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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    So I'm back from a super fun weekend at the country house to describe what happened. I'll try not to make it too long, though.

    The drive to the place was pretty boring, and after settling in, everyone (myself, friend, her mom, and her dad) fell asleep. But the house itself was very pretty, surrounded by trees, and a dock that went into the lake was only a few steps away from the patio.

    For breakfast on Saturday, the family had leftover corn, so they took the kernels and made pancakes with corn. And they were delicious. After breakfast, my friend and I went down to the basement (which had the TV), and watched a DVD volume of Darker Than Black (five episodes). They were very good, and I"m going to continue watching it.
    After reading our books some, we drove down to one of the towns in the region and enjoyed a tiny art show, a mineral shop, and ice cream. Following that, we went apple picking at this orchard. 1/2 bushel of apples were obtained, though when I went back home I took only a 1/2 peck with me.
    We would have gone hiking, but instead went to this tiny beach on the lake and went swimming. Though I did have a flotation device, it was very fun and I learned one or two things. I'm not gonna save your life, though. =P
    While we had dinner, we had made an apple crisp and put it in the oven. However, we didn't get to eat it yet - we had to a play performed by Shakespeare&Company, Richard III. And it was beyond excellent. The actors were wonderful, especially when showing emotion. There was also some interaction with the audience during the play. And flying saliva from the actors. I should know - I was in the front row.
    Then we went home and ate the delicious apple crisp.

    Sunday wasn't as actionful, but we went to a fair in another town after my friend and I watched The Swan Princess. This was one of those fairs with the Ferris Wheel and carnival games and a ton of friendfried food. Of the rides, I went on the Hand Glider one, which was super fun. Others rides seemed a bit intimidating because I get sick easily. We also ate a pulled pork sandwich and maple syrup cotton candy. The cotton candy didn't have any whack coloring to it, and it was absolutely amazing.
    The fair had farm animals from nearby, including cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits and goats. In the petting zoo area, there was this small and adorable baby goat that everyone wanted to cuddle. But, of course, we could only pet and feed him. There was one animal that was a mix between a donkey and a zebra, and it was very cool. Also there were kittens <3

    On the road home there were bats flying over the highway. Not a swarm, but a couple at a time could be seem.

    Overall it was an amazing two-day trip, and I'm glad that I went. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat one of those apples we picked. =D
  2. Disky
    Congratulations! You caught a wild Mareep!

    But, like [most] trainers, you wish to evolve your Mareep. Yet you hate fighting wild Pokemon and other trainers, or you just suck at it. What do?
    Simple! Let's start by shaving some of the fluff off your Mareep and standing it on its two hind legs. It looks taller now!
    The blue isn't attractive, though. Let's dye it pink, and make the silly yellow fluff a brilliant white! And the yellow sphere on it's tail just has to go, so you instead attach a blue one.

    Wow! Looks much better now. In fact, let's call it Flaafy. But it's not good enough yet.
    Shave off all the fluff. All of it. You can make a nice garment with it, anyway. You're kind of favoring the yellow again, so you dye your Flaafy yellow. However, you make the chest and stomach white for the sake of aesthetic.
    Attach a red jewel to its forehead, and change the tail's sphere to red to match.
    Now, take your Flaafy to the gym, and let it work out a little. When some muscles form, you'll have a nice, larger Pokemon.

    Amazing! From here onwards, you call this Ampharos!
    And that, my friends, is how you can evolve your Mareep! No long, difficult adventuring needed! All you have to do is buy the materials in town and work right at home!
  3. Disky
    Have you ever observed a typical house fly? Often, I've seen that a fly will rub it's two front-most legs together.

    When I see any fly do that, I can't help but think it's plotting something evil, and in its puny mind it can only think "mwahahahaha" while it rubs its 'hands' together.

    but flies sometimes do evil things so I guess it's okay
  4. Disky
    I suddenly remembered today about my experience with Styrofoam in elementary and middle school. At lunch, the school always used these cheap Styrofoam trays for school lunch (which sucked). And everyone around me, after they finished eating or if they were bored, would mess with the trays - puncturing holes into it with their spork, ripping the edges, and, on occasion, completely tearing it up.

