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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. No, it wouldn't. I'd challenge you to prove it, but I don't have Wi-Fi acess.

  2. Honestly, I've almost forgotten, so no probs. =P


  4. You might want to see my latest rule. =P

  5. I'm one of your idols?!?

    *falls over in a dead faint*

  6. I've noticed; just been playing a lot of War For Cybertron lately.

    ... out of curiousity, do you have Xbox Live?

  7. (Also, do you happen to have Xbox Live?)

  8. Maybe if you had just poked fun at me, I wouldn't have reacted so badly. But by saying the Seneca -- my best buds -- are stupid -- well, can you blame me for that?

  9. Well, for your group at least. The other areas have been speeding along pretty fast. =P

  10. (BTW, I'm still waiting for that Huna Nui stuff to be posted. =P)

  11. To quote from Teridax, "I don't get nightmares . . . I create them." Or something like that. Anyway . . .

    *resigns to this* Maybe I can endure them all. I mean, what can be worse then getting a hundred fatal wounds and surviving them all?

  12. Happy New Year! *raises glass of sparkling cider* =D

  13. Hey Skotos... know what?

    New Chapter's up!

  14. *leaps into your profile and makes off with the Daybreak manuscript*

  15. *is still waiting for a Wings review*

  16. . . . and just when I thought I had a friend. T_T

  17. =D Kagha does awesome work, doesn't he?

  18. I'll PM you with the details of it. =P

  19. It has begun. We will rise from the ashes and devour the light.

  20. *Nemesis teleports behind you, leaving you to make an impact into the concrete*

  21. Yep. I'm hoping to get my first book published before I leave high school.

  22. *chucks random jar of dirt at Jack Sparrow*

    Wait, that has the heart! NOOO!

  23. Dealing with school and all forms of writing (fanfiction and original work). Oh yeah, and Brickcon. =P

  24. Guess Kagha and me beat you there, huh? :P

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