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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. *uses borrowed Kanohi to get the heck outta there* Thanks, Akaku! Now, if you'll excuse me . . . *blasts you with chlorophorm*

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      I have no idea what discussion started that comment but it certainly couldntve been good.


  2. *uses mask to dodge the lazors*

  3. *wants your Live Gamertag*

    Also, how's that Visotoran MOC going? =P

  4. *watches as Egan shrinks down to one inch in front of me* That answer your question? =P

  5. *watches as Nemesis grabs the C4 and dumps it into someone else's profile*

    *said profile explodes*

    *makes new rule*

  6. *whew* Thank goodness for that. =P

  7. *whistles* *sends my pet dragon after you*

  8. *whistles* *sics dragon on you*

  9. =(

    1. ~Shockwave~
    2. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      *points at most recent blog entry*


      That should explain things.

    3. ~Shockwave~


      oh... can't really say i know how that feels... sorry though.

  10. =D Kagha does awesome work, doesn't he?

  11. 10/17/2015. It will begin soon.

  12. 2 days until Ak's birthday. Anyone that steals the birthday topic from me dies.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Must resist urge to post birthday topic before you!

    2. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      Oh you will. Ak and I have hits planned on whoever dares to defy me. >=D

  13. About the Nuparu/Kopeke topic. . .

    "You stole my pants!" = EPIC WIN. LOL

  14. About what? I haven't got a PM from you since you told me you needed my shipping info.

    (Have you sent that mask, BTW?)

  15. Accepted to Western Washington University! =D

    1. Toa of Dancing

      Toa of Dancing

      Awesome! Have fun with that.

  16. Actually no, the Cavern of Souls was not from that. I just cooked it up because it was the best way to describe a future place in the epic.

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