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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    How about a Toa with...
    The Element of Surprise!
    Go ahead and use this in a comedy if you want.
    Quote of the Day: You never know how fast a person can run until you light them on fire.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    That said, I almost ran out quotes at various points in my blogging career. Nothing drastic, but it made me search out some good ones instead of just coming across them here and there.
    So, if you have any good quotes, post 'em here and I'll give credit where I got them when I use them for the QotD.
    Any takers?
    Update: Apparently so. Thanks everybody! If I didn't have it already, and liked it (most of which I did) I'll use it! Look for them in about two months! (I have a big list.)
    *disclaimer: There is always the chance I already have it or used it, so in some cases credit may not be given.
    Quote of the Day: There can’t be a crisis today, my schedule is already full!
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    Due to an odd error on my part, I left out two entries. Expect a new set of polls coming soon. I apologize to everyone for this inconvenience.
    Welcome to the third blog contest in the ChocolateFroggy Bloggy: Bold Colors! Members were tasked with building a MOC using clashing colors and to make it look good.
    Please choose two MOCs from each poll below (entries randomized to be fair) that you feel are worthy of the prize,* and post your choices in this entry. DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST, or it will be ignored.
    Poll ends Friday at 6:00 PM EST (or later). The top two MOCs from each poll will advance to the final poll.
    Poll 001:
    Entry 1: Harry and his Undead War Toad
    Entry 2: Rend
    Entry 3: Machiavelli Unit
    Entry 4: Monstrous Eyesore
    Entry 5: Obnoxious
    Entry 6: Golver

    Poll 002:
    Entry 1: Rev-04
    Entry 2: The Red Knight (Centaur Form)
    Entry 3: Nex 1.5
    Entry 4: Takuri
    Entry 5: Magical Iron Snowflake Girl Robot Suit Plus
    Entry 6: Mining Drone
    Poll 003:
    Entry 1: ColorBlindness
    Entry 2: Shroom
    Entry 3: Error 404
    Entry 4: Spinning Top
    Entry 5: NEON SHREDDER!
    We have 17 entries. Let's see if we can get at least twice that number for votes, 'k? (That doesn't mean spam your friends asking for your own votes, but make notion of this cool contest going on that would benefit from some voting.)
    Good luck to all!
    *The prize is a Series 3 Minifig for the top three winners!
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    Who would win in a fight:
    Captain Mal Reynolds (Firefly) or Han Solo (Star Wars)
    (And no, the correct answer is not "the audience.")
    Leave ships out of this, since Firefly-class ships do not have weapons. (Plus, we do not really know the exact measurements of Serenity's space-flight speed, unlike the Falcon.)
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Or at least, I didn't use to. During high school it would just be one or two Stargate SG-1/Atlantis episodes a weekend. Other than that there was not anything on I wanted to watch. (No cable, not that I needed it...and I had homework to do when shows like Lost (hehe, DV) and Heroes was on.)
    But things have changed. My friends and I watched Firefly first semester freshmen year. I finished up Stargate Atlantis during school. Come summer 2009 I was overjoyed Hulu had Warehouse 13 right after it aired. I just finished up watching the new series (9th/10th Doctors) of Doctor Who on my computer. Dollhouse is on Hulu (or digital copies on my computer). Both V and Stargate Universe are also on Hulu, meaning I do not have to plan my life around the TV. (Though with needing more time I may just drop watching V...for now. I dropped FlashForward after it became too drama-ish.)
    And there are a bunch of shows I have on my computer I want to watch. Torchwood, Santuary, Chuck. I also have Leverage, but, as good as they are (basically Oceans 11 intensity every episode), I am probably not missing out (as opposed to if I drop Firefly at a party--that can start a conversation). (On the note of Torchwood, I also have Sarah Jane Adventures. :3 Good/bad, Tilius? I just watched the first episode and I think I may have to pass on this due to other, more pressing shows (Torchwood, Dollhouse, Stargate, Santuary) and I might have to delete it due to space.) (I really wish those popular out of country shows came to America, but then again I guess those out of country might want our shows. Now I know how BZPers feel seeing that the USA is always getting sales.)
