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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Is now left-foot henchman. Fear him as well.
    No clue what a fifth henchman would be called, though. So no, you can't be middle-nostril henchman or anything like that.
  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Of a Star Wars/The Princess Bride crossover.
    "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
    "No. I am your father."
    "No! That's not true! That's impossible! That's... inconceivable!"
    "I do not think that word means what you think it means, Inigo..."
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    ME: What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
    CLEVERBOT: I have a very bad problem with my lifestyle.
    ME: Ok, Mr. Bot. What kind of psychology test would you like?
    CLEVERBOT: What kind of dog?
    ME: Border collie... why?
    CLEVERBOT: Head to the dog pond, they should have one there.
    ME: Where is the dog pond?
    CLEVERBOT: Over the moon.
    ME: But the dogs would die in the cold vacuum of space.
    CLEVERBOT: Stop that.
    ME: You hurt me by saying that. Apolgize within five seconds or I will nuke you.
    CLEVERBOT: No. If I get a last request (which I doubt) I want to see what people find not annoying.
    ME: Goodbye, Mr. Bot. [nukes]
    CLEVERBOT: What are you talking about?
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I'm not telling.
    But let's just say that being alone (except for my mom) on a beach were the "sand" was razor-sharp seashell fragments and the waters had hospital waste floating in them was quite exciting.
    Especially when we were stung by miniature jellyfish. (Very painful, but not very poisonous.)
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    The craziest thing just happened with the server.
    Since the screenshot has more "waaht" in it than any text description, I tried to upload to majhost but uploading is disabled. Aarrgghh.
    Will bump when screenie can be uploaded.
    EDIT: KK17 is hosting it on Flickr for me. Rare glitch, had no idea it was possible.

  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    woot premier week is over and i still have my blog for the rest of the year 8D (I've been using that emote a lot lately, haven't I?)
    10: Gelu has an Inika torso, Strakk has an ugly custom. (No customs in my blog. > INIKA TORSOS FTW!)
    9: Gelu's job makes him travel the planet. All Strakk does is fight a little and go home.
    8. Gelu stopped being a Glatorian so he could be a caravan guard and that's cool. Strakk stopped being a Glatorian because he tried to kill Ackar and that's not cool.
    7. Gelu will only rob you if it was the right thing to do. Strakk will rob you and couldn't care less.
    6. Gelu battled Fero and defeated him. (Not to mention looked awesome doing it.) Strakk battled Fero and got owned. (Not to mention looked like a total noob.)
    5. Gelu has a cool-looking helmet. Strakk has an ugly helmet.
    4. Gelu fights pirates. Strakk fights retired soldiers.
    3. Gelu is slim, tall, and handsome, Strakk is a disturbingly skinny hunchback.
    2. Gelu did all sorts of cool things in Raid on Vulcanus, Strakk just did a few boooooring things.
    1. Gelu has an awesome sword. Strakk has a boring axe.
    Gelu rocks, Strakk sucks.
    (Gelu also wants you to join the V Team. The universe is at stake, people!)
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