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Everything posted by zhalath

  1. Um...sure. And Alex Trebek's Canada. ~Zhalath
  2. Oh great and wise Omi, how can I get money to get this awesome soundtrack? ~Zhalath
  3. It isn't. It took me so long to actually get my membership to work. That would be terrible. ~Zhalath
  4. ~Zhalath[/color]

  5. zhalath


    Ha ha ha. ~Zhalath
  6. Ywahm that;s the idea.

  7. No, Chuck Norris=Chuck Norris=/=Deathwing.

    Zero Wing=Chuck Norris=alll your base.

  8. No, it's my fault. Necrons=win.

  9. noobzors.

    Just wanted to say that.

  10. Naw, I can see you.

  11. It's your birthday!

  12. Hey, I was the third post in that topic. Ah, memeories. ~Zfahome
  13. zhalath

    Clone Wars

    because CLONES want to be different from each other >_________> that movie was awful. I'm sorry i dragged you to it but i really wanted to see GREVIOUS!!!!!! *cries* HOW CAN YOU HAVE A CLONE WARS MOVIE WITHOUT GREVIOUS?!?!?!?! Wise words of wisdom. ~Zhalath
  14. zhalath

    What I Hate

    That's ironic ~Zhalath
  15. Sweet, I've been meaning to get a new soundtrack to a movie I love. Actually, I haven't, but I'll buy it anyway. ~Zhalath
  16. Genius. Bfahome, you are an artist. ~Zfahome
  17. No more o' them Joker drugs! Day bad!

  18. Zeddy, what did I tell you about that stuff? I said "it'll give you brain damage", and you said "well, it's just once, so what's the harm?"

    What's the harm?


  19. zhalath

    Clone Wars

    I have a friend who actually likes Jar Jar. He says Jat Jar is the best part. Every time I see him, I am required by federal law to give him a look that simultaneously says "what were you thinking?", "did your parents drop you when you were little?", and "have you even seen a Star Wars movie?" Okay, maybe not federal law, and not the second part of the look, but still, I give him the look. ~Zhalath
  20. ah! It's a blogcano! Run for your lives! Mt. Blogatubo. ~Zfahome
  21. I don't get it. And you blog too much. ~Zhalath
  22. zhalath

    Clone Wars

    You know what, I'm going to see it anyway. You have to not take it seriously. The movies then become hilarious. It worked with Episode III! ~Zhalath
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