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Akaku: Master of Flight

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Replies posted by Akaku: Master of Flight

  1. Wishing you a happy birthday! 🥳

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      Thank you!! I appreciate it :D 

  2. I'm not gone. Just very, veeery busy with life at the moment :/

  3. Well, as of today, my BZPower account is ten years old. Certainly doesnt feel that long!

  4. Well, as of today, my BZPower account is ten years old. Certainly doesnt feel that long!

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Does anyone else come back here and feel like the relative silence is nigh crushing?

  6. Thanks to Akaku for Profile Pic!

  7. Hey, do you take requests or commissions?

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      I'm planning on taking commissions soon (when I figure out how), and requests I plan to do every so often when I have the time. commissions of course will have a lot more work put into them, to ensure one will get's there moneys worth :)

  8. ....Well, ****, goooodangit, there goes four and a half hours of work. This is what I get for going one time without saving frequently. one time. -.-

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      Oh... Sorry guys, I didn't notice the '2' in the 'comments' section of my status... Part of it was for the contest, but most of it was the latest LoTN comic, which I did end up completely redoing... which is rare for me, since often when I loose so much work, I end up not going back to it for a long time, if at all

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Akaku: Master of Flight got my butt back on here. My profile needs a revamp!! >8D

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      Sticking with Beonrex/avotaru avatar, or are you going all-Encune? :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. (The actual Inferna here. Akaku decided to use my account while I was away ... *rolls eyes in exasperated affection*)

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      It was the cat stepping on the keyboard, i swear!

  11. Changed name after nearly 10 years of being Tahu Nuva 3.0

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      Tahu Nuva 3.0? Weren't you by any chance the guy who used to do "Thok's pet Visorak"? I loved those! :P

  12. Y U NO BE ON AIM? :(

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight



      actually im appearing offline alot ATM and i usually use skype :L


      that and sometimes im busy drawing and i dun feel like chatting at the same time, in which case i turn off my IMing stuffs :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. -old pirate ship floats up to profile-

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      -totally not a old pirate ship thats about to raid and plunder your profile-

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. I feel like I'm living in a comic... but WHO is writing the script?! D:

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      You are as much the author as the lead character in the great Comicbook of life =P



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Gotta get use to Bzpower all over agin.

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      Im just staying in COT. you should Join Vak's Halo RPG once it gets approved ^^

  16. Status: Trying to make heads or tails of this new-fangled posting-thing.

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      Just when ya think you understand how BZP works now, it just gets more complicated @_@

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. *uses borrowed Kanohi to get the heck outta there* Thanks, Akaku! Now, if you'll excuse me . . . *blasts you with chlorophorm*

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      I have no idea what discussion started that comment but it certainly couldntve been good.


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