    So I don't watch TV. I watch TV shows on my computer.
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    3 days until graduation!

    Yeah, you heard right. I asked out a girl!
    (Might as well tell you her name, in case you'll be hearing more about her. (Already told you I took her to prom....))
    So Heather and I went to see Indy 4, and the movie itself rocked! I'm debating on which was better, this or Iron Man. I guess it's just the genre you like, but both were amazing IMO. That's how good it was.
    She met me at Tysons Corner Center, where we proceeded into TGI Fridays, right there across from the theater. Then we saw the movie, and both agreed it was really really good. Then we took a quick stop to the Lego Store (because, if you remember, it was revealed that we both have that in common too. Aside from being big Star Wars fans and everything else we enjoy hanging out for) and oogled at their displays. Like the Millenium Falcon. And a WAMALUG member had put a Stargate (not as good as Binky's) on display. I decided to get Chirox before his price goes up by $2.84.
    (Speaking of Stargate/Black Fantasy....)(Hmm...what would be best to ask her out again? There is a WAMALUG event in 3 weeks, but that's a little far off.)
    And that's the night. (and when can I call her my girlfriend?)
    Quote of the Day: The politician was gone but unnoticed, like the period after the Dr. on a Dr Pepper can.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Here are my pix.
    Here are another WAMALUG member's (Abe Friedman's) pix.
    I don't have any more to link to for you right now...but just search "BrickFair 09" or something in Flickr and you'll get a bunch. Happy Weasel (WAMALUGger Dan Rubin) has some good ones.... However, you'll have to wait for some news reports to get full stories behind them.
    Also, current wallpaper (subject to change to a 9-themed one before Sept 9). Y'all in it should consider yourselves special/lucky; I don't normally do walls with [real] people in them.
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    It just seems so...artificial.
    Not when it's in the middle of conversation , mind you, but more so in passing. Because really, when are you not going to say simply "fine" even if you aren't?
    Me? I'm fine with just a "hey" and keeping on walking.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    Ahoy mateys!
    Do not forget that International Talk Like a Pirate Day be happening over yar--Friday, September 19, so close you can spot it from atop the crow's nest! Be sure to throw some "Arg!'s" and "Savey?'s" into your pirate-y slang, even wear an eyepatch if it suits your fancy, or it'll be to the bottom of Davy Jones' Locker with ya!
    It best be time for me to go,
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    I keep hearing people complain about Tom Cruise. How "bad an actor" he is. I don't understand....I liked him in War of the Worlds and he was great in Valkyrie. And he did the Mission Impossible movies, and I still need to see those, which are supposed to be pretty good.
    So what's wrong with him?
    (Same goes for people who complain about Keanu Reeves, because the roles he picks, like Neo and Klaatu, fit. Anybody else would be showing too much emotion and yelling, where as his characters just let it ride and just go.)
    And if you come in here and say "Just because" or "He sucks" without any actual reason, I'll prolly delete or edit your comment.
    Quote of the Day: 2+2=5 (For extremely large values of two.)
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    (August 5-8, 2010, Dulles Expo Center)
    Here's the problem: BrickFair starts the day after the National Boy Scout Jamboree. Luckily, I won't need to stay any later than when it ends; everyone leaves on the same day.
    Talking to my RA, she had to be at school during the first weekend of August. That is the same weekend as BF10 next year.
    I'm applying to be an RA (and my friend's support me, so I'm not completely crazy, I guess, so it makes me think I have potential to get it).
    However, with budget cuts, the arrive date was a week later than last year, so what if that continues and I don't have to be there until August's second week?
    If I get the position, and I go to the Jamboree, then, from what I know now, I can't really go to BrickFair 2010.
    However, right now I'm deterred away from the Jambo because, from the way I'd be attending, the time I spend having fun would only amount to a few days. I would only get a few days to really enjoy myself for everything the Jambo has (I went 5 years ago and it was a blast). (I'd be attending as an OA member, doing service but going for half the price.)
