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Everything posted by Resev

  1. Resev

    Happy Easter

    Happy... Easter? All joking aside, I Hope everyone has a happy holiday ~R~
  2. Resev

    *knock Knock*

    Reality's knocking... Ya gonna answer? ~R~
  3. Resev


    You sir, are correct. (once again ) ~R~
  4. Resev

    No Internet

    Keep cool Omi, We're all hoping for a safe & speedy return for you. ~R~
  5. Resev

    6 Days....

    Well I could narrow that down... lol -Jordboy1 Nah, Jord & I aren't meeting....yet. ~R~
  6. Resev

    Mp3 Vs Ipod!

    MP3. I've had my PSP for several years now & it hasn't let me down. And as Lady K stated, the i-pod is overrated. ~R~
  7. Resev


    Nothing, he just has Coke issues (jealousy) ~R~
  8. Resev


    Ah... Good Ol' McDonalds Nice pics Jordman & good to have ya back =D ~R~
  9. Resev


    ME!...wait... I mean, YOU!!! *throws you a welcome home party* ~R~
  10. Resev


    *is hurt & confused* So far, DX is warm... Then he got cold. ~R~
  11. Resev

    Weather Quandary

    So that's where my missing snow's at... ~R~
  12. Resev


    Guess where I'm moving to. ~R~
  13. Resev

    Music #8

    Papercut - LINKIN PARK ~R~
  14. Resev

    Comp Trouble

    I was getting towards it! ....I was just biding my time ~R~
  15. Resev

    Until Monday.....

    Hehe...I think I know You keep cool now & get back safely, Jordman! ~R~
  16. Resev

    Comp Trouble

    Maybe a used laptop since I need to save for that upcoming trip... ~R~
  17. Sounds alot like my day ^^ ~R~
  18. Resev

    Something To Remember

    By not forgetting, it prevents it from ever happening again. ~R~
  19. Forgive, but never forget...
  20. Resev

    Comp Trouble

    Definately a bad thing And it turns out I'm going to have to take it in to get it fixed ~R~
  21. Resev

    6 Days....

    I think you know by now, eh? ~R~
  22. Resev

    Comp Trouble

    The net on my comp is out, but I can still use my messengers, such as Skype & YIM. So friends, if you need to reach me, you can do so there. Til then, keep cool! ~R~
  23. Just had to drop by & say, your Personal pic is super funny :)

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