "Quest For A Truth." Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. vataki


      no you aren't

      nobody loves you


    3. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      They were not talkin' 'bout you!

    4. vataki


      Question answered

      Topic closed

  23. vataki

    Timely Insanity

    Vice versa. Haven't you ever watched any television, good chap? It's the antagonist who plans things, and the protagonist who interferes. Sexy and I know it. Thanks! Perhaps Shadow Vataki would have lived either way... Perhaps there are things Vataki doesn't yet know... Hmm... Search And DestroyA quick tie-in comic. More to come!~Vataki
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