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Everything posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. I'll tell you this: I was drawn to your blog by the blog's name. Good for you for getting a Premiership! (It rocks!) As for your name: Lemony Snicket! And I can't wait for Friday the 13th to come any sooner, even thought I won't be able to read "The End" until he's done. Keep on bloggin'! -CF
  2. How do you keep a BZPer in suspense? ...
  3. Just a quick thank you to ~KDT~. If you want to know what he did, look around in my blog a bit. Check it out. It's great. And then you'll find his post. Thanks ~KDT~! If you don't want to do that, then it was a good idea higlighting this. He did a little artistic work for me. Basically the Bionicle logo (or as I prefere to call it, "The Swirl") filled in all black. None of that silver or shaded stuff. -CF
  4. That's awsome! Lego in something non-lego! I think it's really cool how Lego pops up in so many different places. This is like that time I found out that Star Wars Insider talked about the LSW game. Really cool to see something you never thought of. Hey, GregF, you got to get us scans!
  5. so, I decided to test out that "draft" button. So here is the test. If you can read this draft, post so in the reply part. But I think that might not be possible, so post in the testing entry right below. 'K? -CF Yeah, that was the test. The draft button. (I was able to check out my blog not signed in, and this wasn't visible. So...Pretty much, I guess I can post anything, reminders, half blogs, such, and nobody will see it before it's done! So, yeah. You all were a great help! -CF
  6. ChocolateFrogs


    testing... testing... testing... read next entry.... -CF
  7. Allthough I would love the chance to observe now sets I never thought of that idea, Maybe you can chose some select members of BZP and PM them detailed pictures of concepts so we can build them from our collection and try out the sets prototypes, Because as I've seen, Alot of Prototypes were just old parts re-used for testing by the fans (I.E. Visorak seen in B2 DVD), But Thanks for clarifying that it can't be easily done so other companies (I.E. Pure evil (I mean Megabloks) ) don't try to steal the idea, Thanks for listening to the fans Well, ManaL, it looks like you have first dibs on checking out and giving your opinion on prototyps sets, but I volunteer to be second pick! Hearing about the process was very nice. It's also good to hear that you are considering the adults as well as the kids (that might be in the next entry...) 2008 already, wow! KUTGW. Here's an idea for getting imput on prototype sets, and building the sets: look at what fans are doing. Hold more building contests with Lego Mag, and check out Brickshelf and the BBC forum. I'm sure you'll see things like technic bodies (not one mold) and some ingenuity. And...brown! I think you can see what people want by seeing what they make because they don't have it. (and they're just creative)
  8. well, I wore a black hat! (and jeans) And you saw my banner...or did you? click here (but I had to change it now...) have fun! -Omi -CF
  9. So, yeah, perhaps you've heard that Omicron is making his own holiday. So, the day after his (sept 30) change whatever you have in your sig to something of me. Why? Just because we can. A little competition between friends. All I want is for you replace, say, your omi banner with the word(s) ChocolateFrogs. Yeah, that's all you have to do! ChocolateFrogs! So, see you sunday, or even before then! -CF
  10. Hello, I need some help. In short, I need this logo (look familiar?) in one solid color. Say, for example, take the middle right logo, and color it completely black. Any takers? Please? It'd be a big help. -CF
  11. Cool TF thing there. Although I'm not big into it, it's growing on me because we watched the original movie in Anime Club last year. ("In the year 2005..."---"Yeah, this happened last year") I'm excited about the TF movie coming out, but how about you? (I'm sure you know more than me, but from the 15+ year old's I've talked to, everyone in Anime Club (at my school) seems excited)
  12. This weekend we had a campout. Ropes and Rocketry. The ropes course was fun. Some teambuilding activities and high ropes. I climbed the Centepede: three long peices of wood hooked together with big staples on the sides. Like climbing a telephone pole but it moves underneath you and is tough. Low ropes were good in teambuilding, with some new challenges to me. A lot of balancing and seeing how you comunicate with your team. We almost didn't launch out rockets, due to weather (wind) and timing. We planned on launching in the morning because the ropes took up the whole day, but these scouts didn't feel like working together in the morning, so we were about an hour behind shcedule and only had a half hour to launch. We build rockets, and had a bunch of B6-4 engines. The rockets were from cheap kits, so they were pretty light and we didn't get some of them back. Fun. (I didn't launch mine, afraid this would happen. It is a "corkscrew" that twists around on its way up, leaving a spiral of smoke, hopefully) But it was fun, and was a great starting campout. Other things: The food was awesome. Staff eats really well. We had shrimp for dinner and some good S.O.S. for breakfast. There was a train going through nearby everyonce in a while. It woke me up at 12:15 AM. The Mosquitos were the larger than a penny. (for you Americans...) They could bite you through your shirt. yeah, I love camping! -CF
