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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    A few nights ago, I had a dream that was, well, amazing to experience.

    So down by the street corner there was an old man, a table, and three cups of water on that table. The man looked worn out, and had a long beard that he apparently hadn't trimmed in a while, but he didn't appear homeless. But, the interesting thing about him was his purpose for setting up the three cups: to passerby, he would constantly announce that all three of the cups of water were poisoned.

    As I approached him, he suddenly suffered a heart attack, stroke, or some other thing of that sort. He died before the ambulance could arrive.

    But I was touched by his three cups. I took them for myself, and set upon a journey around the entire world to tell people about the three poisoned cups. It was an amazing and inspiring journey for me. And I never did figure out if the cups were actually poisoned.

    Or maybe I'm just crazy. xP
  2. Disky
    The Principality of Sealand is a micronation off the coast of Great Britain that was originally a sea fortress of sorts. A former Major founded the 'nation' and declared himself prince, living on the micronation with his family. In 2006, there was a fire in the fortress that ruined most of the nation, but they are rebuilding.

    Not bad. Not bad at all. They've got plenty of the stuff most nations have in terms of government. Of course, on such a location they have limited access to resources as well.

    They even have a shop! I now have the urge to own an "I <3 Sealand" t-shirt.

  3. Disky
    I got my valentine just now. How last minute. +O

    And apparently the Valentine's SS Spink suggested I write isn't happening - even though I had an idea spark - because I'm going to watch those movies for my club. It's a shame, but movies about human rights issues make up for it. I guess.
  4. Disky
    e. e. cummings (lowercase to respect how he likes to write) is a poet who experiments with grammar and breaks the rules of the English language.

    I want to hug him because a poem of his that we read and deciphered in English today gave me a story idea.

    I want to kill him because a little bit of rage instinctively boils up in me when I see bad grammar. And since many of his poems are all not proper grammar, you can guess how much rage I've boiled in my pot.
  5. Disky
    You know of those songs some guys record that are at least ten minutes long? One that I am listening to right now is "And Then There Was Silence," by Blind Guardian.

    What do you think of these long songs? When you listen to one for the first time, do you grumble at its length? Or do you think about how many minutes of awesome that could be?
  6. Disky
    Latest FMA Bortherhood ending = B)

    Okay, with the midwinter break (Valentine's break, President's break, free time, whatever you want to call it) approaching, I have several things to get down to during that.
    - I've started another character art piece, of Takashi Natsume, only I'm thinking of painting this one. The paint mediums I have are watercolor (tubes) and tempura (tempera?) paints. I heard tempera can flake off after a bit of time, but I'm not sure on that one. And today in art class my teacher noticed that my tempera technique works well for watercolors, so dunno. I'm also not trained in watercolor, so *shrug* halp guys?
    - Since Spink suggested it, if I'm tough enough I'll write out an entire SS (or longer if my mind goes crazy) on Valentine's Day. So I get two days to plan it out now, and then it's game time. That is, if I get good ideas. >__>
    - Still haven't found a Valentine. lol
    - For my club, Girls Learn International (GLI), we have to do a movie screening project to raise some moola. We have two movies that we narrowed down from a long list, but we need to watch one of the movies to check for its content (hence I won't be saying which movies we're talking about. But they're documentaries). The only issue is that it could happen on Sunday, killing off my story-writing plans.
    - Possible karaoke trip on Tuesday, depends on how I feel. If I go, I am in nooo way singing. It could be terrible (oh gosh the nightmares from fifth grade choir)
    - And of course I'll have some homework.

    Today I handed in a Italian project on Valentine's Day where I wrote about my awesomesauce brother. (remember seeing that dude, Spink? Yeeeep, that guy )

    So yes. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  7. Disky
    FINALLY my city is actually having a snow day!

    So my city barely has any snow days, the last one my people recall is when I was in third grade or something. And we kids have always been jealous of everyone around us in schools in other cities and counties who get a snow day or at least an hour delay when one flake of snow falls. But no longer, for we are catching up! (though not for long >__>)

    But yes, it brings me joy. Although the rest of my family will also be home tomorrow, so I get no free time to sing terribly and draw whatever without my bro criticizing >(
  8. Disky
    So in my area, we were supposed to get loots of snow over the weekend, according to Mr. Weather Man, whose parents decided to name him after his adult profession, apparently. And, we get no snow at all! But, that means the sidewalks are littered with like ten thousand different kinds of salt because people overreacted. There's the round little salt that looks like snow from far away when in huge bundles, there's crystallized salt, and there's even teal-colored salt.