    So, if I don't go, then I have a few days before the Jamboree free.
    If I don't get the RA position, then I have a few days after BrickFair free.
    Now, I understand that BZP members such as Nukaya and Arpy are tempted (or more than tempted) in attending. I really want (kinda need if you don't come back to the East coast anytime soon) to meet you two, at least. (Hanging out with Argetlam again would also be cool.) Also, while you are here in DC, you really should tour the sites.
    Also, I understand EW is attending the Jambo. Able to stick around a few more days for BrickFair?
    What I'm getting at is there should be time for us all to hang out before/after BrickFair some more. It's just that I'm unsure about my life/plans right now, so I can't encourage you to come early or leave late. I'm also ranting because that's what I do in my blog since this keyboard (and you) is such a good listener. I also don't want you all to buy tickets the day they're available (I'm looking at you, Nukaya) so some plans can be made first. (Plus, I hear they won't be at their cheapest on the first day. Maybe wait until New Years?)
    (Apologies for talking about BF10 before I show you stuff from BF09....)
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    What's crazy is that almost a year ago I had just started watching Doctor Who.
    Then, by the end of the summer I was done with Eccleston, maybe even Rose, and finished up Donna's season over winter break so I could see The End of Time just after it aired.
    And now here I am, scrambling to find ways in America to watch Smith.
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    Does anyone reading my blog watch the show? My parent's are kind of straying from it since it's not like SG-1 or SGA, so I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. (Or I didn't until I found a CCM Freshman who does!)
    I want to be like "OMG" and whatnot about each episode and start talking about stuff, but I don't think anyone* here would care.
    *Regular readers. Not some random member who saw this blog entry title and decided to come in.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    That's right. Today I went to my first Anime Con! (Convention): Katsucon!!!
    It was located at DC's Omni Shoreham Hotel.
    It was really fun. I met up with two other friends that had been there Saturday as well, so they showed me around and we just had fun. Couple of highlights:
    -Cosplaying: This is pretty much the biggest thing at any Con. People costume play as characters from various anime. The costumes are really detailed and look amazing. (Sorry, Omi, I couldn't find any FF cosplayers.)
    Favorite costumes included: Rei and Asuka from Evangelion, lots of Fullmetal Alchemist characters (some really good Envy's there and a really good military person), for those of you who like Naruto there were lots of people wearing Naruto headbands (and probably cosplaying as well), and various cosplayings from anime I haven't even seen.
    -Artist's Alley: A big room for artists to show off their work, and some for sale. I bought a pic of a chibi Ed Elric using a transmutation circle (for my friends that couldn't go). Various people even saying they'd anime-ize you! Lots of cool stuff there.
    -Merchant's Hall: The biggest room of all, this place had tables upon tables of merchants from everywhere selling stuff. I went crazy. (well, not really). I got three manga for $4 each, and two more for $7 each. I also got some FMA stickers and FMA anime disk 1. Best of all was my "NERV" shirt (from Eva). (I also got another friend a Gundam model).
    -Anime!: Well, of course there was anime everywhere! Especially in three rooms specifically for running various anime non-stop.
    -Walden Wong: This guy lives in San Fransisco and works for DC and Marvel comics, and Viz Media (a manga company). At the start of his talk it was just my friends and me, and then 4 more people popped in to make a total of 7 people! It was really cool, because he was able to get up close with us and tell us stuff that he probably wouldn't have if there was a big crowd. He was giving us tips on drawing, shadowing, details, (and I'm not an artist!) and cool things about drawing. His favorite character to work with is Superman. He also works from home mostly. One cool thing was that when detailing stuff he can put subliminal messages in the comics. Like toss in a name of him or his friend (like in the grass) and nobody would notice it unless he pointed it out. (He got to do this with a book shelf once. Just started filling in his friend's names) One cool point: The artist of "The Simpsons" put his initials in Homer's head. The M is his hair and the G is his ear!