  13. Well, considering the lats two comments, this is changing the subject. (But I'll keep that in mind in two years for college) That article about the computer and email is funny. I printed it out to show friends/family. Hilarious! -CF
  14. Hello, me BZPer pirate scallywags! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day today! Where ever ye may be, spread thee word and wear a eyepatch! Arg! -Captain CF
  15. That's right! If you haven't already seen the topic here, then go to it. It needs support, because it's not top 10 for some reason. In there is everything you need for your viewing pleasure of the BF06 pix! please post, everyone should see these! -CF
  16. Gruhg, Another late night. Well, let't play that classic pool game, but here in my blog. MARCO! (you're supposed to say "polo" so I can try to find you) -CF
  17. Yeah, I'll blog about it. I was in school that day, 6th grade. Nobody would tell us anything, except it leaked later something about terrorists and Twin Tower Buildings in New York. School went on as it could. None of us knew anything, so we did the best we could. Students were being called home by their parents, so there wern't many of us left by the end of the day. Maybe the day didn't even last that long. When I got home, I saw what happeded on the news. Oh, yeah, I live 15 minute drive from DC. One of my friends that went to a different school (really close to DC) said they heard a "boom," which we now know was the Pentagon being hit. Scary stuff, especially when you have no idea what's going on. -CF
  18. So, I've realized that I don't have many blog posts under my section "Boy Scouts." So, here's one. I myself am a Boy Scout. I am part of the National Capital Area Council (NCAC, Washington DC) My troop # is 875. I went to the 2005 National Scout Jamboree and my troop # was 520. That was a great time, the Jambo. I got a red Yoda patch, the X-men back patch, and the spam patch, if you know what I'm talking about, just to name a few of my collection of over 2 dozen. BZPers I met at the Jambo: RC-1136 Bionicle Master the Mighty, now known as ChrisKopaka (check out his blog!) Currently I'm a Life scout, working on my Eagle badge. I have a couple half merit badges and my Eagle project to get done, and I'm done. I am Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for my troop, but have been nominated and went running for Senior Patrol Leader twice. I was also Head Guide, guide, Patrol Leader, and Assistand Patrol Leader. Oh, I'm 16, so that helps put some things into perspective. My troop goes camping a lot. Once every month Sept to May. Biking, Hiking, Rock climbing, caving, wilderness survival, cooking, shooting sports, canoeing, and more! It's a blast. I love camping, even if I am allergic to pollen and practically camping. Fire! Oh, yeah, Fire. It's big with every Boy Scout. It's part of out DNA. My troop made a 14 foot tall campfire once. Staff got marshmellows and had to use a 6 foot long stick just to heat up the marshmellows! A scout is...Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obediant, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent, Hungry, a pyro, and Duct tape. Oh, Duct tape. That's saved for another blog entry.... So, yeah. Please don't ignore this if you are a scout too, and please post. Anyone else, well, you can still make coments about how much you love the BSA or whatever you feel like in this blog. Soon to be Eagle, -CF
  19. So I'm just surfin' the web, and finally the board doesn't act up so I can do something on BZP. I come into the blogs and realize something very important: I've been rated! I have 4.7 out of 5. Omicron only has a 4, and T-Hybrid only has a 4.2. So I must be doing something right here. In other news, I had to interview the coach, asst. coach, and captain of the Varsity Girls Tennis team at my school. I'm on the school newspaper and this is my first assignment, that is: writing an article on the tennis team. Best part was the game was right near my house! In other news, I'm just clicking around. I went to PodBrix and saw some cool stuff. Like a shirt with a black minifig listining to a Lego iPod. And a Lego iPod that can hold a shuffle so it looks like you're listening to the iPod. I also checked out Nami Tamaki web site. Just seeing if anything is new for a favorite artist of mine. Apparently she has two other albumbs out, so I might be looking into those. Oh, and my homework ended fine eventually. I got to bed at 11:30, then woke up at 6:00. Not much. I had a headache all through school today, which didn't go too well because I couldn't do anything about it and it was ruining my day and my looking forward to my first big part of being on the school newspaper now. Yeah. I'm thinking I'll pop in Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe because I still have not seen it. -CF PS, If you're American, don't forget to fly your flag on Monday. And everyday for that matter.
