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Everything posted by Kumata

  1. OOC: The League is a global organisation with a base in every major city. Their main HQ is in New York though, so I'd recommend you head there.IC - Gadgeteer @ SubmarineViktor had no knowledge of the existence of the Atlantaean race, save for the myths and stories based upon them, so Hexas' outburst sounded utterly mad. And, he wondered, how could they possibly expect to negotiate with a mad person, let alone a mad shark? But he kept quiet for now, to give the others a chance to speak...
  2. IC - Gadgeteer @ Submarine"Who exactly is this ally of yours trapped in Lockdown?"Gadgeteer hadn't actively utilised his link to Carapace in a while now. He wasn't certain if it would even work at such depths. But just in case, he sent a message:Any and all information you can send regarding a 'General Warner' will be useful.The name sounded vaguely familiar to Viktor. He was an ex-military man after all, so maybe he'd known of Warner in the past. But the name was too generic to mean anything to him unless something jogged his memory.IC - Sluice @ Epsilon"If it's any consolation I do appreciate your presence," said Sluice. "You're certainly a good ally on the battlefield and, well, I don't think you realise how good it is to have someone of a... neutral mindset there while all these crazy things happen around me. You being there stops me from getting too wrapped up in my own sadne- er, you know, negative thoughts."Sluice wasn't letting herself worry about Silver just yet. The League was such an extensive organisation, with many intelligent and influential members. She'd find someone who would undo Silver's mutation, she was certain of it...
  3. IC - Gadgeteer @ SubmarineGadgeteer contemplated this for a moment, then spoke to Lady Hexas."If you know what Lockdown is, who made it and what's in it, then the files you seek must contain other information. I am guessing that information concerns either Lockdown's location or its security measures..?"
  4. IC - Gadgeteer @ SubmarineGadgeteer was quiet for a moment. His gaze moved from Saosin to Lady Hexas and back. He considered the situation. Since a fight hadn't broken out then Hexas was evidently open to the idea of negotiation - which meant she believed, correctly or not, that Saosin and the others could obtain something she desired. Her initial threat had been a demand to receive files on the elusive Operation: Lockdown, so that was probably it. But assuming they knew where those files were - and they didn't - would Hexas willingly give herself up in return for them?He felt a pang of anger that his and Lone's arrival had apparently been irrelevant, but he kept it out of his voice as he said: "Bring us up to date as to your discussion."IC - Apep @ Glass Pillar hotelIn the hotel corridor, one level down from where the explosion had occurred, a door was flung open and a figure shambled out. It was both human and not human. Withered, blackened skin covered it in patches; in other places the flesh had been completely burned away, exposing raw red muscle tissue.The figure's breathing was harsh and breathless. It was evidently in pain, though as moments passed its step gradually increased in pace. It was recovering. Its dark-coloured skin began to grow, covering up the exposed muscles - it looked like a corpse decaying in reverse. The few strips of scorched paper that still hung from it started to lengthen as well, and like shoots emerging from a seed the freshly-grown lengths were white and unburnt. They snaked around the torso, then spiralled around its limbs. By the time she had reached the set of lift doors at the end of the corridor, Apep had restored her mummy-like appearance.IC - Sluice @ EpsilonSluice sat down with a weary sigh. She was quiet for a while; she wanted to go over all this new information in her mind; to ensure that there wasn't anything she had missed, that she'd hadn't been tricked somehow.After a period of silence she spoke up. "Epsilon, translate this for Fellwyd: I'm sorry again about all this. It must be hard enough for you to cope with life on Earth without my personal crises to confuse you..."
  5. I don't know. Does it look weird? He's just meant to be looking fierce. Ha, yeah, that'd probably look great. Not that you could count on these guys to do anything remotely as heroic as the Avengers. 5 of them are villains!
  6. I'm always grateful for a review, even if it comes nine months after the story is posted. The grammatical correction is appreciated (I always get mixed up with what should and shouldn't be capitalised) and yeah, it was rushed a bit (combination of the contest word limit and my writing this at the last minute) but mainly I'm glad that you found it enjoyable. That was my aim, so it's great to know I was successful.
  7. OOC: Busy, so will IC my other characters later on.IC - Apep @ Glass Pillar hotelWith Omega's energy barrier completely cutting her off from the heroes and the 'manager' (whom Apep was beginning to suspect was another intervening super; managers didn't dress like that) Apep could feel a sort of heaviness around her, as the air pressure began to intensify. Most would panic in such a situation but it actually brought the villainness comfort. Because this was precisely what she needed. Without hesitating she willed the paper tendrils at her sides to grow, as others began to emerge from her mummified body. Her tendrils also still clutched several bottles of alcohol - she flung all but one of them forcefully into the floor, where they shattered, staining the carpet with strong-smelling liquids. The last she brought to the mouth slit in her facemask and poured it in."Seems that you have me trapped," she said after a gasp of satisfaction. The strips of paper continued extending as she spoke, though strangely they simply touched gently against the walls, spreading out but doing nothing. It almost looked like an eerie peacock's display. One brushed against a switch; it activated a light fixture at the head of the bed. "I'm enjoying myself so far; in fact I almost wish I didn't have a mission so I can devote my full attention to fighting you." By now she'd wrapped a length of paper tightly around the bedside bulb. It began smoking after a few seconds, and fairly soon it ignited. "But I do, so I'll leave you with some sage advice: your trap has holes in it, stupid."Apep plunged the burning tendril onto the alcohol-soaked floor. The flammable liquid, the dry paper covering the walls, the pressurised air - what resulted was a miniature explosion; a roaring flash that blasted through the ceiling and floor, filling the interior of Omega's energy barrier with whirling fire for several moments. When it died away all that remained was a flurry of ash, and a momentary glimpse of a smoking figure that dropped through the hole into the room below...
  8. Kumata