    The bad part is, the salt ruined my sneakers this morning. I had to walk over a whole sidewalk completely covered in white, round salt, and a lot stuck to my sneakers. They were slippery for half of the day and during gym. But then it all crumpled off so it's kinda better.

    Also, this morning my pants had this unidentified dry substance on the bottom right leg, near my ankle. I was like nuuu cuz it covered a lot of area.
    And then in gym it disappeared after I was sitting for a while.
    My friend said it was because the wooden gym floors burned off the stuff, like how your knee burns if you fall onto the floor and sliiiide.
    And I was like
  9. Disky
    I dissected a cow eye today. And the teachers were crazy enough to let us keep the lens of the eye, because they said it becomes like a marble after a little while.

    So now I have a cow eye lens on my desk in a plastic bag thingie, and my brother (who is older than me, for goodness sakes) is disgusted/frightened (not sure which one) by it.

    But yeah, cow eyes have this neat thing called a tapetum (which cats also have, I think), which when you peel away the retina, it's a pretty blue-green color. I would love to have a dress in that color even if I don't wear dresses often.
  10. Disky
    My gym teacher is making us do dancing. Like, my school already has dance majors (who are exempt from PE), but now we have to go into it too. The gym class consists of vocal, instrumental, and art (meee) majors. So as a midterm or final, he says we have to put on a performance.

    Today we just learned a couple of steps in the most basic form of dancing.

    This still makes no sense, but I agree with my teacher that it is better than running from the first floor to the eighth floor of the school.

    The only issue is I can't tell if he's seriously serious or not. He's very hard to read ._.

    And yes Dudebot, this is the guy who gives relationship advice. =P
  11. Disky
    So two friends and I were totally pretending to be major otakus and comic geeks when we went to various bookstores. We went to a Strand, so I was able to score two manga volumes for a dollar and fifty cents each. And then we went to some comic store and I got another manga volume. I also bought my friend two comic books she really wanted.

    The volumes I got were: Code Geass: The Nightmare of Nunally (First)
    Yu-gi-oh original manga (seventh)
    Magic Knight Rayearth (first)
    combined these make the very first manga volumes that I actually own.
    My lucky friend also scored an original Japanese FMA manga for two bucks.

    In other news my friends and I had a marshmallow war with some marshmallow guns, and it was epic. We also watch FMA, Hetalia, and Psych. And ate grilled cheese sandwiches and homemade chocolate chip cookies. And watched a computer crash seven thousand times.
  12. Disky
    The teachers treated us like the first day, except it was shorter because most of us already knew the teacher. There was only one or two new kids altogether in my classes, and one already knew the teacher. xP

    I got a ton of papers of back. But I'm out of looseleaf sheets for homework so I need to go to Staples soon. ;_;

    So my PE teacher changed. No more weight training, it's now going to be sit-ups, push-ups, volleyball, basketball, and all that stuff in the gym. Except I heard the teacher I got has really, really crazy and scary drills. Like, the final being a run from the first floor to the eighth floor. Of course I haven't met the teacher yet (I had a free period instead of PE today), so we'll see how this semester goes in terms of that.

    But yaaay we're starting the Japan and Southeast Asia unit in Global History. So I like that.

    My literary essay is tomorrow, so I'm pumped (not really) for that.

    We also got our report cards. I've had a constant 95 in art. In English I went up to a 92, Italian I have a 97 (teacher said I have special aptitude in this field... I think not xP), a 96 in Global, a 98 in Geometry (which I have no idea how I could possibly have gotten that), and a 98 in Bio. I'm pretty satisfied.

    A dude at my [awesome] lunch table brought brownies in today for no reason and gave them out to everyone... delicious.

    Now, a question: I want to make my binder beautiful, so I want to draw a character and slip that drawing in the front with my schedule. Who should I draw?
  13. Disky
    It's February! The shortest month of the year!

    To-do list for February:
    - Get a Valentine (I have 14 days to accomplish this! )
    - Start off the second semester of school well
    - Finish watching Natsume Yuujinchou
    - Wriiiiiite more
    - Put some more effort into my schoolwork
    - More stuff I can't recall?

