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Everything posted by Resev

  1. Resev


    It reminds me of Yoko's journal from The Grudge movie... ~R~
  2. You finally changed your Profile pic! :o

  3. Resev


    So true... Very nice entry, Nikira ~R~
  4. Then let the hunt begin!

    *hunts for smilies*

    Thanks :) Kallista & I were sorta, half dancing when we took that pic & I thought it'd be a great Pphoto ^^

    Looks like I was correct.

  5. Merely checkin' on ya, Cat gal


  6. Resev

    More Snow!

    Meh, back in Texas, I never had enough snow. So I'm thankful for every bit *somehow prevents Jord's death* ~R~
  7. Resev

    More Snow!

    Blizzard-like conditions, Lows ranging from 14 F to the highs 33 F and I think up to 24 inches of snow possibly, in some areas B) So I iz happy :3 ~R~
  8. Your avatar!, it died! :o

  9. Where do you get your awesome smileys? :D

  10. *Sigh* Well I supose you are... But I am going to be the mother of your children. K~LL You suppose, eh? ..... There's no way we're going to end in a tie, are we? ~R~ *giggle* yes unless you do something to get up to my leval.... I don't know what. K~LL I just noticed we're dominating this blog entry... Well, I love you enough to let you win and make sure you're happy ^^ ... ~R~
  11. *Sigh* Well I supose you are... But I am going to be the mother of your children. K~LL You suppose, eh? ..... There's no way we're going to end in a tie, are we? ~R~
  12. I figured it would be obvious I'm the guy who's gonna take care of all your needs... ~R~
  13. Then, Where'd the forehead bit come from? ~R~
  14. "Isn't it nice to know, that the lining is silver?".... ~R~
  15. Facebook reference? Taking her side, eh?! O.- ~R~
  16. I love you more then BZPower. K~LL I know something that beats all of your attempts... ~R~
  17. I underwent a complete character change for you *is now un-afraid of hugs* ~R~
  18. I kissed your hand and played with your hair first K~LL You sure the wine didn't help you with that? ~R~ It didn't help me give you a ring (I win) K~LL What about your special necklace, eh? Not just yet, darling Me winning right! ~R~
  19. I kissed your hand and played with your hair first K~LL You sure the wine didn't help you with that? ~R~
  20. I got flowers... and catered to your every whim ~R~
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