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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    What is a good name for an ancient Greek mortal woman?

    I need a name for a woman in my English assignment, which is to write my own myth. While I dunno if it'll help, the story is about the origins of wind.

    Bonus points if the name has a cool meaning.
  2. Disky
    "...What is the difference between this banana and this mini slinky wrapped in cellophane?"

    Chris Taylor is the big man in Gas Powered Games. He's a game designer, famous for Total Annihilation, Dungeon Siege, and Supreme Commander. His current work in progress is Kings and Castles, an epic fantasy RTS.

    I cannot wait for K&C to come out, but while we wait Chris Taylor is posting awesome video blogs about the development of the game, one each week. The above quote is from the latest one he released on Friday.

    In his first video blog he was on a farm. "Here I am chopping wood... Making video games is way harder than this!" and "Now I'm feeding a horse. Feeding a horse and video games... nothing to do with each other."

    He is an awesome man, both funny and creative. <3
  3. Disky
    I was at the dentist earlier today, just for a checkup. But then the x-ray picked up something funky and she had to treat that. So she numbed the left side of my mouth (that needle was scary ;__ and then took out some tools, like drills (they're insane, I tell you). She stuck five things in my mouth at once and used the teeny tiny drills on one of my teeth. For such a small thing that drill sounded so loud in my head. ._. But then there was this device that spun around and it was so quiet I was instantly calmed.

    I kept wanting to say something about what was going on but obviously I couldn't.

    Now that I think about it I have no idea what was wrong with me in the first place. I guess I don't understand Russian medical speak that much. o_O
  4. Disky
    Remember the contest I mentioned a while ago in here? My friend and I managed to enter that contest with the help of my English teacher. The illustrations and all were on computer, so we had to email it. My teacher only saw the book today since I emailed it to her, and she said it was wonderful. With three exclamation marks.

    And recently I got a letter saying our entry is in the Top 10 finalists for the city. B)

    Winners are gonna be announced at a ceremony around June 3, I'm excited~

    Also dunno about you but a Biscuit Hammer is more awesome than a Banhammer.
  5. Disky
    So some weeks ago my Italian class watch a movie called Cinema Paradiso (Cinema Paradise). We apparently watched the version that the United states released.


    The actual movie released in Italy was 3 hours long, so an hour of important scenes were chopped out of the movie to please the American watchers that would rather see a shorter film, foreign or not.

    We watched the movie with those scenes, and it was amazing and tear-jerking. I just can't believe that such moments would be left out. While the ending shown in the US made sense, a lot of meaning is lost.

    This saddens me.
  6. Disky
    food entries ahoy

    Today in science, despite having a test (which I think I aced~), it was a very good period. First, I had brought in some Ukrainian/Russian biscuit cracker things that were vanilla-ish, and the three people who sit near me were eating them the whole time. One of these three brought in a pack of dango, and it was really my first time trying it.

    It was delicious. @_@ I want mooooooore.

    So yeah. The other day I had brought in some Russian gingerbread cookies so that was cool too.

    I love science class. <3
  7. Disky
    When I watch something like Vampire Knight or Rozen Maiden where Pocky is involved at least once, I just have the urge to eat Pocky. But I have nowhere nearby to buy it.

  8. Disky
    Thank for the happy birthdays in my topic and all that. And more thankees to Spink <3

    I saw Alice in Wonderland with my pals, and I liked it a lot. The only thing that killed it was when the Jabberwocky talked. That was just terrible.
    Cheshire Cat <3
    And Mad Hatter <3

    The Tim Burton exhibit was sold out, and we didn't have timed tickets so meh. Instead we went out and chilled.

    And it was a beautiful day <3

    I also drew Lelouch last night. He's really fun to draw, and I hope to upload it soon and show all of you.

    I don't feel like listing my gifts now, but none were super special awesome. Except the flowers, flowers are always nice.

    One more heart for you guys cuz this entry is full of them

  9. Disky
    There are some moments where you just know art is awesome.

    So today in art class I brought in a mango to draw and paint in watercolors. Our new assignment was to paint it and then fix it up in pen, such as outlines, extreme shading, details, etc.

    I was like "man I need something more awesome than just a mango"

    Then I realized I had Gunslinger Girl volume 1 in my bag, which I borrowed from a friend.

