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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    hey guys
    you know how the master from doctor who has this four-beat rhythm obsession right
    and you know how it was only introduced in the new series right
    go watch the eighth doctor's movie
    in the scene where the master goes to the hospital to look for the doctor
    and he's talking through the window to the nurse
    and for no apparent reason
  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Huge failure.
    In the socializing hour before Sunday School today, I tried to start a verbal meme by telling people: "I am a heron. I have a long neck and scoop fish out of the water with my beak. If you don't repeat this to at least five other people, I will fly over to your house tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans."
    Well, only one person repeated it (I think, not sure what else he could have been whispering to everyone) and it didn't continue from there.
    So, meme-spreading isn't really that easy.
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    The title describes my current state of existence.
    We had a lady from church come over with her three children. One sixteen-year-old girl, one twelve-year-old girl and one eight-year-old boy.
    The two girls stayed in the same spot all afternoon talking girly stuff while the MEN had a party.
    That left me completely exhausted, but it was fun.
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    You know those avatars that change every time you refresh the page?
    Well, I just had an idea: someone should make one with the Weeping Angels,* in different positions for each picture.
    Now, that would be awesome.
    *the Weeping Angels are statues from a Doctor Who episode that only move when no one is looking, and are so quick that simply blinking can give them enough time to kill you
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Welcome back, my fellow paranoids. It has been a while since we last met. However, turmoil has sprung up recently. Staff have retired, been promoted, been demoted, been promoted (forcibly), been self-promoted, been banned, been unbanned, been promoted again, been demoted...
    No doubt, this confuses you. Most likely, you may have resolved this debacle by rationalizing it as an April Fool's Day joke.
    There is one flaw in your logic, however.
    April Fool's Day does not exist.
    If you believe it does, you too have fallen to THEIR scheme. The calender you know is a figment of THEIR imagination, forced into your own minds. The earth does not rotate around the sun. The sun is a bioluminescent mothership that orbits the nanite infrastructure you inhabit. The illusion of Earth is so powerful it is nearly impossible to break. So we will not try. We will play into THEIR scheme. And use it against THEM. And it shall fall!
    Now, where was I rambling? Oh right, the admins.
    You see, everyone was shocked when B6 was banned. And Smeag. And Tufi. No doubt, you were too, unless you were brainwashed into believing the lie of April Fool's Day.
    Notice something missing, though?
    Allow me to reiterate: You see, everyone was shocked when B6 was banned. And Smeag. And Tufi.
    Still don't notice what's missing?
    Janus! He's what's missing. No one seemed to notice when he was banned. He was forgotten in the debacle. Because he controlled things. He is part of the Brotherhood of Andrew. All staff are. Everyone named Andrew is. What do B6, Smeag, Janus, Kaiapu, Tufi, Bones, Conner, GregF, and Turakii have in common?
    They are all named Andrew! It's insane!
    "Okay, Matthew, you've lost it. Only the first two have that name!"
    Janus is the god of doors. (The doors themselves, not the hinges or knobs. His wife Cardea is over those.)
    Well, he controls the door of Hapori Tohu's left nostril! All staff are under his hypnosis!
    But one staff wasn't not. Until the vacuum companies got to him. More details next update. Someone's tapping into our communications, we must speak later.
    disclaimer: it's a joke, okay
  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    We have exactly 5 days to fill the quota of 20 participants.
    We currently have 17 participants.
    For it to work smoothly, we actually need more (30 would be ideal), 20 is just the minimum for it to work at all. There is no maximum, the more the merrier.
    B6 has approved of my plan, so do not worry about getting in trouble.
    We need at least seven more people (seventeen is actually the ideal, but don't panic if we can't get that many) so spread the word!
    Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!
    (but don't bother with non-Premiers, they can't participate)
  7. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Can it be done? Not without at the help of at least 20 other Premier Members! PM me for the plan!
    [hopes we can pull it off]
    EDIT: Oh, and it's for April 1, of course. Left that out of the copy-pasted command. Start without me in case I'm a few minutes late.
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