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Everything posted by Resev

  1. And I love you... ~R~ I love you more ^^ K~LL But I said "I love you" first!! ~R~ I said it louder the first time So I still love you More K~LL I even said it first in person!!, So HA! Aye... you were right... ~R~
  2. And I love you... ~R~ I love you more ^^ K~LL But I said "I love you" first!! ~R~
  3. Oh, we are very much so... And I love you... ~R~
  4. Well, my Springbreak has been completely amazing. And I decided to show you all some pics I took on it (Click pic for gallery) BTW That lovely young woman beside me in the majority of those pics, is our very own Kallista ~Little light if you couldn't tell. ~R~
  5. Nah, you're not slow. We're just good at surprises ~R~
  6. Better yet, why don't I back up my own opinion... I love your size, but more importantly, I love you Kallista I had such a great time with you that day. ~R~
  7. Resev

    It's Good

    Being back with my old name, again... Just like old times. ~R~
  8. That's great to hear you're back to makin' comedies, man I've been trying to get around reading it all the way, so I'll post in there soon ~R~
  9. Difficult? Referring to the loss of the topics? Or just brainstormin'?

  10. "Version 3.0, coming soon"


  11. Resev

    I Just Have To Say...

    Joi is happiness Coke worth killing my best bud?! *thinks about it...* ~R~
  12. Resev

    Homiecron Lives

    Eh? -Omi I think he means, he's gonna keep his eyes peeled for a prank now. ~R~
  13. I have the best friend in the world She's everything a guy could ask for. She's smart, talented... Extremely beautiful. Everytime I see her smile my heart aches slightly, because I never want her to stop smiling. And her personality is so, sweet. You can hear the tender care in her voice whenever she speaks and when she sings, it's music all by it's self. She's always there when I need her and her touch is so comforting. The way she holds my hands or whenever we embrace, is simply bliss. She tells me nearly, everyday that she loves me... And she says that I'll never know just how much, because it's so vast, that words can't describe it, but does all she can to prove it. That kinda love is rare nowadays. I've had the best 4 days of my life and I'm hoping the path I'm making, will only make the rest of my life as happy as I've been. I owe some people the highest form of gratitude for helping me with this point in my life. I've found joi and I'm going to pursue it with my all or fail trying. ~R~
  14. Looks like you're spending time with someone special ^^ ~R~
  15. Resev

    6 Days....

    Actually... The guest has arrived ~R~
  16. Flying now, eh? Well, that should make the trip abit more interesting ^^ ~R~
  17. Resev

    6 Days....

    Till a special guest arrives at my house.... ~R~
  18. Resev

    Too Old For Halloween

    Oh my! I just dress up for scares. Nothing like jumping out of the shadows and giving people mini-heart attacks or making them run screaming. ~R~
  19. Make a comic of that :P

    But aye, I think DH has really changed me XP

    I'd show you a picture of me with pepsi if only I could find out how to extract images from my new cam <_<

  20. Been super busy.

    Recently got done with another move and lately, I haven't had any time to MoC :(

    How 'bout you?

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