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Toa of Nerds

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Everything posted by Toa of Nerds

  1. The Metru-Nui matoran lost their memory because of the time they spent asleep in the capsules. I'm not sure if Mata-Nui lost his memories, but he was put into a coma when Makuta kicked the matoran off of Metru-Nui.-don't touch my pocket protector
  2. I found this place, and then I spent about 6 months browsing around, looking at comedies and story theories before I finally decided to join.-don't touch my pocket protector
  3. Wasn't that game also rated "T" when the other versions were rated "E10+"?-don't touch my pocket protector
  4. Makuta forever. For me, Teridax sounds like some dinosaur, not the former ruler of the entire MU. Personally, I think they should have thought of a new name for the species instead of thinking up a new name for Makuta. But I guess Teridax is better than the forever awkward "Makuta of Metru Nui".-don't touch my pocket protector
  5. Personally, I believe that BZPower should allow members to make polls in GD, Sets, S&T, and other forums and eliminate the "voting booth" forum. The reason is that the voting booth has little purpose. Having a whole forum devoted to voting does not encourage discussion. The fact is that most responses to these polls just repeat the vote that that player gave. If you couch the polling feature within the discussion topics, then discussion would be encouraged as opposed to just mindless voting.Another point is that making polls is a perk for premier members. While I think that people who donate to this site should be rewarded, I don't think giving normal members the ability to make polls is a big deal. For one, making polls is far from the biggest premier member perk (I think most would agree that the biggest perk is the blogs). Furthermore, it is very easy for a normal member to circumnavigate the restriction by just getting a PM to post whatever they wanted to most, making the whole restriction irrelevant.What are your thoughts on this?-don't touch my pocket protector
  6. Meh, he's in a much more limited role. LT is actually an exception to rule of aging running backs. Usually as soon as they hit 30, the bottom just falls out. LT is still productive though. Another exception is Fred Jackson, who is just killing it in my fantasy league.-don't touch my pocket protector
  7. Skyrim looks awesome. Oblivion is probably one of my favorite games of all time. I was a Wood Elf custom thief/archer like class. There is no reason to not make a custom class in my opinion. I also made an Orc barbarian kind of character who basically killed everybody in sight. Right now, I'm trying to get him where I'll spend 365 days in jail in one sentence. Ah, open world RPGs are the best...-don't touch my pocket protector
  8. I would really like to have the KauKau in different colors. Trans-red, trans-green, trans-black...oh yeah.-don't touch my pocket protector
  9. Product Four Announcer: Are you new to BZPower?Noob Chorus: Yes!1!!1!Announcer: Are you taken aback by the vast and ridiculously complex Bionicle story-line?Noob Chorus: Yes1!!11!Announcer: Do you want to spend days or even weeks reading up on all the back-story of Bionicle?Noob Chorus: No1!1!!11Announcer: Then you need Insta-Learn!Noob Chorus: Yay1!!1!!Announcer: This ground-breaking product will teach you everything you need to know about Bionicle in one sitting! The results are instant and permanent!Noob Chorus: Wow!!111!!1Announcer: It’s simple. All you have to do place the electrodes on your frontal lobe, select the area of Bionicle that you want to learn about, set the power, and press the button. When you wake up from your coma 1-2 hours later, you’ll know everything there is to know about the area of Bionicle you chose.Noob Chorus: That’s Amazing!1!1!!!Announcer: Do any of you want to try it?Noob Chorus: Yes!1!1!!1Announcer: How about you, in the third row, second from the left.Noob in the third row, second from the left: Yay!!1!1Announcer: Come on up here! Now, let’s place the electrodes on your frontal lobe. We’re going to have to bring out a power saw to cut through all that bone in the skull, though.Power Saw: Buzzzzzzz, chug, clunk, SPLAT!Announcer: Oh my. Er, are there any other volunteers?Noob Chorus: Yes1!!1!!!Announcer: Okay, second row, fifth from the right.Noob in second row, fifth from the right: Yay!11!1Announcer: Now, let’s try once more. Power saw please!Power Saw: Buzzzzzz.Announcer: Alright! We got it this time.[Applause]Announcer: Now, let’s place the electrodes.Noob who was in second row, fifth from the right, but is now bleeding profusely: Ooh, that tickles!1!!1!1Announcer: The subject will be, say, famous toa, and let’s set the power at something moderate, say 37 on a scale of 1 to 100. Are you ready?Noob who was in second row, fifth from the right, but is now very pale: Yes1!!1!1!Announcer: Okay. Oh, and don’t worry about the severe blood loss. Bionicle survived for ten years without any blood at all.[ZAP!]Noob Chorus: Ooooh!!1!11!Announcer: When he wakes up, he’ll know everything there is to know about famous toa. For instance, he’ll know that Takanuva was the first toa ever, and he freed the slaves in 1492 by dropping the bomb on Nagasaki.Noob Chorus: Incredible!11!!1Announcer: But wait, there’s more. I haven’t even told you about Autonomous Post Mode.Noob Chours: Ooooh!1!1!!Announcer: That’s right, after placing the electrodes on your frontal lobe, set the device to Autonomous Post Mode, and when you wake up in a dumpster 12 hours later, you’ll learn that you have since made 3,720 posts, including the addition of 57 new chapters to your epic and the creation of your brand new comedy: Ask Tahu’s Evil Nephew!Noob Chorus: Unbelievable!11!!1Announcer: Oh yes, and if you order right now, we’ll even throw in BZPower themed num-chucks. That’s right, strangle your friends in style with these snazzy num-chucks, emblazoned with BZPower’s logo so your victim’s relatives will know exactly who to sue! A 40 widget value, yours absolutely free!Noob Chorus: Wow!!1!111Announcer: You get everything you could ever want. So why aren’t you on the phone already!?Noob Chorus: CALL NOW!1!1!!11!!