    Problem is, the Styrofoam made this extremely annoying noise when people did that, and I would cringe and/or shiver whenever I heard it. Seeing and hearing it was even worse.

    I dunno how I react to it now cuz in high school it's either they use some new kind of tray on certain days, or the kids at my table don't care about torturing the trays.
  5. Disky
    So my friend invited me up to her country house in Massachusetts for the whole of next weekend, leaving either Thursday or Friday, and return Sunday (if it works out). And I'm pretty excited for it.

    Except she said that she's going to teach me how to swim no matter what while we're there. Because I don't know how to swim.
    And I hope she doesn't want me to bike while there too, because I never learned how to ride one.
    Yes my childhood was terrible in that sense D:

    Also she's going to rent out something for us to watch there. So far, I've talked to her about Darker Than Black, Sword of the Stranger, and Paprika. She also wants me to watch The Princess Bride. But nothing is final yet~

    Random art update: Drawing a picture of Silver from the HG/SS, and it may include the Totodile. The current WIP is going really slow for one reason: half of the paper is going to be filled with only Pokeballs. Different varieties, yes, but all Pokeballs nonetheless. It's hard to stick to drawing them for a long time. xP
  6. Disky
    First, thank you Black Six for giving away prototypes at Brickfair. I got a half-transparent Hau Nuva, and a prototype Thornax.
    To add to that, I also got a Skopio set at Running of the Bulls (30 bucks baby), which means I finally own a set Thornax.

    So, I put them side-by-side for comparison. What do you think?
    Pic 1
    Pic 2

    Aside from that, thanks to xccj as well for selling me two kraata for 25 cents. You're awesome.
  7. Disky
    (lack of header due to sucky hotel computer)
    That. Was. Amazing.
    In truth, it was better than last year in several ways. And every person I met (or met up with again) is so awesome and huggable.
    Oh and
  8. Disky
    So a few nights ago, I had a dream, and suddenly I felt like blogging it.

    I'm in some strange asylum-like place with white walls (does this say anything about me?), and I'm in a room with Woody from Toy Story, who is arguing with some businessman over obscure changes to the Toy Story 3 script. So, he and I decide to bust out of there.

    Woody smashes a hole into the wall behind him, and there's a corridor, where the next wall supposedly leads outside. Far down the hall, there's a perfectly cut circular hole in the wall. I leap into the corridor and run to that hole, and I find Miku Hatsune waiting for me. She's wearing some short dress that's in a slight gothic style.

    Miku and I go through the hole, and we're in a hallway that appears to be part of a basement, since it's dim and has lots of pipes and whatnot. Three guards are now chasing after us, so we make a run for it. When we reach a dead end, Miku and I start to panic.

    A mysterious man then appears and opens a door right next to us (I swear there was no door until he came). A flood of water comes out the door, but it completely misses us and attacks the guards. Behind the door is a staircase, so Miku, the man, and I run to the sixth floor. At that point I get suspicious.

    I turn to go back down, and the man grabs Miku's wrist and runs at an impossibly fast speed upstairs. I, meanwhile, go down to the first floor, and exit the stairwell. Now I'm in a very fancy, modern, glass business building. I go out onto the street, and I recognize the street as somewhere around Penn Station in NYC (though the building is totally fictional).

    I walk around, feeling the sun and the taste of freedom, but then I'm reminded of how I left Miku behind. As I start to feel guilty, three kids (maybe twelve years old?) are approaching me. I make a run for it, and go around two corners, but one of the kids zips ahead of me and stops me. I'm then surrounded, and they take me back into the business building.

    The kids take me to their 'dorm' in the building, a room with two bunk beds. One bed is empty, so they give me that bed. They ask me some questions, and I tell them about what happened with Miku. They agree to let me stay with them and investigate on my own, but I have to do one job for them: Get their mail.

    And there the dream ends. But dude, that was so fun to dream. I want to illustrate it now.

    Totally unrelated, but leaving for Brickfair this Thursday. <3
  9. Disky
    It was just as amazing as the first time seeing it, if not even better. On the way home, I also had some interesting discussions with the group that I saw the movie with.


    This was also my first time seeing a movie twice in theaters.
  10. Disky
    Today I watched Inception. Back home, I watched the anime movie Paprika.

