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Blog Comments posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. I wonder if you can get out of training by saying you have a previous, paid for, out of town engagement with "family" (in the furthest stretches of the term, but hey)...


    Best of luck in everything/anything!



  2. I'm surprised LEGO went with the Minecraft LEGO set. IMO Cuusoo shouldn't be for licensed stuff, because that costs more, and should be about finding the inner talent of the AFOLs for original stuff. That EVE ship could easily be a generic space ship if they didn't make it look like EVE's (or admit it)--like they could do space stuff like the Space Skulls were, or like those western things you mentioned.


    We need more black female heads (and male). Or at least simply black smiley faces.


    We also need more X-Men sets and figs. Pleeeaaaase.



  3. Oh wow! That's awesome! Congrats.

    I feel you should get a front page news article. I mean, that was done for people who found WMKK and had a whole Kraata collection. You deserve it. Saaay, can I interview you on your collection process? (I'll pitch it to B6 later.)



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