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Dr. Dremora von DOOM

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Status Updates posted by Dr. Dremora von DOOM

  1. I know that song, it gives me a headache :P

  2. u,mmm....... i don't really know that much of that verse buuuuT! sitting in an english garden waiting for the sun. if the sun don't come you get your tan from standin in the english rain.....

  3. YAY!!!!! I ROCKED OUT LOUD!!!!!! Nearly 7 years of training hasn't gone to waste! do u know I have nearly been doing this for about half my life! contemplate that as I add you!

  4. BA-WOO!!!!!

    imma eat a taco :D

  5. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh

  6. Who is your favorite makuta? wait!! i'll make it into a topic!!!!

  7. I did mention it was pre-chewed. if it isn't then it will be a mystery i will solve later, by my self (in his best robot voice) because you'll be dead...(o)

  8. that I do.. that i do..

  9. Nay-Sayer, ask ur bro, I can't describe :P

  10. <_<..... >_> *pounces*

    HYAAAA!!!!! I'm Baaaack!

  11. srry... ugh.. I just got a cold, first one I've had in liek a year.

  12. or at least, go onto a video site like google video, and type in GLaDOS!

  13. *transitions to new song seamlessly like a concept album*


    (that's your cue)

  14. *kills clones with electric judgement*

    heyyy.... you knoe who Plo Koon is?

  15. you haven't seen my blog lately have you :P

  16. Hi!!

    *is eating ribs, pours bbq sauce into mouth*

  17. awesome personal pic

  18. Who Watches the Watchmen?

  19. we were? no clue.....

    news to me!

  20. has u watched it yet?

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