    Game Room: This was actually two rooms. The first had lots of those stand up games similar to the ones found in arcades. But these were old games. The classics such as Asteroids and Pac-Man. Lots of fun there. In the next room were various game systems, from Super Nintendo to the Wii, and everything in between and probable before. I played a couple things and enjoyed it, and it was my first time with a Wii. Interesting....
    This con was really fun. Also, the con staff said they would be watching blogs, so even though I doubt they'll see this, I'll comment directly to them:
    Good job guys! You know what you need to fix, and it will be sure talked about on the forums. One note: Swap meet! Thank you.
    So I can't wait for AnimeUSA in the fall. I might just cosplay, I just don't know who. (my ideas: Dark Mousy, Senri the Bear +Anima, or Shinji Akari) Actually, cosplaying as Shinji might work if my friends decide to do Rei and Asuka.
    Well, that was my con, and here's to many many more! :cheers smiley:
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    ...I joined BZPower!
    I was going to list off all my accomplishments since then in the BZP and Bionicle world, but I don't quite have time to be self-centered and tooting my own horn right now, so I'll let you fill in the blanks.
    Here, I'll start you:
    -April 18, 2003, after some convincing of my parents, I join BZPower after simply browsing the Board since January. (Oooh! Anybody remember the Rahkshi picture a day? That's what got me coming back daily.)
    6 Years
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    19 days until graduation!
    As stated before, prom was last night. It's certainly a big senior moment, and for some the only reason to actually be a senior, if you know what I mean.
    It was fun. There was the group of us (my usual friends) and our various dates. Prom was on a boat that cruised around the Potomac River in DC, from 8-12. Dinner was included, and although it was good I didn't have much of an appetite....
    Then everybody starts to get up and hit the dance floor(s) (there were two) or walk around the deck outside. So in the end everyone is hanging out having a good time. It was fun, I'll admit, and I had a good time with my date especially.
    Speaking of which, you aren't getting pictures of us, because I have enough respect not to need to post those online publicly, and my ego doesn't need everyone cooing at us. But for those of you that actually care and will respect it, I've uploaded one to Flickr as viewable only by friends and family, sorry if you're not part of that "group."
    (But since I don't care if I put pix of myself online, I hope you'll be satisfied with a pic of me in my tux. Course, mostly guys read my blog, so don't be too satisfied...or else I'll delete it....)
    We had a lot of time to ourselves, probably because we don't mind being alone/tend to avoid large groups of people. She likes to travel a lot, especially to the beach, enjoys her big family, and, among other things, loves Lego! Woot! (The question is, why didn't this truth come out when we sorta met sophomore year?) So I'll be trying to get her to a WAMALUG meeting soon, before we go to college.
    Quote of the Day: From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and "Jeopardy" comes on at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30.
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    I possibly have the chance to buy either Turaga Nuju or Turaga Onewa. They are both the same price.
    Any thoughts?
    Nuju has white feet (mata heads) and head, the staff (useful?) and the light grey technic angles.
    Onewa has brown feet (mata heads) and head, the staff (useful?) and the tan technic angles.

    Both white and brown are big in my MOCing, but right now I think the white would be more advantageous to buy. I don't use heads that much though (save for a...head), probably because I only have Matau. But, with the absent of brown now, another few brown pieces will never hurt.
    Edit: I posted this:
    I doubt it. There's Kopaka for $4.50 and I've been wanting him forever, and a Brown Akaku for $0.45, and then a Turaga for $2.70. Add in Paypal and shipping costs (which should only be $1 or so) there isn't enough to buy both.
    Quote of the Day: "Will you please stop fondling my adams apple?"
    -My friend(s), to show you just how crazy my lunch table is.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    Prom is in a month. (Exactly by today, which is Friday.)
    Some people have already started talking about who they're going with. (And I don't mean the people that are already going out.)
    Why so early?
    My guess is I'm missing out on something significant....