  20. ChocolateFrogs


    Yeah, it's late for me. I'm tired. Well, it's only 9:40 where I am, which isn't too late, but I'm tired and this is the second night in a row I'll be up 'til 11 doing homework. I know some of you think that's nothing, and I'm lucky to actually get some sleep, but...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I'm still doing homework and the only reason I'm here is because I had to print some stuff out and the internet was up so I just decided to post something. Maybe some food would help, but I'm not feeling very hungry. Question: What do you do when it's late and you still have tons of stuff to do? And I don't mean party on saturday night either. CF zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  21. well, that stinks, the board messages and no time. But a suggestion on your new(well written) epic: Write it ahead of time. I think you notioned to typing it up on the board and immediatly posting it. Instead, you could just type it up in Word or whatever you use, save it, make changes acordingly, and post it when you have time and the board works. But, those board messages are really a pain in the...butt good luck. From what you're saying, I can't wait for college....J/K
  22. So my room is being painted. My brother's and my room. Luckily my dad's helping us. Basically he knows what he'd doing. It's not that bad painting, it's the part about having to take everything out of my room that's the worst. It took forever. But when I put half of it back in, that should mean I have more room for Lego stuff. And the way everything is being rearanged, I should have a bigger building area (more floor space) and easier access to my System peices. So, it's all worth it. In other news, sadly, Steve Irwin, aka the Crocadile hunter, died. Got stabbed in the heart by a stingray barb. Topic here But on a brighter note, I got the BrickFest 06 pix organized and on a CD. Once I get to school I'll start to load them up. If you want, you can try my Brickshelf to view anything if stuff becomes public, but I'll post a link once everythign is done. -CF
  23. Yay! I got Legacy of Evil just recently and it is great! I put in a short review in the Forum, so I'll post that here as a teaser until I have more time for a real review. ------------------------------------------- Bionicle Legends#4: Legacy of Evil It's time for history class. But instead of 80 something, Mrs. what's-her-name, whak you with a stick and dronning on and on about something of history for whatever country you're in, it's GregF telling us the history of the Piraka from 7,000 years ago. The main plot of the book is telling about how the piraka came together, how they got (some) of their powers, and discussing the DH/BoM war. It gives some more information about "Birth of a DH" (from the Bio Encyclopedia) and details and personalities about some DH's. The book starts 7,000 years from the current storyline, and continues down the timeline a couple of thousand of years to present time. All of the piraka are mentioned, along with TSO, Roodaka, Lariska, Anchient, and other characters either known or not so well known. One point that might get you aroused is the origin of the Staff of Fusion (Vezon's staff) and how Vezon came to be. (Some guesses if you read "Power Play," another good book) Many questions are answered, as are more given. I'll be re-reading this just to make sure I didn't miss anything, but of course it's good enough for a second reading and no reason. Some mystery, some drama, lots of excitement (took me only 1 day, got it at 1:00 PM, read, stopped, quick glances, then picked it back up at 10:00 and finished at 11:30 in bed, oh the suspense!) and 100% Bionicle! Of course I recommend it to everybody, as do all of the other Bionicle books, and some others but that's off topic. It is a great book, detailing what the Piraka are and were, how they are together, and more notes of them hating each other. (When TSO asks if Hakaan should be killed, a Piraka doesn't even hesitate his answer ("Yes")) Various characters are around, and it is very exciting to see everything peice together for this year's storyline. So remember: get Bionicle Legends #4: Legacy of Evil, NOW! (Now, I'm off to finish some school summer reading...) -CF
  24. My brother was actually nice to me! He had gotten a bunch of Bionicle peices from one of his friends for his birthday. A tub with that friend's bionicle collection that he could find (mainly toa metru and rahkshi). This was in June. Now, August (or september as of date) my brother gives me everything because he's not a MOCer, and I am, and basically he can't make any actual set from these peices. So now I have a couple of toa metru bodies, armor, and various weapons, not to mention Guurahk, who I wouldn't mind having since I need more blue peices. So basically I have a bunch of peices I'm just dying to use, and I'm busy with school, cleaning/painting my room, and scouts. So it'll be a while before I use them. But...peices! (Oh, is there any interset for grey rahkshi peices, or would I be embarasing myself if I tried to trade them in a trade topic I might soon be making?) -CF
  25. But wait there's more! That's right! There is more BF06 stuff. Just when you thought I couldn't talk about any more of my exciting time there, I can! First off, I'm about halfway through organizing my pix. Expect them sometime next week. Second, I have a list of BZPers there I met and took down their name: (In no particular order): Kopaka's Ice Engineering Omicron Rayg Roody LetoII (soon to be Sajuuk) Cajun Kaiapu Bionicle Rex BlackSix PoetryInMotion But wait there's more! Story time! So there's friendly (I hope) competition between themes. Basically when there is a large group, people start shouting out their favorite theme. Basically, you'll hear Town, Train, Castle, Space, and others shouted across the room during quiet moments. So, me being the smart one, shouted something out when it started to die down. What did I shout out? Well, I like to comprimise. So... LEGO! So, yeah. But wait there's more! I really like what Kelly/Bink said in the video he narrarated. Basically, he was about to make a comment about a competator of LEGO, but didn't/couldn't say the brand name. So, he called it "Brand M." We all know what this is refering to, and it got me thinking. BZPower has a rival site (not by a long run) that we could refer to as "Site M." Weird, huh. Well, with that, I just want everybody to know it'll be a while between posts now, with school started and all. Later, -CF
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