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Everything posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. Cool. Good for you. Good luck getting it all together. -CF
  2. Oh, that's awesome. We do that in my Anime Club all the time. (So I'm worried about us when we see "Transformers" in July) But it's always fun to talk back to the screen, and the chance you had was awesome. -CF
  3. Hopefully. It's always nice not to get any "Server Busy" messages, even as funny as they might be. -CF
  4. Well, I don't mind using the standart double joint and a toa metru or rahkshi leg, but sometimes that just doesn't cut it in the BBC. I think it'd be easier to build the upper part then below the knee. Personally, I prefer building the body. I might soon start trying to actually build arms. I'm working on a leg idea in my head, but I can't quite figure it out. Technic pieces always help. I think it might be fun to throw some System in there too, with the technic bricks. Keep experimenting and it will get done. -CF
  5. you mean this ins't Shine doing his crazy Shine stuff? (I never had time to watch those animations. Maybe I should look for them. BS01 might have them) Well, anyway, that's funny. -CF
  6. Yeah, sometimes you can't trust someone else to do it. (Which is why I'm my Boy Scout Troop's leader) As for you, that's funny how you almost won. The results would be interesting. Hopefully the guy that won is qualified. -CF
  7. Hello BZPower, Let me tell you a story of a Boy Scout who got lost in the woods Ok, let me try this again... Hello PZBower, Let me stell you a tory of a Scoy Bout who got wost in the loods. Cow Hum? Cebause he wasn't using the studdy bystem. What a mupid storon! Now he found bimself heing based by a chair. This chair was muhongous! The Bout wasn't ratching where he was wunning, so he ripped over a troot, lell into a fatrine, and now he smells like a dile of pung. woh ell. The storal of my mory is this: Actually, I haven't made a storal yet. How did lou yike this? Ever tistened loo the Stapital Ceps? They have sunny fets like this. I am troing to guy this out on my Scoy Bout troop at cummer samp. -FC
  8. ChocolateFrogs

    How Comes...

    very good point. -CF
  9. "A picture is worth a thousand words, but takes up a thousand times the memory" anyway, funny. -CF
  10. So I just borrowed a friend's Wierd Al Yankovik CD ("Straight Outta Lynwood"). (First time I've ever listened to one of Wierd Al's CDs) It's funny! I especially enjoy "Virus Alert" and "Canadian cool dude" (but that word is filtered right there, BTW...) other fun songs are "I'll Sue Ya," "Polkarama," "Weasel Stomping Day," and "Trapped in the Drive-Thru" I saved "Virus" and "Canadian" to my computer and am giving him back the CD. (I enjoyed it, but not enough to do anything more with it) -CF
  11. can someone please find me info on because I'd love to know more! -CF
  12. I'll keep this in mind when I go to college in less than two years. I would like to do journalism, but also might like something in math. I guess some of it will come up as I get to it. Well, I hope you have a good life/job whatever you do. -CF
  13. yeah, join the fad! (I've never been one for fads, but this one's fun!) (and my map will move down in a while, but for now this is "more important" than a picture of me burried in Lego) (yeah right) -CF
  14. So today I climbed a tree for the first time in a long time. It's been years since I last climbed a tree. Felt good too. (keep in mind my age) -CF
  15. You have a pin in Northern VA, from me! I got one from Italy too. Wonder if it's the same person? (actually, the Rachira twins are in Rome right now. Could be them) I hope you find that local BZPer! Edit, looking at my map, there isn't a star in the Southern area. (which immediately shows me you haven't visited my blog) XD -CF
  16. I meant Arabia. But you do bring up a good point about your state. (I guess I mention it enough here that I live near DC...) so, got any comments for the rest of this entry? -CF
  17. sigh, no. Did you get one? -CF
  18. ChocolateFrogs

    Vacation :)

    That's awesome, going to the school. Did you meet that BZPer? (I sure hope so) Have a nice vacation! -CF
  19. yay for Cloud! but it doesn't match your cosplay.... so, why the change? -CF
  20. Yeah, get them on Lego right out of the womb. Place it in their hand. anyway, I like that map thing. (although it's an hour early) Congrats on being a godfather! -CF
  21. ChocolateFrogs

    W I P

    Well, I don't particularly like showing things before I finish them, but I heven't posted WIP's (Work in Progress) before, so here is something. I don't need to explain WIP's right? But I will say the fire is like that so he can stand for the pic oh, and my system Brickshelf folder is now public. enjoy! edit. trying this out (does it work?) Create your own visitor map! -CF
  22. the folder is public now! (I'll refrain from uploading anything for a while so it won't become unpublic again for a while) I'll lock this and mention it in my next entry -CF
  23. ChocolateFrogs


    So I just spent a lot of time updating my Brickshelf with new MOCs and reorganization! Here is the system folder with some cool stuff (when public) I'll be posting my Bionicle stuff later so you'll have to dig for it yourself if you can't wait. -CF PS: Happy Easter!
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