    So I took it out, and put the mango on the book (lol mango on manga) so that it replaced her head. And then I managed to use my time to sketch out the image. Tomorrow I'm going to paint it~ The sad thing is that it's not on watercolor paper, so that's a shame.

    But yes. One of the many moments in life where you really see the awesomeness in art.

    if someone wants to shop a mango onto her head go for it, cuz I'm lazy
  10. Disky
    He's the one you call, Dr. Feelgood~

    Tomorrow is going to be pretty awesome. It'll be a half-day due to afternoon parent-teacher conferences (which my parents never go to) so I'll get out at 11:30. But they did cut out a ton of periods from the middle of the day so I won't see several people. ):
    But afterschool, I'm meeting with several friends, and the plan is: Pizza, Alice in Wonderland, and then art museum for an exhibit on Tim Burton. It's going to be fuuun~

    also does anybody know what kind of vision problems someone would have if their cornea was damaged?

    I also hope to pump up the art block with links to school artwork as well, so it'll be just a general art content block. I'll probably get to that during my spring break soon, or on some weekend.
  11. Disky
    I got my report card for the first marking period of the second semester today. Pretty fair, 90 in art, 88 in English, 95 in Italian (I still have my "special aptitude" for the class o_O), 80 in gym (teehee), and 96 in science. I got 99's in both global and geometry. I don't understand why, but that's goood.

    Right now I have a really bad headache, and it's been going for at least two hours now. Sometimes it hurts because of lots of noise, sometimes it hurts when I talk constantly, and in worse cases it hurts when I take a step. It's terrrrible Dx

    Also I just have to mention how awesome tea is for sickness. I had my fusion tea that I mentioned before during my tea time last night and it was amazing. I breathed a bit better too, though then my mom gave me some medicine and my nose became so clear that it hurt to breathe. o_O She's sort of contradicting herself there by preparing me the nice, natural tea and then just giving me some really bleh medicine.
  12. Disky
    I got sick yesterday, starting off with a whole ton of sneezing, and then my nose got all bleh. Today I got occasional headaches throughout the school day, and my ears are all messed up. It's hard to yawn as well.

    At least now I get to fuse different kinds of tea that I could use for my current state to create one great tea with an unidentifiable taste.
  13. Disky
    New Firefox makes it harder to get my blog banner URL. D:
    And is my life really that boring that I have to resort to entries about my food?

    So today my friend decided to give me an early birthday present (she even gave me the card early), because she won't be able to attend my lovely afterschool plans for the actual birthday. Which I will explain in a different entry if I already haven't.

    We went down to her middle school, which was kind of pretty even though it looked like any old school. Across the street from the school was a really simple cafe-like place that didn't serve a lot of items. What it did have are these amazing cookies.

    It was a giant chocolate chip cookie with huge round chocolate chips, and that was put in a microwave to warm it and melt the chocolate a little. Then they put some whipped cream into it. And then I ate with a fork as if it were a cake.

    Absolutely delicious. @_@

    Also my dad bought a cream cheese that wasn't that pizza cream cheese so I'm kind of sad.
  14. Disky
    So for art class we're gonna start some serious watercolor paintings, and I need to either bring in a fruit (which I've been bringing this whole week ><) or bring in some random, cool objects.

    Any suggestions for objects?

    I also finished the drawing I mentioned in my previous entry, but I'll have to scan it when I bring my big bag (it really is a sack) of art home.

    And I dunno about you but I think this is pretty awesome.
  15. Disky
    So like I told my mom I wanted to eat and asked if we still had this awesome cream cheese.

    She was like "No, but we have cream cheese with tomato and basil."

    And I said "Okay I'll try that."

    When I spread it on my bread, it was like pizza. The cream cheese is just like pizza: the tomato, basil, and cheese, minus the bread, but then you provide the bread so yeah.

    It was awesome.

    (And totally not like those huge, disgusting bacon creations.)

    Sadly my bro and I used up the last of that cream cheese. ;_;
  16. Disky
    no not of the end

    Today was another day of Spirit Week at my school, Wacky Tacky Wednesday. Originally I was going to wear some weird outfit but then last-minute, I decided to stick with a sign. I took a piece of paper and a red marker and wrote "WACKY" on the paper, then punched holes in the top and tied string through them. I wore the sign around my neck all day, except for gym and last period. Everybody loved it. B)

    Then I went to that awesome bookstore, and I got three books: A Fullmetal Alchemist art book for ~$13, the second volume of Gundam Seed Destiny for $2.50, and the first volume of Alichino also for $2.50. Woohoo~
    The art books will really help with making my bookmarks. =D

    EDIT: How could I forgot an awesome and suckish part of my day?
    So at one train station, there was this EPIC electric violinist who played an awesomesauce rock/metal song and drew a very large crowd. I gave him a salute.

