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Hahli Husky

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hahli Husky

  1. Yeah it can be really testy like that. It took me about 40 minutes just to find one topic and get it to display well. Some years look better than others. Not sure of what else to use since the Google caches were written over by the blank pages, but if anyone finds another way, please feel free to share.
  2. I did an excited little dance that I usually did when ~productivity~ was in full swing. "We are gonna rock them with Lincoln Logs yoooooooo!" Arpy crossed his arms with pride. "And Lincoln Logs are definitely a million times better than LEGO." As an ex-rock farmer, I hurried to move the rocks Sumiki indicated. A fort was the perfect idea at this point, and seemed like a good way to honor our first fallen comrade. The other team was also unpredictable enough that ambush was highly possible at this point. And speaking of which ... "What sort of things should we use for fort defense?" I called out to the others. "Besides boiling oil, which unfortunately we don't have."
  3. I wrote this songfic comedy where Hewkii and Jaller (as Matoran) sang a modified version of The Beach Boy's California Girls to Hahli and Macku and it was so embarrassing from about 4 months later until ... well, it's still embarrassing now, honestly.
  4. When I feel like it/remember to. Wait, what? That was never specified. My entry is still valid, isn't it? It wasn't specified up front, but if you didn't adhere to this, it's fine. It's not set in stone or anything.
  5. 1. We were thinking Titans = mechanical and monsters=organic for this contest, but whatever. 2. Not really; they both can look as normal or fantastical as you like. If you're imaging a monster who resembles a tank, go for it! 3. A story like that would be fine; the effects of the titans and monsters on others sounds like a cool concept.
  6. I would recommend trying the Internet Wayback Machine to see if you can find what you're looking for. The data is very spotty, especially for caches made when the server gave out busy messages or crashed in the afternoons and evenings (notably between 2005 - 2008.) You might have to navigate extensively, especially since the subforum links on the main forum listing are often broken. I've been able to find a couple things so far. It's upsetting that we weren't able to save our favorite old stuff before the archives were broken, but hopefully that helps some!
  7. Closed and unpinned regarding the recent merger. The consolidated rules topic can be found here.
  8. EVERYONE was watching me apparently, until Ophelia snatched up Sisen. I waved goodbye, thankful that at least he'd be able to rest his ankle. It was a tragic moment for our team. But it was something we had to be prepared for at all times. At Tufi's passive-aggressive shooing, the team collectively winced. "YES," Makaru announced, then added softly, "In the future, anyway." The dudebros who had Settled For Something were already planning an awesome camp as they walked away. I could feel a few of my teammates bristle. We turned towards our old campsite, determined. We probably weren't as gorgeous as the other team. But we were tramps. Long-term homeless staff members who could do anything. And even if some of us were lost along the way, We could at least make a campsite worthy of not tearing down the next day. It would make the other team's campsite cry in its chocolate milk and burn its terrible fanart, too. But that was just a bonus.
  9. Man you guys always have such exciting times! Enjoy Brickfair ~
  10. Wait whose boyfriend are you
  11. "Aaaahhhh nooooo I'm sorry I tried to distract you also it's not my fault we won and I really didn't have anything to do with it and oh god please don't hurt meeeeeeeee!" Janus blubbered as I dragged him through the bushes. He dragged his heels, but otherwise didn't try to break my grip. I deposited him by a large bula berry tree and then dug through the bag of supplies. When pulled out one of the larger, sharpened Gafna bones, he squealed again. "OHGOD" "Ssshhh, cut it out already," I fussed softly. I pulled out one of the polish cans, another of the books, and Kakaru's picture frame, and handed the items to him. He glared at me. "Did you poison this stuff?" "YES NOW DIE." I held the items to his face and he jumped. "Will you just take them?" He regarded me in his fake-caution face, then took the items. "The empress sure wants you to use your heads, huh?" I shrugged. "We should probably be flattered that she knows we have a chance of figuring it out. Though, if I get voted off, it will be nice to just watch all this on TV in my pajamas. But until then ... " He pocketed the items and smiled. "What are you plotting?" "Nothinggggggg. Love you." I smiled back and hugged him for a while, then we headed back towards the beach, holding hands until we got back within sight of our teams. Janus pretended that I had roughed him up, moaning dramatically, and I did my best to look angry again. Hopefully it didn't look like I was hiding a smile.
  12. This time it was funnier when slowed down!
  13. Hahahaha holy Kaukau, those peepers
  14. That's awesome that you got to go to the Symphony! Also, I wouldn't have expected cosplayers there, but that's really cool.
  15. I guess we'll just have to settle for that
  16. It must be noted that superfluously giggling and hand-clapping-while-dancing Janus is a Very Canon Thing. Sighhhhh ... I guess you won this round, Settlers. But I would sleep with one eye open ~
  17. I'm gonna be updating the policy for this in the actual Movies and Music forum, but for this contest, yes. EDIT: Yes as in yes youtube
  18. Since we're not necessarily talking about official LEGO-produced masks, I'm moving this to LEGO discussion.
  19. I dug around in our somewhat-useful bag of stuff. "So uh, Clikit Supertramps. In addition to the sticks ..." Sumiki was already busily gathering more like the beautiful lover of blue cheese farm animal hats he was. Sitting down, I pulled out the picture frame and tossed one of the books on the ground. Hurriedly popping the glass out of the middle of the frame, I nodded to the book. "We need some balls. Paper balls. Also some grass or something."
  20. Hahahahaha OH YEAH When you started liking and sharing my stuff under that name, I was like "OMG who is that????" Lol Ran you are always too-cool-for-BZP.
  21. I briefly thought about sharing my blog from the same site, but realized it's 75% not-cool-for-BZP so whatever hahaha
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