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Everything posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs

    El Randomo!

    No, I just found them on the Internet. It's great stuff though, I look at it every day and still laugh. In that case, can I use some in my blog? (I guess I'll give you credit....) *Waves hand* "Credits will do fine" (-SW Ep I) -CF
  2. Good job. That's an awesome set. Some yellow, red, and don't forget the infected mask! -CF
  3. April 15, 2007 AD 2001 (AD?) Kopaka, Lewa, Pohatu (no specific order) Premier Oustanding BZP citizens, and, um, Piraka Fusionist (self appointed because noone will give it to me) Yes, schmargle. Just schmargle (?)
  4. So I'm about to take the final pix of my Piraka Fusion MOC before I scrap him for pieces. Instead of just taking a couple to my liking, I want to know what you guys want to see of the Vezok and Reidak's fused form. Anything goes! (But suggestions may or may not be considered. Even seeing him/them do a hand stand would be fine. (Hey, there's an idea....)) Simply enough, tell me how to pose him and I'll take a pic. (Serious stuff included, like one staff forward and the other behind his back, or him flexing his muscels, or whatever you can think of) That's that, I hope to take some great pix of his final glorious moments. -CF
  5. ChocolateFrogs

    El Randomo!

    I went there, and I couldn't stop laughing. (I showed my brother a lot of that stuff too, and he was laughing too, really loud) I can't pic out one in particular, because they are so funny! Did you make all of them yourself? -CF
  6. That explains why there haven't been any new "Rebirth" chapters... *hint*hint* Anyway, congrats on college. (grad pix would be nice) -CF
  7. You should write some [acceptable] poetry on pennies for your Blog. (and maybe english class) I agree with turn signals. #6 I can understand (people will call me "Ben" right off the bat.) and you know my situation on #4 About #7, you are sorta complaining yourself. (There's a Calvin and Hobbes comic like this, with the punchline being "add people who make crazy lists to that") Hmm, you should add people who drive slow. -CF
  8. That movie was a great way to see AFOL's interactment in the TLG. The best part in seeing it at BF06 was seeing "Narrarated by Kelly McKiernan" (and all us BZPers looking at eachother and smiling) The second best thing was when you mentioned competitors, "We shall refer to them as "Brand M"" Love it! That's really cool. (I'm going to download the video....) -CF
  9. So I was thinking about how R2-D2 keeps spinning his dome around. All I can say is let's hope he remembers "Lefty loosy, Righty tighty" -CF
  10. I just realized I have about 14 doubles (2 of 7) masks, as well as 3 Trans. Kaukau and 5 copper Huna. But I got these for MOCing purposes. So I guess doubles aren't too bad. (Plus these were good sets) um, Tahulo, that's a lot. Enjoy! (But why get doubles, instead of getting a different set?) -CF Hmm, maybe I can't complain anymore....
  11. So because of BrickMaster giving out free sets with each issue, I now have two of the small Aquaraiders, and Thulox. (But I just opened them last night, long story) Anyway, these are the first double sets I have. I don't normally get doubles, but with these I decided to open them instead of trying to return them. (I'm a MOCer. I figure I'd do this eventually. Plus these have some great pieces. Especially since two AR sets is better than just the one, because of some of the single pieces and just normal pieces: Grills, back fins, the black slope plates in the front, the black chevron in the back, the minifig, the computer screen, the black 2X1 tile, the minifig...) Let's hope I don't start buying more doubles. (Or tripples like Shine did with Kalmah....) -CF
  12. no, no, don't worry about it. I'm sure I wasn't the only one to think of it. (It's now a race to use it, and use it effectivly. I already have a MOC almost completely built for it...in my head.) -CF
  13. On the "More stuff" pic, don't you think it would be better not to show that Pridak's weapon would do a job as a staff? I was planning on saving that for a MOC, not just "Hey, look at this!" Good luck in the BBCC -CF
  14. Pridak rocks. And I don't try to put my Lego in water. (Interesting experiment of yours though.) -CF
  15. Wow, early showing. I saw it Friday night. Great wasn't it! (I've seen HP Prisoner of Azkaban opening day, but can't think of much else besides that.) -CF
  16. I bought our tickits online this past Monday, so we got to the theater about 7 minutes before the movie started. (We had dinner first) (Maybe we should have been a little earlier, but we did find seats. (we would have been earlier but dinner took a while, plus me getting to her house....arg, driving!....))
  17. FTW? Anyway, I just saw it too, and loved it. It was fun. -CF
  18. Ok, I won't say anything to spoil the movie. (but don't be surprised if I mention stuff that you should already know) Just got back from seeing Spider-Man 3 (with friend mentioned in an earlier blog entry) and I must tell you guys my thoughts. It is great! Maybe you think I'm overreacting a bit, but I enjoyed it, a lot. I guess I'll say it's different, but I think that only comes from there being three bad guys. The story is well played out and there are enough fight scenes to show how cool Venom (and the others) really are. The action is good, and there are also the underlying story of Peter Parker and Mary Jane. (And they threw in Gwen Stacy too) Ah, Venom. I was really looking forward to seeing him. He's always been one of my favorites. It was cool seeing him in all his different forms. Sandman was new to me. (Is he new, or from the comics?) I won't say too much on him, just that he makes for a big enemy. I also liked the New Goblin (Harry Osbourn), especially his glider. His story plays out in a way I never expected. And don't forget to look for Stan Lee. (you can't miss him) So, I would recommend SM3 to y'all. (No matter what the Washington Post says. They didn't like it. (although their Sunday Source a week earlier had it in "Can't Miss") What were your thoughts on it? (or have you not seen it yet?) -CF
  19. In honor of Star Wars' 30th Anniversary, my High School's Star Wars Club (which I helped start) watched Episode IV today. And we're planning on having a party in a couple of weeks. Anyway, the point is, today we watched (some of) Ep. 4 and were having fun the whole hour. Something would come up and we would have a remark. Fun stuff! -CF
  20. So you agree with an exclamation point and my name? Arpy I totally do, or else I wouldn't have said that! -CF
  21. Wow! In the paper! Good job! (and I totally aggree with everything before and after the link in the blog entry.) -CF
  22. ChocolateFrogs


    OK, I think you need some sleep. Don't get on until sunday morning, when almost no one is on the board and BZP will run smoothly. (My guess is it isn't the board though....) -CF
  23. OK, I just built this, but it had some planning beforehand. I want to know what you guys think of it so I can perhaps revise him and send him in for Lego Mag's pit bad guy contest. The MOC Seriously. What do you think? I'd very much appreciate your feedback. (I might give him Pridak feet instead) Hey! What do you think of the SW look? (I'd very much appreciate your feedback.) -CF
  24. Well, I was about to say we could meet up (seeing as how I'm in Northern VA, and Otakon is in Baltimore.....) But now that I know the date I know I won't be around. Anyway, have tons of fun! This is apparently the biggest Anime Con around, with, like, 30000 people. So does pre-registering mean you don't have to pay yet? It sounded like that. -CF
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