    As for me... (moar ellipses!...)
    I was going to wait until at least two weeks before, if not later, to ask someone.
    My guess is I'm missing out on something significant....
    Then there's the whole thing running through my mind on which girl (space) friend to ask....
    So when do I do that?
    Gotta make sure I don't end up "insulting" (maybe letting down?) the others. (I'd feel like blogging about that, but that may be a little too personal. I didn't talk of homecoming, now did I?)
    And it's not like we'd be going out after that, so do I need a tux, if I don't need to impress her?
    My guess is I'm missing out on something significant....(I do know I should find out her dress color to match my tux (if I get one, or at least my suit) and corsage.)
    (Limo is out of the que$tion...)
    I guess that's my thoughts on prom....
    Quote of the Day: Madness takes its toll. People, have exact change ready.
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    (As for the Agori, they’re the same basic thing as last year. New colors are cool, but I’ll stick to the web you-know-where buying for a few of their pieces.)
    I’ve decided I’m going to wait for TRU to have a buy-two-get-one-free sale, making the Glatorian I buy $10 each (since TRU jacks their prices up, but I think this is the only choice).
    Favorites, most to least, with praise and cricitism.:
    Vorox: You should have known this is my first favorite. I’d love to say “BROWN!!1!!” but I shall not, as the only brown on him is the bits on his armor. Rather, I shall say this: TAN!!!!1!!one!!! The tan legs and armor are going to be great pieces to MOC with. While new weapon(s) would have been nice, I still need that staff of Hewkii Mahri’s, personally. The tail, well, we’ll have to see that in action in the storyline before I completely criticize it. I’m getting two of this set for double the Toa Mata feet and Toa Metru chest armor. (I’ll probably place the chest armor around his waist.) The body is a little basic, but we’ve come to expect nothing new.
    Skrall: While he is a little meh, the pieces are great! I guess I don’t quite need the red joints or black Metru legs, but the armor and weapons (including the two on his shoulders) are awesome! The body is weird, though, and I don’t think that’s very beneficial. However, he still manages to stand up and move, so I think it’ll turn out alright. His color scheme also makes up for any faults, although the red in the black swords might make it a little hard for MOCing. I’m buying him with my two Vorox when the sale comes around.
    Gresh: The pictures from DV made him look sooo much cooler than I originally anticipated. Granted, the shield turned me on, but the lime turned me off. Then I see DV’s pix, and Gresh looks beautiful (in a masculine, Bionicle-set kind of way). Then I read the comic, and Gresh was so cool! This is the first set in a while I’m considering buying because of the character traits over the pieces, which I don’t need. I don’t know exactly how I’ll buy him, but I will.
    Strakk: Just barely beats Malum on the list, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the ice guys. (So explain to me why I don’t yet own Kopaka, yet probably all the pieces to build him?) I really do not like the dark blue, because from the pictures I’ve seen it does not seem to help with the color flow, nor has dark blue ever seemed like an ice color. (It’s bad enough Lego is using light blue for the ice guys instead of sand blue like in Matoro.) His body design is also pretty terrible, IMO, as his back juts out. How can he live like that? Not much chest armor either, but because of his body design it’s not like there is anything else to cover. His armor is, like Skrall’s and Malum’s, weird, in that it seems counterproductive to move your shoulder because your armor will hit you in the face. It does, however, seem like something awesome to MOC with, and I’ll want to pick up his armor and his sweet axe on you-know-where. Not a bad face either; really says “don’t mess with me.”
    Malum: I was not too impressed by the first pix, but the new ones make him look like a VERY strong and not someone to mess with. I already stated my problems with armor like this, and I just realized his armor will be loose, as it is only held on by one blue pin. Swivel=bad. His chest armor is great, it actually covers all his chest, makes him look muscular, and flows. The fire claws are very unique and have great MOCablilty. My biggest turn-off, besides the shoulder armor, is the bley. He would look so much cooler, maybe even worth buying, if the bley was instead keetorange.