    Now just how will I find a Valentine ;_;

    I also had another FMA lunch today. Just so you know.
  14. Disky
    That was fast. Although my teacher said that February would go my faster, especially because of midwinter recess and the fact that it's short overall. And then March would slow down a little, which disappoints me because that's my birthday month. And after that it's just wheeeee~

    Today I went shopping for art supplies for the second semester of school, which starts this Tuesday. These supplies were watercolor paint tubes, cans of tempera paint, brushes, ink pens (<3), drawing and watercolor pads, palette, artist's tape, and masking fluid. I bumped into a dude from art class, who I followed around to get a bunch of the stuff. xP

    Speaking of school-y stuff, I can't wait until Wednesday. That's the day I have my literary essay (on a book that was, in my opinion, horribly written). After this essay, we go into poetry and then mythology, two subjects I love very much. This also means no more essays for a little while. =D
  15. Disky
    ...to get a small strand of hair out my cup of tea just now. I worked very, very hard, and I succeeded! My cup of tea was once again enjoyable. =D

    New character fanart is up - this time it's America. And it's full color.

    Speaking of Hetalia, I have the song Marukaite Chikyuu stuck in my head. It's kinda of annoying a song but it's still lovely.

    To the new staffers: congratulations, and I hope you have a wonderful time doing your job. To the dudes (Kex and Makaru) who stepped down: sad to see you guys go from those positions, but I hope you do well in whatever you're up to now.
  16. Disky
    I wanna be the very best,
    That no one ever was.
    To catch them is my real test,
    To train them is my cause.
    I will travel across the land,
    Searching far and wide -
    Teach Pokemon to understand
    The power that's inside.

    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    It's you and me
    I know it's my destiny (Pokemon!)
    Oooh, you're my best friend,
    In a world we must defend.

    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    Our hearts so true,
    Our courage will pull us through.
    You'll teach me, and I'll teach you,
    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    Gotta catch 'em all! (Yeaaah)

    Every challenge along the way
    With courage, I will face,
    I will battle every day
    To claim my rightful place.
    Come with me, the time is right -
    There's no better team.
    Arm in arm we'll win the fight,
    It's always been our dream.

    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    It's you and me
    I know it's my destiny (Pokemon!)
    Oooh, you're my best friend,
    In a world we must defend.

    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    Our hearts so true,
    Our courage will pull us through.
    You'll teach me, and I'll teach you.
    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    Gotta catch 'em all!

    Gotta catch 'em all...

    Gotta catch 'em all!

    Gotta catch 'em all! (Yeaaah)

  17. Disky
    On a day off from school such as today, when I have absolutely nothing I need to accomplish, what do I do?

    9 AM: Wake up and mope in bed for half an hour.
    9:30 AM: Get up, get washed, etc.
    9:45 AM: Eat breakfast while watching Hetalia Axis Powers.
    10 AM: Bust out my books and try to work on literary essay.
    11 AM: The Dr. Oz show!
    Noon: Read Corum.
    12:30 PM: Get out of the house and buy some pizza (to go) for lunch.
    12:45 PM: Eat pizza while watching FullMetal Alchemist.
    1 PM: Drawing.
    2 PM: Stop doing productive things and browse the web.
    3 PM: Try to work on literary essay again.
    3:30 PM: Read Corum.
    4 PM: Get back on the web.
    4:15 PM: Write this blog entry.
    ~4:20 PM and onwards: ???
    10 PM: Profit Bedtime!

    At least tomorrow I'm actually doing something. Much better than what I did today, for sure. =P
  18. Disky
    No school until next Tuesday! Yesssss

    Reason: There is some standardized testing going on, and most freshmen don't take these tests in January since tyhey're make-ups from last year. Which means most freshmen get no school. This June and next year, however, that could change.

    But yeah, I'm pretty happy. This Wednesday I look forward to going downtown with some pals, and I need to prep for a literary essay on the Wednesday after I get back. And I have to correct my geometry test. >__>

    I will also possibly be drawing a bunch of stuff. And writing (zomg).
  19. Disky
    I watched the so-dubbed Season 0 of Yu-Gi-Oh this week, and I see a lot of connections between this show (the original, based off the first few manga) and the show we've all (well most of us) seen (along with the game). This shall be a very choppy entry on my thoughts, so bear with me. xP

    But to a overview of the show overall! At first, I found the voice actors completely different from the English show, so it took a while to get used to them. There was also an extra character in Yugi's group, Miho. In this show, she's apparently a ditz. Not bad of an addition.

    Now then! The majority of this show isn't even about Duel Monsters. Duel Monsters only occurs in maybe five episodes out of the total twenty-seven. Another popular game that lasted more than an episode is Capsule Monsters. But the entire show was all about games, and almost every other character loved games as much as Yugi did. Many of the other episodes were focused on other games, such as Digital Pets, Yo-yos, golf, and more. And most of the episodes focused on a villainous character (which changed almost every time), and trying to show them how their evil is bad through games.