  10. Very unique and interesting concept. I can tell that you really put a lot of work into this story. I'll keep reading. However, I do think this really is an epic that's sometimes funny, not a comedy that's sometimes serious. It's clear that the story is the backbone of this; not the laughs.-don't touch my pocket protector
  11. Their buisiness model was not right at all. The fact is that they set the price too high for the price point that they were gunning for. It's difficult to do an MMO for that age group. Are parents really gonna want to pay $15 a month for their kids to play a computer game? They would have to either have to aim for an older group (not going to happen) or price it lower and have a nominal F2P portion. From what I understand, F2P games only need about 10% or less of their players to actually subscribe in order to be profitable. I guess there just wasn't enough content there for subscribers to justify $15 a month when they could just go and play WoW for the same price.-don't touch my pocket protector
  12. 1. Does BZP look Bionicle-y in your eyes?Nope. The logo could be for any generic tech blog/forum.2. Do you think it looks Bionicle-y in a new-comer's eyes?I don't know. We've been conditioned to a fairly Bionicle-y skin for years, so a new comer might not notice the lact of gears or masks on the skin. However, they should see Tohu. Seriously, he's the face of BZPower. Or was...3. Do you think the current BZP banner/logo is lacking in something?Hapori Tohu! I can live with dark blue, I can live without gears, but the logo looks so "meh" without Tohu.4. Would a design-a-logo-for-BZP contest be a good idea?No. BZP has a logo. They just need to display it on the forum.5. What about the current skin for BZP? Could that be more Bionicle-y?It could be. The green accents look terrible, and the whole top bar is bland. A subtle gear or mask in the skin would do a lot, so long as it isn't overdone.6. Is BZP lacking in Bionicle-ness in general?Nope. The nerds here are as rampant as ever.7. Should I shut up now?You should have shut up right after question 6.-don't touch my pocket protector
  13. Well, matoran are mostly mechanical creatures, but they aren't immortal. For instance, take a car. Even if you take great care of the car (rotating tires, changing oil, taking it to the shop for regular check-ups etc.) eventually it will start to get old and start working. I think that matoran are the same way, however, since the MU has lasted a relatively short time in Bionicle terms, we haven't really had the opportunity to see them age yet. I actually lampooned the tremendously long life span of matoran in "Choose Your Own Stupid Bionicle Adventure" by multiplying every age by 1,000. For instance, a character that's 14,000 is 14 in human terms, but even 1,000 to 1 is actually a bit small of a ratio, especially when you see 100,000 year olds walking around with spring still in their step.-don't touch my pocket protector
  14. LOL Very funny. You should take suggestons for future products! -- I was actually about to do that myself. I'll put a notice up in the first post, but if you have a suggestion for a product, PM it to me. Do NOT post it in thread because that would ruin the surprise for everyone else.-don't touch my pocket protector
  15. Toa of Nerds


    Very interesting concept and title choice. When I saw that somebody had written a story for the contest based on "12.5" I had to check it out, and I have to say that I'm very impressed with how it was pulled off. Very creative and original all around.-don't touch my pocket protector
  16. Product Three Announcer: Did somebody on BZPower say something about your artwork that you can’t stand?Studio Audience: Yes!Announcer: Do you want somebody to put them in their place?Studio Audience: Yes!Announcer: Well then you need Flame-Bot 3000!Studio Audience: Oooh!Announcer: This revolutionary new product will let you flame at your heart’s content with absolutely no repercussions from BZPower administrators! (not guaranteed)Studio Audience: Woop!Announcer: Here’s how it works. When somebody makes a less-than-positive remark on something you did, just activate Flame-Bot 3000, kick back, and watch the sparks fly! Unlike some other flaming software, Flame-Bot 3000 doesn’t take over your account. Instead, it creates a multitude of other accounts to do the dirty work for you, leaving you completely free of any consequences! (we hope)Studio Audience: Wow!Announcer: Here’s an example! (used for illustrative purposes only) DITTO!Studio Audience: Amazing!Announcer: However, if you’ve tried the competition’s flaming software, then you know how frustrating it can be. Take a look: Announcer: See, nobody can understand that. However, Flame-Bot 3000 has the built-in capacity to circumnavigate the BZPower censor so that you let that person know exactly what you think! DITTO!Studio Audience: No Way!Announcer: It’s this breakthrough technology (patent pending) that has made Flame-Bot 3000 the #1 selling automatic flaming software there is!This UNBELIEVEALBE service is available for only 99.95. That’s right, only 99.95. Just call 1-800-FLAME-4-U, that’s 1-800-352-6348. 