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Everything posted by Resev

  1. Resev


    Baked cookies.... and den, I eated 'em. ~R~
  2. Brrrraaaiiinnnsss! *shuffles toward DX* ~R~
  3. Happiness in life is very important IMO, so methinks an Omi should go for Emily. ~R~
  4. Resev

    This Is Strange

    It's the Force! ~R~
  5. I just noticed that rhymed lol

  6. How else are they supposed to get people's attention? =D ~R~
  7. I didn't recognize you with your new name. ~R~
  8. All thanks belongeths to meh!!! :3 Firefox ain't that bad. ~R~
  9. You can't deny, it's very catchy, aye?


  10. Hey howdy, Paul :P

  11. Hello, Darlin'!

    I'm once again able to leave comments!


  12. I'm back in action!!! After what seemed like an eternity, I finally solved my computer problem and I'm now able to surf the web just like before! It is so awesome being able to not be limited by the PSP. Now, if only I can get my camera to work, so I can post my awesome new MOCs. And now, there's just one thing I have to worry about... Plane travel O.O ~R~
  13. Young, Jord has a point. How about a mural? Or you could make your own stencil, like you did before in your old room. What about green for a color scheme? ~R~
  14. Title, pretty much says it all. As stated in a previous entry, I have been running around ironing out living/job details for my move to Canada. With all my recent relocating, this stuff is getting easier & easier Just wanted to post an update since my time is scarce. I'll try to reply to PMs & update whenever I can Til later, keep cool everyone. ~R~
  15. Resev

    Darth Resev

    You mean, after I move up there ~R~
  16. Resev

    Darth Resev

    I can't believe I forgot to take a pic of us posing with them... ~R~
  17. Resev

    Darth Resev

    @ Xaerus- Yesh, It's Finnish *steals back* @ Jord- I consider it an improvement ~R~
  18. Resev

    Darth Resev

    Being nerdy/geeky has it's advantages, I guess. ~R~
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