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Blog Comments posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. This model also makes good use of blue pins. They add a perfectly welcome splash of color without dominating the color scheme. Was this a deliberate design decision, or were these just what you had available at the time?

    The blue pins were what I had, because I only have a handful of black fiction pins (and less grey frictionless pins), so save those for my more serious models where it really matters. (I also snagged some white pins for eventual use!)


    Glad you like it.



  2. Don't worry, I'm still halfway through LotR, and I haven't read anything by Stephen King (though there is plenty I want to read by him).

    If you're looking for sci-fi, I hear Ready Player One is marvelous, Redshirts is hilarious, and Robopaclypse is like the book form of an amazing blockbuster movie. All three are on my "to read" list.

    I need to read more Sherlock Holmes too. :)


    That's very ambitious and admirable that you're aiming for 52 books this year. Best of luck! I bet having some books that only take a few days to finish will help balance out the bigger books that might take more than a week.



  3. If you read American Gods I'd recommend following it up with Anansi Boys.


    Also, if you're a fan of L. Frank Baum's Oz books you could try "The Wicked Years" by Gregory Maguire. I still need to read the last book in the series, but it's been good up to then.


    Reading the Oz books, at least Wicked but maybe the others too, is definitely something I want to do eventually.



  4. I had no idea there was a fourth 'Giver' book until I stumbled upon it at my school's bookstore a few weeks ago. Needless to say, I was very surprised and excited to read it. I haven't yet, of course. How did it compare to others in the series?


    It kind of snuck up on everyone in October.

    It draws all three other books together to complete the narrative. It has more action and plot than Gathering Blue and Messenger, but those two books are both lovely in their own right. And it's quite different compared to the good ol' Giver.



  5. I can forgive them for the size because IT'S A RANCOR FINALLYYYYYY and also it's Lego and all the ships are out of scale anyway so it's all just a kind of cute scale so it's fine that it's smaller.


    - Tilius

    I guess from a "cute LEGO minifig" perspective, the size is fine. Just not what I was expecting.



  6. Farscape injected the main character with microorganisms that immediately translate what he hears. I assume everyone in that galaxy has these, as I'm pretty sure it doesn't affect speech.

    It's the TARDIS that translates things, but it does seem to need some connection to the Doctor.

    In Star Trek (or at least everything from Next Gen and on) their communicator badges automatically translate things.

    It seems that almost everyone in the Star Wars galaxy speaks a language called "Basic." It only sounds like English to us because we are the audience. In fact, xkcd makes reference to this, and for all we know "falcon" (as in Millennium) is the closest thing we have for whatever creature the ship is named after.


    I'm still only midway through season two of the current series.

    Yay! :D



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