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Status Updates posted by Sybre

  1. Anybody else have self-MOCs? What's it like?

  2. I'm already having a stressful week! My Geometry's all clogged up!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sybre


      Math. The subject that is truly evil.

    3. fishers64


      Brain-frying, creativity-sapping, time-eating monster.

    4. Sybre


      At least the situation's loosened up now. But I agree with everything you just said. So true!

  3. Quick question: Is it technically easy to make photo comics?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Sybre


      I meant other forms of you, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.

    3. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      Oh, yeah. They will be. Three or four already are, but there's one I currently only have the mask for.

    4. Sybre


      Awesome! I can't wait!

  4. I have returned. Now to resume my life on repeat. :(

  5. So I see you like Anberlin too! They're my favorite band! What's your favorite Anberlin song?

  6. God DANGIT! I will NOT try again!!!

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Sybre


      Oh my gosh! You heard that song?! If so, you're awesome!

    3. You just lost the game

      You just lost the game

      I guess that makes me super awesome! lol

    4. Sybre


      Precisely, my friend.

  7. I'm going to camp tomorrow and won't be back till Monday.

  8. I'm working on writing the Rioteer's back story!

    1. JiMing


      As what? An epic?

    2. Sybre


      I don't know. I'm just writing out the story as if it was a short story here on BZPower. I might organize is when I'm done.

  9. Hey, I made a website for school! I thought you guys might wanna check it out, so here's the URL: http://civil-war-simplified.weebly.com/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      Thanks! Took all of last week to make!

    3. JiMing


      Well this is interesting. I suppose I'm lucky for not having to deal with stuff like this as assignments!

    4. Sybre


      Thanks, man! But as you can see from the URL, I used Weebly to make the website. It was actually fairly easy to use.

  10. I had this horrible dream. This girl I REALLY liked stopped talking to me and wouldn't tell me why (this is a real life situation too) and it made me really sad. Finally, she gave me a hint as to why she wouldn't talk to me and I vowed to make things right. But I stalled and my nuclear alarm woke me up. Maybe I should take this as a sign. I just wish I could do the real life thing over and correct it!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. JiMing


      Sorry to hear that man. Though I may only be a few months older, I will do my best to provide sage advice. These years will be tough, but life will be filled with ups and downs. Unfortunately, we can't do much to change them. But we can always ride out the rough times into those elusive highs. My prayers are with you.


      And someone did something similar to Giggles. There was this kid who got a suspension for handling a dull practice knife that belonged to someone else. He was on...

    3. JiMing


      suspension for handling a fake practice knife that belonged to someone else. He was on the verge of tears, and the kid said 'Enjoy your vacation!' I turned to him and said 'Not cool.'

    4. Sybre


      Looks like all the good things I said about you was true, JiMing. I'll do what I can while hoping for better things in the future. :)


      Yeah, that joke was highly unnecessary. People can be insensitive at times.

  11. New Superiornatural chapter! Yay!

  12. Sybre

    Geez, your avatar scares me!

    1. TBK


      That's why I love dat bunny... he always keeps me on my toes!


      Nightmares fare as a side effect, naturally, but that's totally beside the point... Kinda

    2. Sybre


      I feel the same way about certain avatars I once had!

  13. Let's take a moment of silence to reflect upon my 3 good friends here: JiMing, Axilus Prime, and Flaredrick (called Punished Snake right now). We're four different people, but we're still great friends. We did almost everything together. We were in each others' comics, we wrote an epic together (which basically flopped), and now we're doing a fun RPG by PM! These guys were great to me. They gave me emotional support during a time of depression, they acted like true fri...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JiMing


      Thanks, it's been a pleasure! By the way, I'm still chipping away at the next chapter. If you want, you can just release one of your own chapters until I finish mine.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Was able to come online through library internet, thanks Sybre! Glad to be of assistance.

    4. Sybre


      It's actually been a while since I last worked on a chapter, but I still have Bigfoot and Thuderbird ready to go!


      Hey. no problem, guys. I appreciate all the good things you've done for me! :)

  14. Probably all of you know how much I like cryptids. I love reading stories of encounters, but I took it to the extreme today. I watched a video of a brief encounter. I'm scared. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      I did it at daytime, but it gave me the shivers. And I think it was the Mothman in the video, but I couldn't tell.

    3. Sycron


      I'm the same way with slender man mythos.

    4. Sybre


      Slenderman doesn't scare me as much anymore. :/

  15. What does the fox say?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sybre


      Either you speak basic Spanish or Google Translate is open in another tab just in case.

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      .... noooo

      I- I uhhhh, GO AWAY!

    4. Sybre


      This is my profile, son. I know what's up.

  16. Your mom is a nice lady. And I meant it! All of it! >:D

  17. Hey, momma's boy, you lookin' fer a fight?

  18. I finished my finals for the semester! Rejoicing!

    1. -Windrider-
    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Mine don't start until a week after my two week vacation.

    3. Sybre


      LOL, -Windrider-!


      Lucky you, Flare. At least mine are over with.

  19. You're the bane of Sonic Heroes. I dread the tutorial because of you.

  20. I fear and respect you, Mr. Black Six sir.

    1. -Windrider-


      Spoilers: Black Six is really -Windrider-.

    2. Sybre
    3. Ghidora131


      Noo my life is ruined!

  21. I'm willing to bet money that I'm the only one on BZPower who has a 11 year old brother that screams in your flipping ear!!!!!!!

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


      Well guess what... I also have an 11 year old bother that screams in my ENTIRE family's ears...

    2. Sybre
    3. Dr. Giggles PhD
  22. New comic in Sonic: Pure Chaos!

  23. Who here likes candy?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. fishers64
    3. Dr. Giggles PhD
    4. Sybre


      Well, fishers64, I don't have your favorite candy in my sweaty palm!

  24. I'm not standing here before you. I'm a projection of something scarier.

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