    Are we allowed to talk about webcomics? Most are hosted on sites with commenting systems, so by BZP rules they can't be linked to. I don't want to link people to them; I just want to do a blog entry or two to talk about my favourites. Is that allowed?
  9. Ewoks have the power of Plot on their side, so Ewoks.
  10. Nooo curse you BZP rules I want to know where to find these stories! What's your username on [References to sites with commenting systems is not allowed, and circumventing this policy is against the rules.-Nukaya]? Nevermind I'm really clever so I found it Valenti edit: NO double commenting, please. Comments merged
  11. The Nuva because as a group they look nice together, Phantoka/Mistika look like a bunch of random Toa who teamed up on a whim. Plus CHAINSAW ROLLER BLADES beats big shield any day. EDIT: Though on the flipside HELICOPTER DRILL CLAWS beats claw rugby ball, so I'm uncertain now.
  12. OOC: The 'sharp object' Omega was talking about was paper - as against the soft flesh of the throat papercuts can be very bad - but then again, I'm assuming Omega Prime's saliva softened it just in time to prevent that nasty sort of injury.I just want to clarify two things - Omega Prime's hurling everything he can get his telekinetic hands on, right? And when Omega's energy barrier closes, will it be airtight?
  13. IC - Sluice @ Epsilon"I suppose we ought to head for the League HQ first. It's the best place I can think of to drop Darkness off; I'm sure someone there will know how to arrange for him to get put in one of the League penitentiaries."IC - Gadgeteer @ SubmarineGadgeteer observed the scene. It didn't look as if any fighting had gone on yet. Standing there was Lady Hexas, and the source of the Omega Radiation - Killer Mari, presumably. He wondered if the psychic was influencing Saosin and the others in any way. Unlikely, since Madness was there to mentally defend them. Still, Viktor didn't like it. At his core he was a soldier - he obtained targets and eliminated them. He'd never much been one for peace talks and negotiation. He saw them as delaying tactics; sympathy and understanding were weaknesses that more shrewd enemies could exploit."She is a criminal and our aim is to stop her. If you have abandoned that cause I would like to hear good reason for it..."
  14. Kumata

    Im Happy

    I do get this! I think some days you just wake up and everything's "right". Even if on the day itself you're doing something mundane like going to school or work.
  15. Don't buy Bionicle: The Game. Offensively lazy and rushed, frustrating controls... its' not even canon, so there's no real reason to get it at all.Quest for the Toa is good fun though despite its other flaws, and should be easy to find cheap online.
  16. Absolutely love it; the design, colour scheme, even the size! In particular I like the way you've built the tongue. If you could find a way of having it be forked that'd be the icing on the cake.Any pics of it glowing in the dark perchance?
  17. I think these look fantastic and if they'd been released as teasers the year previous (EG the Brutaka/Axonn ones in 2005, Hahli mahri in 2006) I'd have been psyched as heck. Would love to see more from you.
  18. Gravity Hurts or Closer to the Truth.
  19. Finishing epics I planned to write and epics I planned to read.
  20. These are great. I love concept art and I loved Carlos D'Anda's art style in the early Bionicle comics. I was sad when he left.
  21. I now have Evo 2.0 again, plus Evo 3.0 and Jawblade. May get Thornraxx if he drops down in price. and Speeda Demon too.
  22. I didn't regret buying it, but I regret selling Evo 2.0 - I bought him again about a year later.
  23. You are indeed being a Conspiracy Keanu (whatever that is) because it's an extremely bad move for a company to release anything that is of bad quality. Lego prides itself on producing a safe and reliable toy, and there's no way they'd deliberately undermine that by releasing toys featuring substandard plastic that can break and subsequently cause injuries/be swallowed, etc.
  24. This is sort of why I don't like telling people that I'm sad or complaining about things that upset me; I don't feel that I have the right to. People have enough sadness to deal with without me burdening them with mine.
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