    On that subject, Yugi has his Millennium Puzzle. But he doesn't figure out that he has another self, or why he gets memory lapses often, until later in the show. Our beloved pharaoh is always brought out by a threat to Yugi's friends or to Yugi himself, and is most often seen playing a Shadow Game with the villainous character of the episode to teach them a lesson.

    Of course, there are some exceptions to this. Kaiba makes several attempts to bring out the pharaoh and defeat him, but fails pretty much every time. He has this group of amazing game players, but Yugi beats them all.

    The show doesn't get a real plot until Kaiba [finally] kidnaps Yugi's grandpa. Then they go to Kaiba Land and go through some pretty crazy games and near-death situations (where Yugi and pals finally realize the pharaoh's existence).

    Mokubah as a character is totally different. He's dressed real fancy, with some velvet cape, and his personality is evil-ish until Yugi beats him at Capsule Monsters.

    After Yugi beats Mokubah, he and Kaiba play Duel Monsters and when Kaiba has his three Blue Eyes, Yugi gets Exodia and yahoo he wins. And he does Mind Crush! =D

    And in the aftermath, Bakura pops out, is taken over by his Millennium Ring, and then they play this RPG board game where Yugi and pals become the player pieces and pharaoh has to control them. Pluz there's Zorc!

    Now then, connections to the show we all love: Joey being all bully at the beginning with Yugi, Kaiba vs Yugi (and the gramps kidnapping), Duel Monsters (although the rules are all screwed up and often requires you know mythology or something o_O), Tea as a waitress, Bakura vs. Yugi (with something where Bakura messes with the group's souls), Capsule Monsters?, etc.

    So I guess I enjoyed watching this Season 0. I noticed a lot more things about what I watched in my childhood, and I also got a little memory boost for that.

    Oh, and most importantly:
  20. Disky
    Gonna go to a birthday party for my friend in few hours. East side here I come~

    And I had barely any days to pick out a present for her so I just got her a card.I wish I had more time, such as a weeekend, to plan a gift, but oh well. She said that the party wasn't very well plotted either, so it's all good. =P

    And I sketched and inked a drawing of Lelouch. But I dunno what to color it with... Maybe coloured pencils. Or I'll scan the lineart, then colour it in coloured pencil and on the computer.
    EDIT: Here's the lineart:

    I'm sorry if the image might be a bit large. ._.
  21. Disky
    dudebot5000: Bored D=
    me: D=
    dudebot5000: How can has fix? D=
    me: Burn something? D=
    dudebot5000: I lack things to burn D=
    me: There a tree over there D=
    dudebot5000: But its alive and kinda wet from yesterday, methinks D=
    me: Oh D=

    Let us fix this!

    dudebot5000: Lol
    I'll put up a sticky note somewhere =P
    me: Ooh Ooh Ooh I have three different colors on my desk =O
    Pink, blue, and green =O
    dudebot5000: I only has yellow =O
    me: Four colors altogether! =O
    dudebot5000: Zomg =O

    Four colors! Wooohoooo!
  22. Disky
    It was crazee. For my first party with high school friends, it was pretty crazy.

    Okay so I got there with a friend and everyone went downstairs into this little area of the apartment building's basement. It was kind of like an apartment only waaay smaller. Like, there were three rooms and a bathroom and they were all tiny.

    So we got in there, put on some music, got out fruits and chips, and danced. Some highlights were my Rickrolling them, "Bye Bye Bye" being played over and over, rap, and all your classic, cliche party songs.

    The cake that was had was red velvet, and it was delicious.

    I think the best part was at the very end, though. So I call mom and dad, who are waiting in the Starbucks at the corner right next to the house. I tell them that I'll be there in a minutes. When I announce my leave to everyone, we made a plan to all go out, and cha cha to Starbucks. We were pretty loud. xP
    So we get to Starucks and I'm dismissed. But it's not over yet!
    They had decided to go around the entire block, so by the time I exited Starbucks I met up with them again. So they all turned around to the direction I was going, and we marched down the street singing "When the Saints go marching down!" or "Weeeee are the champions, my friends..." and more. When we reached the end of the street, we huddled together and sang "We Will Rock You," and then had a huge hug before my mom pulled me out of the crowd and we finally left.

    Woooo good times

    *points down to previous entry/character content block with Lelouch for feedback*
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