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Toa of Nerds

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Everything posted by Toa of Nerds

  1. The fact that 90% of those events is a sad comment on what the media is obsessed with these days. But as for me personally, nothing much other than turning 16, I guess. -don't touch my pocket protector
  2. Yeah, the HF topic had to be the first one in the new Lego Discussion. I'm not a huge fan of the Hero Factory story, and since that is what drew me to Bionicle, it kind of feels underwhelming without a backstory with a plot. I haven't got any of the sets, so I can't comment on those, though. -don't touch my pocket protector
  3. I did the same stuff I normally do other than BZPower, just more of it. -don't touch my pocket protector
  4. Everything that is changed now grates on my soul. Arg! No tohu and now sky blue! Arg! Silly rich text editor that messes with me! Arg silly popup on log-in! I'll probably get used to it in a few weeks, but please don't blame me if I post in the wrong forums for the next few weeks.-don't touch my pocket protector
  5. If you're a real nerd, then your pocket protector is stress resitant bullet proof carbon fiber, and thus does not need protecting.

  6. Just FYI, a pocket protector is something that protects pockets, and I cannot describe what I will do if you touch mine, because this website needs to be kid-friendly :-P.

  7. Viva Italia! I'm Italian American, and my father was actually born in Milan.

  8. Green Bay,

    All the Way!

  9. Green Bay Packers all the way!

  10. Ha, nice avatar. Steven Colbert is awesome, almost as awesome as Jon Stewart.

  11. Nice avatar and sig! I've read Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code, and THe Lost Symbol. All of them are excellent, though I think The Da Vinci Code is the best.

  12. Nice sig.

    "...Don't Panic written in nice, friendly letters..."


  13. Well, 2001 is quite recent if you realize that kingdoms have been around since the 1700s . -don't touch my pocket protector
  14. I'm doing Biology, and I've come to realize that the fast majority of smart people in this world are unapologetically dumb. Let's face, no smart person on earth decides to classify life, and then give names such as Perissodactyla (which messes with my spelling checker's mind) to the different classes of creatures. Why can't we just stick with birds and fish? That's not the end. Apparently, if you're talking about plants there are different categories. So instead of "Phylum", you've got to deal with a "division", which is pretty much exactly the same, except that it has a different name. Now, what kind of genius thought that one up. Now, I thought that the highest you could go was one of the five "Kingdoms". Well, it seems as if some genius decided that a Kingdom wasn't big enough and created another level called a "Domain". Now there are three Domains, and out of those three, two have only one Kingdom in them. Only a scientist would create some sort of crack-pot scheme that is 2/3 useless. At any rate, all that these classifications have succeeded in doing is to make my life more complicated, the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do. -don't touch my pocket protector
  15. I've got a problem. It's a problem that many parents and teachers would love for their kids/students to have. The problem is very simple: I've got too many books. Too many books to read. Just when I thought I'd settle down into one book for a change ("Making Money" by Terry Pratchett) my dear sweet mother dropped by the local thrift shop and acquired a box full of classics that I need to read for high school lit. credit. The sad part is that I actually want to read those books but can't. So "Crime and Punishment" can wait for now, but oh, look. "Les Miserables" is looking so, so pretty. Oh, Victor Hugo, don't tempt me. After finally finishing "All Quite on the Western Front" I thought things would settle down, but oh no. I just had to go to the library and pick up a newer thriller by Jason Elam (if you follow American Football avidly, then yes, it is the same guy) called "Monday Night Jihad". Football? Jihad? Read me! And that's not even counting the fact that I'm going to have to read "Catch-22" soon for literature. Looks to be a great book, though. From what I've heard, Joseph Heller put together a masterpiece. Even if I finish that, however, I've still got all of the Halo books on the waiting list. Oh, and did I mention that I wanted to read all the Bionicle books again? Sometime. I hope. -don't touch my pocket protector
  16. Some people just enjoy other's people's suffering.
  17. I have now officially started work of Biosector 01's core war contest. Even outside of Bionicle, I try and enter as many writing contests as I can find. So far, I've won an MP3 player, a gift certificate for a book store (which got lost in the mail), and $200 (which was supposed to have arrived about a month ago, can't really say much though considering the contest was held by the "McConnell Center" (named after Mitch McConnell, the senator for my state), a part of the university of Louisville). Although my record for winning writing contests is un-blemished, my record for actually receiving the prize money needs a touch-up . Thankfully, should I win this contest, I don't have to muck about with the mail (or politicians) . That is, of course, if I win. I've seen some pretty good stories so far, and my best wishes go out to all the other authors out there. BZPower is a big place, and in that place there are quite a few excellent authors. Now, having said that, I go off to my story. Wish me luck in penning the deaths of as many nameless characters as the word limit will allow! -don't touch my pocket protector
  18. What do I mean when I say "perspective". Well, if you look it up in a dictionary you get this: A particular evaluation of a situation or facts, especially from one person's point of view. So according to that, your "perspective" is how you look at things. Your personal view of the situation. So, what do I mean when I say "it's all about perspective"? Well, it can be summed up like this: It's all about perspective; life is all about where you stand, who you're standing next to, and whether that rather plump person in the front row is blocking your view. That sums it up quite nicely doesn't it? Where you stand is basically what you think. Take politics for example, one person might be for less government, and another person might be for more government. Who you stand next to deals with the other people in your life. Because the environment around you shapes what you think. For instance, in my state a new road is being built. Someone in Wyoming would think that it is a waste of money because they don't have any use for a road in Kentucky. And the final part, well, I'll just leave that up to your imagination . -don't touch my pocket protector
  19. Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne, you have a nice taste of music.

  20. Neither Chuck Norris nor GregF play Doom...do you Greg and Chuck?

    GregF: Future info.

    Chuck: censored.

  21. 'lo, u having fun?

  22. Thanks for the comment. I display my nerdness proudly.

  23. Looks like you know how to support; Ferrari owns a legacy that will not soon dissapate, if ever.

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