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Everything posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs

    Peak Oil

    Ok, I skipped it. Ever heard of Global Cooling? (I saw that written on the board of my science class) -CF
  2. Sorry I missed this. Went camping, look at my blog Tuesday.... Nice MOC. Looks more like a bat to me, but it's simple so I like it. Congrats on the finals. (I would like to see this amazing MOC, so I can see just what you made that must be awesome enough for finals)
  3. Stop it! Stop it! Arrgshhhhhhh! -CF
  4. I want to see more of him too. Aside from maybe fans not liking doing the whole "past story" thing like with Metru Nui, I'm thinking there's a chance for the story team, once the Inika come back to Metru Nui, to have Takanuva retell his adventures on Metru Nui, in another prequil thing. -CF
  5. (Note: Arpy got the note) Anyway, today, May 25, is the Universal Day of the Jedi. Why? Because we can. (We? All Star Wars fans in the Universe) Actually, it's because today, May 25, 1977, is the release date for Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Better yet, this is the 30th anniversary of Star Wars! So, please remember to bid "My the Force be with you" to everyone you meet! WookieePedia article Wikipedia article -CF May the Force be with you.
  6. I have no idea when I'm going to see it. (did you know that "At Wit's End" is the track title on the soundtrack? (That's probably why you did that, hmm....)) Love the MOC, most notably the arm blades. I just might have to use that.... The legs seem a little simple, but I guess that's due to his lack of pieces. I think those would look better with more armor though. Back looks good, with tail! -CF
  7. ChocolateFrogs

    Pm I Got Today

    First off, this post is the view of a 17 year old who has liked Lego since I can remember.... 1) Well, I don't think many people hate Lego. Even as a high schooler, people have come to understand this is my hobby. Lego shouln't worry. 2) Hmm, good point. Maybe s/he looked around and actually saw somethingcool. I'm going to see what he posted.... Is strange though. 3) If it is true, soemthing needs to happen. Moreso for that kid so he won't be riduculed by his hobbies. Bionicle is great. If his brother can't handle it, he should talk it over with his family in a calm manner so maybe he'll understand what is so great about Lego. I don't think the kid is obsesing over Bionicle. He is just being a great fan. I am on BZP almost everyday, have MOCs displayed in my room, go to LUG meetings proudly wearing a BZP t-shirt infront of AFOLs who don't care too much for Bionicle. I stand out and don't worry about what others think of me. (But this is me. I hope this kid can handle his problems and not worry about other's thoughts) Yeah, this is sad, I feel sorry for the kid, and hope he stays with Lego. He might get into some Dark Ages because off this, but will re-emerge after college as a full-fleged AFOL! (Me and my optomistic self....) -CF
  8. ChocolateFrogs

    Comic Research

    I am dissapointed with the fewer pages in the comics. Since the boys didn't mind, does that mean we won't be getting more pages? On the note of comic 6 being online, even I didn't realize that. Or maybe I did since you may have mentioned it. I rarely go to Bionicle.com and sometimes things like comics might not work on certain computers. Stick to something I can add to the pile of other Bionicle comics, please, IMHO. Good job on BL8. Sounds great! As well as the Encyclopedia, which I was going to pick up again anyway. -CF
  9. That's great. I like your use of Ehlek's claws on how you fit them in the piece. And, yes, the head is great. I guess you'll be keeping how you built it a secret... -CF
  10. This past weekend I took part in a Boy Scout camping trip. The Order of the Arrow, Boy Scout’s national honor and service society, held their “Ordeal.” On this Ordeal everybody does service, in our case we helped out a camp with service that for us took a day, but for them would take 2 months. But it was fun, because Saturday night we got ice cream, cookies, little sausages, etc, and Attari! Anyway, my stats in the OA for those of you that are in it: -Joined: May 2006 -Brotherhood: This past weekend -This campout: Elangomated, and the leaders liked my leadership so much I might be Head Elangomat next fall! -Because of that, I got a cool OA Boy Scout leather belt for my council, Old Dominion Council. (I’m wearing that to school instead of my Jamboree one) I can't say much more, that's the way our organization is. But I will tell you it is the "Brotherhood of Cheerful Service"--hope that makes things more clear. WWW, to all my fellow members that are bound in brotherhood -CF
  11. Well, you had fun and that's what counts. And hey, you got higher up in Pokemon.' -CF
  12. Yeah, I decide to just hit the backspace. Maybe I'll start reporting more....anyway, I don't post in things like that. "It's about making your posts count, not your post count" Have fun Mr. FA. -CF Oh, yeah, people, you do not want to be on Omi's bad side
  13. So right now I'm dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt (as opposed to my school uniform) because I have a 1950s project to present in history class. If I could have, I would have rolled something in my sleeve to look like cigarettes, worn a black leather jacket, and slicked back my hair. Ah well, this will be fun. -CF
  14. Those are really cool colors in PaB. (7?!?! Wow) I also noticed it looks like you're wearing lots of Lego shirts, good for you! Let's see, maybe a Lego Ambasador polo on the roller coaster, and a LTC shirt at the Epcot Flower Garden and Kim Possible? I like your son's shirt. -CF
  15. congrats! Uh, oh, now I'm feeling insane because I'm very tired.... -CF
  16. Yeah, I have nothing else better to blog about. (actually, I'll be putting in an OA thing shortly) anyway... Thanx Arpy! -CF
  17. Yay! I get an award! Nice MOC, to that guy. Give him an award too. Do you think you could get some extra credit in science class for that song? -CF
  18. ChocolateFrogs


