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Everything posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs


    Sounds fun, the spell and the sprinkler. -CF
  2. Good luck finding a volunteer. Hey, speaking of volunteers... yoohoo, hey, Aanchir..... -CF I didn't realize this was a sad occasion. Please bring me a Cheer-Up Cheeseburger and a Surprising Chicken Salad (sorry if that's not right. I'm looking through my "Unauthor. Autobio." and I think that's the code....) "The World is Quite Here" -CF
  3. I like lots of artists. Train, Pat McGee, Reliant K. Lots of good stuff; I don't want to pick on.... Music or paint and stuff? Howabout RahiZaku.... A Window's XP in my school's computer lab End of March. TRU had a buy two get on free sale. Not really, sorry, I'll hop in every now and then. -CF
  4. Good luck finding a volunteer. Hey, speaking of volunteers... yoohoo, hey, Aanchir..... -CF
  5. Yeah, those ads are crazy. Really wierd, especially about a dating site ad on a kid (not really) site! I hope she goes away.... -CF edit: I just saw an ad for a christian dating service, so I guess Creppy Girl might have found religion!
  6. Is that really you?!?!? Go with "Cool Arpy" if anything. (Or do what I did with Yoda, and choose a random character from somewhere) -CF
  7. So in Eagle Strike by Anthony Horowitz, a guy is killed by being crushed by the weight of millions of nickles. So I figure that with my passion for the Brick and all, my perfect death will be to be crushed by Lego Bricks. (The only problem is that it would totally go against Lego's no violence policy, and it would get the bricks all blood stained....) -CF
  8. Today in Anime Club we watched "Ouran Host Club" Basic story: In some anime, there is a boy surrounded by gourgeous (and fan serviced) girls. In this, it's the other way around: 1 girl surrounded by 6 (?) gourgeous boys. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «But they don't know she's a girl untill the end of the first episode She dresses as a boy to hide that she is a girl, and now has to pay the boys a large sum of money back. She does this by becoming part of their "Host Club" (at Ouran School, you see...) where they serve lots of girls. The rest of the story so far is just all the crazy situations the writers can put her in because she is acting as a boy. I found it very funny and enjoyable. What got me excited into seeing this today was when I later saw the opening theme. I've seen this one cosplay costume (from various people) and didn't have the slightest clue where it was from. Then the theme comes on and it's like "Wow! That's what it is!" and I became interested. Yeah, that's my day. -CF
  9. Wasn't that at BrickFest 06? (Cause it was cool being triangel-like and all...) -CF
  10. I must put in a good plug for the Boy Scouts here. All the conspiracy comes from Democrats and people who just don't like us. -CF
  11. Congrats on the Blog of the Week! I come here often, so I'm not surprised because I love it! (Fun random stuff especially!) KUTGW -CF Just thinking out loud, I hope you are the 42nd BotW....
  12. I went to that Lego store! About 9 years ago! (they had displays of a UFO and the Lego Maniac up) So, how'd it change? Have fun on your vaca. Yo, Binky Juniors! -CF
  13. I built an Avak MOC. (actually I posted it in the blog earlier, like in December) Topic One more thing: Happy Mother's Day! Especially to those that put up with our Lego happenings! -CF
  14. So, what's the difference between a hamburger and a cheeseburger with no cheese? -CF
  15. "If we weren't supposed to eat meat, God wouldn't have made it taste so good" "There's a place for all the animals in this world: Right next to the potatoes and gravy" -CF
  16. ChocolateFrogs


    I saw the title and didn't even go in. Just the though is crazy. I was tempted to go in and say I like a male character (as I am male myself) and then I'd go -CF PS, really funny random pic above
  17. well, besides the fact that I'm commenting, it's moreso a ploy to get more views, because curiousity would make people want to see the ploy, but they might not necessarly post. -CF (except that I still posted after coming in cursiously. Well, curiousity killed the muaka cat)
  18. The software is simply "Microsoft GIF Animator" By free I mean my friend got it and then slipped it over to my flash drive. There might be some copyright thing I might have seen. (In other words, I have no way of getting it to you. But it is simple enough to use if you get it) Hey! I made another! What's wrong with this picture? I also made this, the only problem is that the pix came out fuzzy/the colors were messed up. Any tips? -CF
  19. Thanks. But I don't quite understand. Oh, and how would I go about doing that? -CF
  20. So my friend got it, and he gave it to me. What is it? Look! I can finally make my own GIF images! So I then decided to do something. This, using my own Vahki Tag avatars. I was going to make another one, funny this time, but then it was time for dinner. So, does anyone have any suggestions on using a GIF program? Tips, advice, how to make timing just right? The program is called Microsoft GIF Animator Don't forget to pose the Piraka Fusion! -CF
  21. ChocolateFrogs

    I'm Stupid!

    I guess you'll have to call Lego for replacements. (sad thing is they're charging now....) good luck as far as MOCing, you could just only have one, and use it as a body or head or something. -CF
  22. ChocolateFrogs

    I Win.

    Congrats on college, and have fun with that thing called life. But hang around here, would ya? -CF
  23. Wow! So, you're getting him Lego right? -CF
  24. ChocolateFrogs

    I'm Stupid!

    Put a rod through the hole there, and it should come out with a pull. Use a grey #3 so if that breaks (it shouldn't) you don't loose anything important. But first use it in a MOC. This is your one chance to do something that will never be done again! -CF
  25. Like XCCJ? anyway, that's sweet. (report it to news) -CF
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