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Everything posted by ~ShadowBolt~

  1. The three dollar price hike of the Toa is not to make more money. It's because price of oil which plastic is made from is increasing. That's what driving that prices up. ;)


  2. It's amazing, a miracle! ~SB~
  3. Ah. . . nice to see that you are finally a member for the dark side. Have a cookie! ~SB~
  4. I hate you. *Is paying normal price at a Lego Store this weekend for the Mistika. Is also jealous.* Oh, I hate you. ~SB~
  5. *Claps* And I would remove the if I were you. Wouldn't want anyone else get in trouble, wouldn't we? ~SB~
  6. If the Podcast is this long, imagine how long the serials will be. ~SB~
  7. It was a joke in my blog... :P

  8. Nice review, it didn't convince me to get Jetrax since I was planning on getting him one anyways. Tahu review? ~SB~
  9. ~ShadowBolt~

    P B Z P

    Eh . . . why not? I'd like to be a decent-sized Makuta with black and red armor with silver accenting. You could make him tall, lean, and imposing and maybe give him the look of a general? Is that specific/general enough, or would you like mor detail. ~SB~ Yeah, That's good.
  10. You misspelled marvelous in your banner. . . :P

  11. Shark Week Mythbusters is the best. XD ~SB~
  12. ~ShadowBolt~


    .22s are fun. Shot a empty grape soda can with one while I went squirrel hunting... ~SB~
  13. ~ShadowBolt~

    I'm Back.

    (So you'll stop bumping this. ) ~SB~
  14. ~ShadowBolt~

    Army Men

    They're pretty fun to have battles with -- I should know seeing as I have several kinds of them in different colors. Also, I have two buckets of WWII army men in four nations. US, Germany, Japan, Great Britain. It's pretty fun to play with them with fake barbed wire, sandbag bunkers, tanks, two small buildings, etc... ~SB~
  15. I know. :(

    I did system link with one of my friends . . . if that counts. . . :P

  16. Kicking butt on split screen is enough for me. :P

    I have Xbox and live is pretty expensive and I don't have wireless internet... So...

  17. Here are some easy steps to make your own Biomech av copy... 1. Right click on Biomech's "smile" avatar and click on "Save As". Save it as a file. 2. Open it in a photo editing program like Photoshop, Paint or whatever. 3. Erase the "Bio" text. Only the text. Leave the smile. 4. Write your name (short version, nickname, initials, etc.) using a font of your choice and make sure for it to be grey text. 5. Save file. And bingo! Avatar made. Fortunately for two of you (you know who you are ), my paint program is acting up again. Doesn't work and no -- I don't have Photoshop. Help? :blush: ~SB~
  18. Since I never play online and stuff like that, I don't care about that, or am I missing something by what you mean?

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