    You've probably all heard about the dream-themed Inception, and Paprika is very similar. Paprika involves a device, the DC Mini, that lets people go into other people's dreams.

    So watching this crazy combo today.... my mind is blown.

    Inception is one of the greatest films I've ever seen, and you all have to watch it. If you, for some reason, can only watch one movie every year, Inception should be that movie.

    And Paprika is a creepy film.

    also off-topic, but, Black Rock Shooter <3
  11. Disky
    (no not the staff member)

    While my mom was watching the news a quick story came up on how a guy dressed as Darth Vader robbed a bank, and there was camera footage and all that.

    The day before it was a robber who goes in with a bouquet of flowers and a note telling the bank teller to not 'be a hero', now cosplay?

    I can only wonder what's next.
  12. Disky
    From the August 2010 issue of Wired magazine, article: "The Future That Never Happened," with guest writer Will Ferrell.
    From the little inserts about what Will Ferrell wished was already available today:


    (Other of his ideas: edible fake beard, ray gun that brings mannequins to life, Chewbacca-mask weddings)
  13. Disky
    It was beautiful. I really enjoyed watching it, despite not remembering the previous two films that well. Still brought me back to the good old days. <3
  14. Disky
    Finally I saw The Legend Reborn movie today on my granny's teevee. It was fun. Except these little boxes kept popping up from the side of the screen with little facts and tidbits. Most weren't very useful, but some were nice to know.
    But I have been inspired for ART by this 8D I just need to get done with my internship that I start next week, which goes through the entire month. If the art works out, I'll bring a copy with me to show off at Brickfair.

    I'm going home today as well~

    I also look forward to watching the first episode of Kuroshitsuji II.
  15. Disky
    So yesterday I was waiting at the train station to hop on the railroad and head to granny's house, and I'm waiting with her bags while she buys tickets. Suddenly, a businessman dashes past me at an incredible speed and almost runs me over, ignoring me all the while.

    Seriously, I wanted to get a Pokeball and capture him and then chuck him away.

    But after that I bought a smoothie so everything was cool.

    So now I'm at my grandmother's, and she really enjoys stuffing me with food. You have no idea how many times I've said the word "no" in Russian (nyet!) today.

    Also burned my legs and shoulders under the sunshine at the beach and it hurrrts.

    There are also a lot of cats here.

    Also in the year I haven't been here, one trailer in the trailer park (yes it's a trailer park) had been caught in a fire and burned down. The wreckage (or ruins, to sound cool) is still there, and it smells like ash. But, with observation, I noticed that whoever owned that trailer had birds as pets: there was a large cage in the ruins, along with the bowls and such that would be inside the cage normally.

    I wonder what happened to the birds ;_;

    And one final note!
    Soundtrack music is awesome. (I'm listening to the first Tsubasa Reservoir Chornicle soundtrack. I just love "Ship of Fools."
  16. Disky
    I'm enjoying my sleep, and I'm having this strange dream about a gun. There's just some floating hand with a gun in an empty space, and it pulls the trigger.

    I wake up as the trigger sound is heard, but I also hear something similar to it in real life. And then, right past my window, a firework is ascending into the sky.

    Turns out some kids decided to go out at like one in the morning and set off fireworks on the road right in front of my apartment building (I'm on the second floor). And I see all these colorful fireworks dooming up in my window, and it actually felt very frightening. At one point they set off five or so yellow fireworks at once...

    So overall, I didn't get a very good sleep.
  17. Disky
    So this morning, my dad and I went for a run and then did yoga. Pretty good wake-up call, especially in the heat. >__>

    Now then! When we got home, we decided to make something yummy. We just finished making these dumpling-like things, only they're full of cherries. The result was excellent.

    The result.

    If you want a recipe of sorts (it won't be very professional, though), feel free to PM me or IM me.
  18. Disky
    ...The Blog Staff's word, that is. Comment approval ahoy!