1-800-352-6348. And if you’re not 100% satisfied with Flame-Bot 3000, then just send it back within 30 days for a full refund! (less shipping and handling) But that’s not all!Studio Audience: It isn’t!?Announcer: That’s right! If you call right now, then we’ll include Complement-Bot 3000 totally free of charge. That’s a 99.95 value totally free with your order. Are you tired of putting hours of work into a project, and then nobody comments on it? Well, that stops now that you have Complement-Bot 3000! It works exactly the same as Flame-Bot 3000, except in reverse! Studio Audience: So call now!Announcer: That’s right!
  17. Captain Fatbeard looked at his decapitated head. Or rather, his decapitated head looked back at him. While the stab did not penetrate his outer layer of fat, Fatbeard's body massaged the wound in anyway as he thought of a means to replace his head on its proper pedestal. "Yarg! I be havin' an answer, Yarg! Ahoy Mateys!" Fatbeard summoned an army of one hundred one-eyed levitating pirate monkeys to his aide. They quickly grabbed his head, replaced it on his shoulders, and then hoisted him up into the skies while singing "Somewhere over the Rainbow".Aboard his floating pirate-monkey vessel, Fatbeard saw Kayzata, and fired a full cannon barrage with his cannon balls tinted with salt so they would sting. "Yarg! I'll send yer off to Davy Jones' locker, yarg!" -don't touch my pocket protector
  18. I may give it a whirl. The theme is very interesting and leaves a lot of intriquing possiblities open. -don't touch my pocket protector
  19. Well, keep in mind that the toa and matoran are mostly mechanical, so I don't know if they would be really vulnerable to any sort of pathogens. The inhabitants of Bara Magna, however, probably are because they are mainly biological. This may require a PM to GregF, but I'm not sure if he will respond or not given his current condition with Lego's new social media policy. -don't touch my pocket protector
  20. "Yarg, we are fallin' off the edge of the world, yarg!" Captain Fatbeard as he improbably jumped downward through the ground to get to ToD. When he reached the other side he sprayed the ice sculpture with a fine spray of salt water. The salt melted onto it the words "...but over rated". Captain Fatbeard then directed his massive repeating cannon at ToD and began to fire it graditiously. -don't touch my pocket protector
  21. Agreed. While the series has had its highs and lows, overall it has been fantastic. However, I'd have to say that my favorite season was 6, mainly because I thought it walked the tightrope between comedy and drama perfectly. It was never too serious, yet it moved the plot forward. -don't touch my pocket protector
  22. Thanks for all the positive feedback everybody. I'll try to post a new chapter every saturday afternoon, so check back in a couple of days for a brand new product just waiting for unsuspecting buyers. -don't touch my pocket protector
  23. I was sad when Britt went out for the season. This was looking to be his breakout year. In other news, congrats to Houston for winning the AFC South in week 7. -don't touch my pocket protector
  24. I love RvB. My favorite character is actually Doc. He's not supposed to be lovable, but I feel like I relate to him. As far as thoughts on this season: mixed. I think the series devovled and evolved at the same time. The whole freelancer sub-plot is really neat and the action sequences are sweet. That's the evolution. The devolution (is that a word) is the other half of season nine. I feel like they took a step backwards and put us basically in season one all over again. Not that season one was bad (far from it) it's just that I feel like the jokes that can be done in that setting have already been done already with seasons 1-5. Right now, all the creativity is on the freelancer side, and the episilon stuff is just there to keep all the old RvB characters around. -don't touch my pocket protector
  25. Captain Fatbeard's gonna have to sit this round out. The last couple of days have been crazy for me in real life, so I can't get into this round. I hope things will calm down for the next round, though. -don't touch my pocket protector
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