    Tarix: DV said she he wasn’t too great, so what more must I say? Actually, ever since the initial pix I have not been too excited over Tarix. Ok, gold armor will be great, but those things sticking out of it are terrible. And there is barely anything covering the chest, which annoys me greatly. When will we get a full series of characters fully armored? The water axes may be cool, I guess, but the gold might detract from some MOCablilty. And although bright blue (yay!) feet (and hands) may be great, that color only shows up in the rest of the set in the form of pins. I guess the tube is necessary, even though they live in a desert, since he’s a water being. Overall I am less than impressed with this set. It looks like a bad MOC you’d find in the Bionicle.com galleries–everything possible is attached . (Actually, you probably will when the kids decide to upload pix of sets claiming to be their own!)
    Those are my thoughts. Go ahead and buy your sets based on however you use sets, though I do wish more people would MOC than just “collect.”
    Quote of the Day: Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    I got the Transformers' Score yesterday! (As in the background music. I don't even know why they call the other thing a soundtrack, to me soundtracks have always been the background music.)
    Anyway, it's awesome! If I could choose one word to describe it, I'd say it's "powerful."
    That being said, there's your one word, and goodnight.
    Quote of the Day: Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers.
    Just kidding.
    The Score really is amazing. There's so much to it that really brings back good memories of the movie, as well as themes for each character that aren't necessarily in the movie. I especially like the music when the Autobots land on earth. It's one piece of music I remember from the movie, because the scene is destructive and powerful yet the music is peaceful and beautiful. It really brings the movie to life in my head.
    Anyway, if you liked the movie, I would totally recommend the soundtrack.
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    First, non-spoilers:
    Avatar is not a science fiction story. It's science fantasy with action and adventure combined with an epic tale of an alien race and their beautiful world.
    I've been anticipating this for quite some time now, and have been reading little bits almost every day for the past few weeks on a geeky website. I was pumped to see this. Consequently, my expectations could have been shattered if it was terrible. Then I read reviews, and James Cameron does not go half-way. He goes over 100%, especially something like this that he's been working on for over 12 years.
    The thing that stands out the most is the graphics. He is like George Lucas making Star Wars: he had to make this technology himself to build his dream. And boy was it worth it. This movie would be so different if he decided just to shoot in a rain forest on Earth. No, he had to actually go to Pandora to make it.
    Which leads me into another part: the setting. The CGI allows for another whole world to be made. The jungle is rich with plant and animal life almost unlike anything found on Earth. Yes, the trees have leaves, but we don't have inter-cone plants that *shoop* into the ground with a touch, or spiraled, curled things sticking up from the forest floor, etc. Pandora is beautiful.
    Along with that, the animals are something else. Six legs! Six! (I think I might want to build a MOC like that.) And it works. Plus, those dragon-like animals are amazing. All the animals, actually. Some are like Earth animals, like horses and dogs, but even then it is not an exact copy (and not just because of the six legs).
    And finally, the story. This is why I say "epic." The situations, the characters, everything to make the movie move, or slow down. It was 2 hours 40 minutes, which is not everyone's cup of tea, but if they took out any bit of it some aspect of the story would have been lost. You really are immersed into the planet, the tribe and the characters, and makes you appreciate the storytelling going on.
    Final verdict? See it. Preferably in 3D, because it really adds to the feel. (But seeing it in 2D will still give you the beautiful view of Pandora's setting, and the story will still be there.)
    I still, however, think Star Trek was the best movie of the year. (As for sci-fi. Avatar might just beat out Terminator: Salvation? IDK.)

    Second, spoilers:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The dragon-like animals are really cool. I wasn't expecting Jake to ride the Last Shadow. I like how everything on Pandora is connected. Not just through their roots and the "tree of life" (or whatever it is called) but how those hair-fibers allow for connection with almost every animal. When Neytiri connected to the big dog-thing (which I was hoping for after Jake and the Last Shadow), I realized there could be a whole tribe that rides the hammer-head rinos, or something. All they need are the link.

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