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Everything posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. Ah, today I had some time, so I loaded up Bionicle: Mask of Light, the computer game. I played some of Kopaka's and Lewa's levels, and had a good time. (I'm kinda tired right now, or else I'd probably be using some ! and smilies) Anyway, it brought back some good memories, about the Toa Nuva (see previous entry) and having the power to control the first Toa team we knew. I'll most likely be unloading it soon to load up Lego Racers. -CF PS, I should have been studying for exams
  2. Yeah, I hate how every movie review is always says a movie is bad. (I'd give every Star Wars movie 10 stars! Evan Ep 2, which I like, but others say is bad. Hmph) Yeah, Pirates 3 was awesome. I got to get that soundtrack.... -CF
  3. They would all have their regular heads, and feet, and colors. (Yay for regular green again!) Über-unlikely. Well, yeah. Maybe not uber, though. I really miss that stuff Kopaka would have an eyepiece and a shield Pohatu would have his foot weapons/attachment Possible. Glad you agree Pohatu would also have a flipped body or something, as before. Doubtful. I know, it just seems traditional. Some of this is traditional (although the regular green is also for my MOCing purposes) It'd be nice if they used the old Toa Mata/Nuva body and technic-ly attached legs. HAHAHAHA--No. It might be nice for nostalgia's sake, but do you really want those clunky one-piece torsos? Given the amount of articulation on today's sets, that's probably not even feasible. Well, I've figured out that with some half-width beams on their waist and a vahki waist.... No, I guess not. But I don't want 9 stud wide torsos like the Inika either. Eww. Lego doesn't even need to use the double joint. Make something like the upper rahkshi legs! Doubtful. Yeah, they seem to be content with making the double joints longer than the year before. And it'd just be nice to have the upper rahkshi legs in another color, y'know? Pohatu and Onua would be hunched over. Possible. Glad you like. Y'know, our colors look really cool together. One of us should MOC that scheme.. Actually, I've experimented with brown and green (two of my three favorite MOCing colors) together, and yes, they do look cool. I should do something like that soon. Arpy Thanx to everybody else for their comments too! -CF
  4. No, I didn't mess up on the title. I posted this in a topic and thought I'd share what I hope the Toa Mata's next stage looks like/my expectations on what they have, piece and look wise: They would all have their regular heads, and feet, and colors. (Yay for regular green again!) Kopaka would have an eyepiece and a shield Pohatu would have his foot weapons/attachment Pohatu would also have a flipped body or something, as before. It'd be nice if they used the old Toa Mata/Nuva body and technic-ly attached legs. Lego doesn't even need to use the double joint. Make something like the upper rahkshi legs! Pohatu and Onua would be hunched over. Yeah, that's what I want. -CF
  5. I asked a store guy if they matched prices, and he said yes. He said bring in a paper or something. (Like a Lego catalog, I checked) That's all I got. It's worth a try! -CF
  6. So what'd you say? (In english) Hope you had fun. (Unless you were a slave) On that note, what did you have to do or make your slave do? -CF
  7. Entry: Humphery, the Multicolored Dream-Møøse (and I'm ChocolateFrogs) No topic. Anyway, vote for him! (and all other things that go along with contests....) Good luck to everybody! -CF
  8. Has anyone pointed out this: Omi is still hanging around. He even posted in a couple more blogs. Just goes to show that we shouldn't believe him, (as usual...moreso take him seriously.....) -CF PS, Omi, if you are leaving, can I have your front page writer position? (seriously)
  9. I recently posted this, and it seems to be getting mixed reviews. (although nothing quite specific, except one) So I would appreciate posts, along with what you like/dislike/tips/excetera. Maybe the views just don't quite understand it. (in short, I had the armor idea, as well as the body idea, and although they don't quite look like Toa they do have 5 studs between the shoulders and 3 between the thighs, so I guess it works. Maybe it's a little long, I realize that, but is it really that bad? Also, what's wrong with the colors? Maybe the arms are long, but the Inika's arms are long too. Hmm, I had to get that out. Please tell me what you think. Preferably in the topic first.) -CF PS. I can take constructive criticism. Just, these MOCs are OK, right?
  10. what I forgot to mention is that it's always better to buy your Lego at the local Lego store. (assuming you have one) Even better: I get 10% off at mine! (I'm in a LUG) -CF
  11. So I just went to TRU tonight and...they have Mars Mission! I ended up buying the Clone Trooper Battle Pack. Thing is, I went to buy my brother a birthday present. Got him the small MM set, as well as the Clones. (I'll have plenty more chances to get a MM set, most likely the smallest) Oh, yeah, if you ever go to TRU (or someplace else for that matter) bring a Lego Catalog. They match prices, which means if the set is really $4.99, and the store has it as $5.99, then you can pay $4.99. Wish I had known that before I went. My TRU is the Baileys' Crossroads one in Northern Virginia, U. S. of A. Oh, yeah, then I went to Borders to get Bionicle Legends#7 and the manga Black Cat #2 -CF
  12. Omi just changed his name. Actually, staff can't do that. So either he isn't staff or someone else changed it. hmm.... -CF
  13. hahahaha! Nice joke! Can't wait for your next blog entry! Unless it's true.... Reminds me of Tilius, in which he said he was putting Lego away for a while to get to life, then he realized Lego was his life, his way to get away from the read world. So I'm thinking you'll soon realize just how important this hobby is to you and you'll come back and we'll all accept you and I'll see you this summer at WAMALUG's Lego con whenever it is and next year for BrickFest 08. (Hey, email me if you got my email....) -CF
  14. Well, I have a whole Word Perfect document full of 10 pages of random quotes I gather when I'm online, mostly from BZP member's sigs. I'll put any BZP quotes here as well as things said by BZP members, and maybe some fun stuff I just found in member's sigs. So, let's get started! That's only half the stuff I've got. Enjoy! -CF
  15. I'm having a four days off myself! Last Sunday, Memorial Day, Thursday for the senior's graduation, and Saturday! (and today in school we did pretty much nothing) -CF
  16. I'm entering! I actually already have something built. But it's system. Hope you don't mind. (I know the rules say it's OK, but there aren't any Technic pieces in this thing) Do minifigs count as pieces? -CF
  17. ChocolateFrogs