    that's funny. And I agree with Bundalings -CF
  19. Looks cool. Good luck, especially on the tail! Wow. I guess that goes back to cosplayers having no life....I'm surprised at you, Omi. -CF
  20. interestig.... is your cousin a BZP member? and happy birthday to your grandma why haven't you gotten BW yet? It's been out for two months! good job in the polls Yes, life story blogs are interesting, or else I wouldn't post them myself. -CF
  21. September 19: International Talk Like a Pirate Day. (Might as well dress up in the pirate garb while you're at it) Halloween. May 25, 2007 (you should know this one) And perhaps some Anime Conventions. -CF
  22. Well, have fun. I was almost going, but alas cannot. But Otakon sound awesome! what, 30,000 people? Make sure you get pix taken of you. Maybe you can appear in Animerica or something. Wouldn't that sound cooler, "FF cosplayers are we" ? -CF Oh, yeah, what's your av?
  23. What forum(s) would you oversee if you were a Moderator? Gen Discussion. The Board says that's where my majority of posts are Sea turtles? not now, no thank you, I'm not hungry How many siblings do you have? 2. both younger brother and sister What color is your towel? White. Or a variety of colors. It is a Boy Scout Towel. Do you have some sort of Bionicle alter-ego? Maybe. It comes out when I'm MOCing. But I don't quite think so. I wish though. -CF
  24. I'm busy, busy, busy. I shouldn't be online right now. Imaging you are reading this, comment, but tell noone. Or whatever. Here's what I got going in my life, and why you might be seeing less of me for about three weeks: -Today, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: School Newspaper until about 6 each day. (I got out early today....) -Friday night to Sunday @ noon: Boy Sccout Order of the Arrow Ordeal Camping Trip. (I'm going for Brotherhood) -Homework: In gereral, I have homework to do, and less time because of everythign going on. -May 25-28: Camping. My troop's Gun Club campout. Shooting .22 cals, .30 cals, shotguns (as skeets!), black powder, archery, big 14 foot fire, rain (it will happen), and I get to shoot at quarters! ----Note, because of this, I have no idea when I'll see Pirates 3 -History Project: Ok, this falls under homework, but it's a big project that's crazy. My group is doing 1950's, so I have to dress for the occasion. If I can get a black leather jacket, I'll be Fonzi. If I can get the right glasses and hair gel, I'll be Elvis. Or I'll just roll a pack of cards up my sleeve. I also think my history teacher is expecting me to slick back my hair. (I'm not going to use grease though) -Oh, yeah, I'm camping again June 1 and 2. -Maybe I'll put some sleep in there. I will be MOCing on May 31st. I'll probably try to watch Eva: Death and Rebirth that day too. That is, if I don't have homework to do. Yeah, see you guys later. -CF
  25. Well, it looks like I screwed up a little. Especially since I had to do a PowerPoint presentation on Spam. I even obtained a Spam Boy Scout Patch at the the 2005 National Scout Jamboree! Both these say Spam started in 1937. In fact, it was even used in World War 2, in which the US Congress passed an act to send 15 million cans of Spam a week to Europe! (I'm including my "old" entry here, as well) Yeah, let's celebrate Spam today on it's 70th anniversary! -CF PS, anyone seen the Monty Python skit of that diner with all the Spam menu options? Funny! And who can forget the AFOL favorite Spamcake Diner
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