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Blog Comments posted by ~ShadowBolt~

  1. Similar issue here. A girl likes me and I said yes to going to Sadie Hawkins with her (I'm such a moron), but I like another girl who I am on the rifle team with...

    And two guys I know told me they would hook me up with her.


  2. I've been to the one in Tyson's Corner while I was on vacation twice. I never paid much attention to the wall, so can't help you here, but the prices are like 12.99 instead of 12.87 that you might find in Walmart or 13.53 like you'd find in TRU. The selection will be is excellent if the one in Chicago is anywhere near decent with stocking and everything. You'll see just about everything you can imagine, including ten Matoros for 3.99 each, probably an Icarax or two in a bin for 7.99, etc...

    Um if you go, make sure you're not in a hurry or anything and take the time to look around the store and see the boxes for all the tons of Lego goodies that you'll never see at your local Walmart. Also, don't go when it's 6 or 7 at night, they light the freakin' store so much that when you go back out to the dark mall, you can't see anything. :bored:

  3. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice gun...

    If I actually tried, I could probably take you both on mano-a-mano. :P

    I love weaponry, but I suck at MOCing. I can see the final product, but how all the pieces are going to connect and what method to use is not clicking together in my head.

    Probably should stop talking now and get working. :P

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