    Tuesday Ten

    *Stargate-SG1 and Atlantis America's Got Talent *Long time ago *PNG *Calculator, CD Player, and perhaps a computer (is it really mine?) *Never (acutally, sometimes) *Yes *Fast Reply *Window's XP *Sometype of MP3 player. Once I have that chance, I'll decide what to get *Foosball, street hockey, marco polo (in the pool), ultimate frisbee, dodgeball---did you mean on an actual team? I don't do those.... -CF
  18. Very true. I seriously hope Lego doesn't mess up on the next form of the Nuva. What I'm looking for: -Original colors (both) -Kopaka's eyepiece and shild -Pohatu's foot weapon (which means give them all the original toa foot!) -And probable keep bodies similar (like hunch Onua and Pohatu and flip Pohatu. The flipping might be hard depending on what kind of body they use....) Agree/disagree? -CF
  19. Can I laugh? Good luck staying away from her. Does she know you'll be---nevermind, incase she's reading this. -CF
  20. I just found out about this. Sounds cool if you have keys. Just take advantage of the stud-and-tube aspect of Lego! Also, I wanted to point out this Mahri poster. (Sorry, but I can't reveal my source. ) I think that'd make a nice wallpaper. IMO, I prefer the blue Bionicle not in the front (I don't say Hahli by name because Vezok was up there too in '06), but it beats the red ones (I could refer to Jaller by name here, but I won't to keep with consistency, including more "()" refering to the Inika/Mahri by name...oh dear) Enjoy! -CF
  21. Thanks for clearing MAC things up. You build your own computer? Wow. -CF
  22. ChocolateFrogs


    (Pictures below!!!!!!!!) So this past weekend my Boy Scout troop took our annual Memorial Day/Weekend camping trip to the Northern Virginia Gun Club (Gun Club (GC)) Anyway, weeks leading up to the campout, we have gun safety classes. After that we get there Friday night and leave Monday morning. We shoot .22 calibers, .30 calibers, black powder, shotgun, and archery. But instead of telling you how much fun I had, I'll show you pix of the range, me shooting, and our 20 foot fire we built on Sunday night! Quarters I shot with the .22 Our Fire (I'm first on the left, closest to the fire) The fire before it was lit Me pretending to light the fire (because we lit it with a "match"--a stick with a shirt on the end My staff with the fire (because we all built it. That's the match in the far right guy's hands. I'm in the tie-dye light blue shirt) Me shooting a handgun Me shooting a .22 More of me shooting A pic of my friend shooting next to me (so I put this in to put him online!) The range Another pic of the range (these not including the shotgun range) The folder when public, with more pix enjoy! -CF
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