    And at one of the largest train stations in my city, it is so HUGE I almost got lost just transferring trains to get home. And when I got a train, it kept staying a station for minutes cuz of some train dispatcher keeping it there. Stupid train dispatcher...

    But epic violinist was still epic.
  17. Disky
    It's March already? Because March is an awesome month. You have Spirit Week at school, St. Patrick's Day, my birthday, spring finally coming (=D), and report cards/parent-teacher conferences. Okay, the last one might not be awesome, it depends on you.

    But February was fast. Even though it was a short month. And very snowy. Too snowy for my taste.

    Also yaaaay Hetalia's new season started today so that's another thing to make March awesome =D

    Tomorrow I'm going to that cheap bookstore I got some manga at before afterschool, I'm hoping to score more good deals on books there.

    Vampire Knight =O (1st opening theme is <3)

    In my art room I got some scraps from the paper cutter that were the perfect size for bookmarks, so I'm gonna make a few. One is gonna be designated to a special someone. ;3

    Randomness over, have a nice day.
  18. Disky
    Today, the city held a snow day. As mentioned earlier, it could mean the end of the world as we know it now that my city has had two snow days in a month. This is the Prophecy - and only you can save the world!

    You and your companions set out for the Park on this day, a place of nature built by Elves, I guess.

    You enter the park, and it is packed with snow, at least a foot of it. Walking is difficult, and your legs have a higher chance of getting tired in this environment.

    On the first pathway, you encounter a Fallen Tree. Luckily, it is easy to hop over. Unfortunately, directly after this tree is another Fallen Tree. You go under this one. You notice that along this pathway, many trees are missing or broken. The snow seems to have gotten deeper.

    You encounter another Fallen Tree. This time, you weave through a curtain of branches and twigs to get across. Down below you, you notice children play in the snow nearby a tree that is sulking under the weight of the snow. The scenery looks nice.

    Eventually, after passing several more fallen trees, you leave the first pathway and hit a crossroads, with a Castle peering down at you. You assume it is one of the ancient Elven castles. and admire its beauty.

    You choose your next path, and head down that one. You encounter a Wild Cat. With the intent of hunting it down, you approach the wild cat. With an evil glare at you, however, the wild cat makes its escape, and leaves behind a Decoy. Tricked by its cunning tactics, you abandon the hunt for the cat and continue your journey.

    As you continue, you reach another crossroads. On the rock wall between two paths are several icicles. Along the fresh snow of the pathway, you read an inscription, "Demons lurk," "Hello mortal >," and more such messages. Suddenly wary, you decide to equip Icicle, a deadly weapon.

    Well, maybe not.

    Unimpressed, you toss away icicle and equip Greater Icicle. Now you feel ready for the journey ahead, and choose a pathway. After going past more scary messages, you turn on the path. Now, you encounter an Ice Wall. Look at all those beautiful weapons on it, sadly it's too high for you to reach.

    Past the ice wall, you notice that various children have constructed a Wall out of snow and ice bricks. They must know of the demons too, and have created a barrier against them.

    You continue walking, and meet Epic Snowman. Snowman tells you the direction that you must go in in order to fulfill your destiny, whatever that may be. You scoff at Snowman, and head off towards the direction he pointed. As you walk, you observe the snow-covered Tree of Wisdom, planted by those Elves long ago. And then...

    From the treetops, a Ray of Hope shines down at you! You suddenly feel confident in your quest to save the world, and race ahead.

    On a Tree, you notice green Ivy growing up on it. The Elves must still dwell here, you wonder. Nearby this tree is a Gate that is mostly blocked off by snow.

    As you trudge onward, you can feel the snow and sleet slapping you against the face, the only part of your body that isn't covered by an article of Clothing you equipped before this adventure. The snow, however, is more cushioning to your step, rather than having you fall through just as you step on it.

    You try to go down a staircase to go through a tunnel, but the stairs are covered in snow and ice, and a Fallen Tree in in your way. Disappointed, you continue on.