    Now then! If you're really bored while waiting for someone to approve your comment in their blog, check out of the art I uploaded today. They're all from my art class at school - which was a watercolor class for this semester. I will update the art content block when I'm less lazy. =P
    My friend colored in freakish rainbow (900x874 px)
    Remember this entry? Here's the painting I was talking about (593x718)
    Fuzzy, fuzzy hat (496x554)
    A pitcher plant, reference pic was from National Geographic (490x670)
    A landscape of some place in Ukraine (750x599)
    I also uploaded eight of the twelve pieces I did for my art final, but I will only show you guys one of them.
    Kitty Doctor Who (note the scarf) with the TARDIS! (600x723)

    The scanner messed up some of the paintings, so I'm sorry about that. ;_;

    And finally, I leave you all with a teaser (400x375) for my currently in-progress (second) Fai drawing.
  19. Disky
    I drew the guy I have a mini-obsession on. Fai D. Flourite from Tsubasa. (Colored pencil on printing paper)
    It's a bit tilted cuz that's how the sketch came out in my sketchbook, and then I traced it onto paper and forgot to turn it slightly. Oh well.
    Tsubasa may be confusing towards the end (srsly), but Fai is still awesome.

    Oh and happy birthday, Spink. You're awesome as well. <3
  20. Disky
    How many people here will freak out at my profile picture? Or at least think it's weird?

    So far I have one person. =D

    If you know who it is too, you're awesome.
  21. Disky
    Now that I've calmed down a bit from the weekend and studying for exams, let me tell you what I did Saturday night.

    I was at my friend's place for her birthday and a sleepover with a few people, and her parents got us tickets to show called Fuerza Bruta. It's not a show you sit down and watch - you're standing, looking all around you, walking around, and dancing. It's just amazing.

    The first part mainly had to do with a business man of sorts on a conveyor belt. He would walk normally, push past other people on the belt, sit in chairs, or run and go through walls (made of cardboard and paper). It was interesting, and had a lot of dramatic music.

    The next part I liked: they pulled a silver curtain around the entire area we were standing/watching, and while some stage hands shook the curtain insanely, these two women on harnesses ran and danced on the curtain, with all these different colored lights. Seriously, sideways stuff is just awesome.

    After that there was a lot of tossing cardboard and styrofoam and paper confetti at the audience (us). And I mean a lot.

    Following that, another awesome part of the show started: There was a thing hanging above us full of water (like a pool with a transparent bottom and not a lot of water), and four acrobats started swimming and doing stuff in the water while we looked up at them. It was really impressive, and despite the neck pain it was worth looking. Just beautiful <3

    And the final part was a clown-like guy in a really high place with a hose of sorts, spraying water down on us. After some sprays, techno music, and dancing, it started to shower from the ceiling and we all got reaaaally wet.

    That was probably the best Saturday night ever.

    Totally unrelated: I have an mini-obsession with Fai from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. <3
  22. Disky
    Today was a day off from school, so I took advantage of it to shop for a gift for my friend, whose birthday is this Saturday. Yesterday and today, I drew a card with Roy Mustang (FMA) on it.

    Then today, I went to an anime-dedicated store downtown. When I got there, I was the only customer, but the store was full of so many beautiful figurines and kits and merchandise that I didn't care. Despite the loneliness, the guy at the register was easy to talk to, and we discussed FMA a little bit. He also helped me pick out the gift (FMA-themed, mind you). Then I got myself a Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) cell phone thingy (it's really cute <3).

    After that I wandered around the city, went to the used bookstore but bought nothing, and then wandered around some 30 more streets before going on the train home.

    At home, I turn on the computer and go check out what manga series had updated. Sure enough, FMA has a new chapter. But, it's the last chapter of all time, and it's at least 100 pages long. It was a good ending, but this day has sure been freaky - hints towards the end of the series have been bombarding me the entire day.

    And then Dudebot and I cried together about the chapter. ;_;
  23. Disky
    At least, those stand things you open and pull the newspaper out of are.

    This morning, I was trying to get the free morning paper to read on the train ride to school. The thing I mentioned above was made of metal here, and I was also carrying a heavy textbook that I had to return today. I open the thing, but because of my textbook it kind of slips and injures me right under the nail of my middle finger and on the joint just beneath it.

    Luckily, I had a bandaid with me and covered it up, but the bandaid prevented me from making a fist with that hand. I couldn't punch people (if I needed to, that is) for the whole day with that hand. ;_; Finger's looking fine now, though.

    However, can I trust the newspaper anymore? ;_;
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