    You pass by a More Graceful Ice Wall. It's very pretty, though the icicles on it are weak. Good for throwing knife substitutes, though.

    Right near this ice wall is a tunnel, so you go through it. Your voice echoes in this tunnel, and you are temporarily shielded from the snow. Once you're out, there is nothing noteworthy. Just snow.

    You struggle to go down a last flight of stairs, before you finally exit the Park.

    You realize the Prophecy is a lie and this entire journey was pointless, so you go home in shame.


    This was my day, only in a more... interesting way.
  19. Disky
    Fall trees have been taken away and broken trees trimmed to ugliness. Snow is tainted by mud and salt and evil from beneath. The demonic messages were removed (a couple got rewritten), and it's just all different.

    It's terrible. ;_;

    One day really makes a difference after a snowstorm.

    But the icicles are still good.
  20. Disky
    It snowed all day and I forgot my umbrella so I got reaaaally wet. My hair's dry now, so it's all good. =D

    So in school, when we looked out onto the sidewalks from the windows, and saw the snow sticking, we all covered our faces in shock with our hands and cried out "It's sticking!" in high-pitched voices.

    Later, in Italian, we were watching Mafioso and then some assistant principal's voice came on over the PA system, saying that all clubs were canceled and other stuff like that. But, snow day tomorrow is not confirmed. Knowing my city, though, we probably won't have one. If we do it's the end of the world.

    So my club had a five-minute meeting because they're kicking all students out fifteen minutes after the last bell. Then my friend and I got out, and started screaming about the snow. As we approached the train station, I realized that my neighborhood was going to covered in slush, snow, and ice and that it would be impossible to get around there. I stated that, and then screamed "AUUUUUGH!" My friend replied that her hood would be like that too, and we continued to state the problems we would have and going "AUUUUGH"

    And it was like crazy rush hour on the train so I had to squeeeeeeeze to get inside.

    And when got off the train, the outside of my station was puddles and slush everywhere. I certainly killed my jeans trying to cross the street. xP
  21. Disky
    Days ago I added a content block under "Beautiful hair!", for your information so you can enjoy it.

    The Open House was okay and left me tiredtiredtired. I'm very thankful a kind old lady staff at school let me out half an hour earlier.
    Other than that the event isn't very interesting to blog about.
    Red velvet cupcakes, on the other hand... yum.

    Also, a friend and I are entering a contest to write and illustrate a children's book with the theme of diversity and tolerance. Friend is going to illustrate, and I'm going to write. It's going to involve cats. B) The prize for the first prize winner(s) is a scholarship, publishment of the book (2000 copies, I think?), and a grant for your high school and English teacher. Smaller scholarships to second and third placers.
    But the deadline is tight because my teacher told the class about it late. It's due March 8, but I think I can do it in enough time to also have my friend illustrate scenes.
  22. Disky
    So some time ago in 2009, some friends and I went to the park near my school and rode the carousel, as I blogged somewhere in this crazy blog.

    Well, today, the same friends (plus one more) and I all went back to that park and got into a playground that was basically empty. We climbed around, slid, took pictures, and made a video where one friend explained her morning wash-up and make-up routine and everyone else was her over-excited audience. We had a lot of fun spending ~45 minutes there, and I felt like a little kid again. Except for the fact that I couldn't crawl under those holes and tunnels due to size and sand.

    And we're doing it again tomorrow too.
    And speaking of tomorrow, I most likely will not be on except for like five minutes to check stuff because I'm helping out at my school's Open House for the kids who will be freshmen next year. It goes till 8:00 PM (unless I leave early), and I need an hour to get home, and then homework. Some of my homework is online so that's why it'd be like five minutes. If I do leave early, I might be on a lil longer. =P
    I need to get up earlier tomorrow too so I can buy something to eat afterschool and during the Open House... ;_;

    Also new art in the content block, check it out~ That's the kid who's said to be replacing Ciel Phantomhive in the second season of Kuroshitsuji (aka Black Butler). +D
  23. Disky
    Kinder Surprise Eggs <3

    And inside these chocolate eggs are really cheap but surprisingly fun to collect tiny toys. I have a huge bin full of them, some with missing parts and more.

    But yes, that was my childhood. Now, the store that I got then from doesn't sell them regularly, only around Christmas and New Years. But they sell other Kinder products throughout the year, though they just aren't the same as the eggs.
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