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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. Wow. That was probably my new favourite episode. I've have to go rewatch my other favourites to see how they compare, though.
  2. Why, tell me whhhhhyyyyy, does a good man have to diiiiiiiieeeee? [/RandyDisher] I vote Lloyd.
  3. Well. At least we got a Hunter, then. Who cares about Turaga. Turaga are boring. Voter fraud isn't cool you know!
  4. Tick, tock, tick, tock, deadline is up! We have a doublehang. ...yay? [/typetwoandahalf]
  5. I move to amend the motion to redirect the donuts to me.
  6. JL got lynched. He was the Pyro. Pulsate voted himself onto a bandwagon which drove off a cliff and died as well. He was just a suicidal villager.
  7. Ah, but by attempting to compensate, we overcompensated. Thus ensuring a single hang. Part of that trick was planned. By pretending to desire blood, we prevented its shedding. Quite brilliant, really.
  8. Lhikevikk then proceeded to gather the Pyro's ashes and glitterbomb everyone with them.
  9. I voted Pulsate. I think that was already counted, though, so don't add another vote.
  10. I change my vote to whoever has the second greatest number of votes. Perpetually. Tee hee.
  11. All I can say is that planet-monster-thing looked totally like a jack-o'lantern
  12. Yeah, I don't see much of point in splitting the village into two groups if they're not against each other.
  13. There actually was a short-lived Mafia spinoff in this forum that ran on that premise a few years ago. Went on for two or three games, and then, um... I think the Dataclysm happened and everyone gave up on it? I dunno. My memory is getting fuzzy.
  14. HAA HAA HEE HEE HOO HOO I was basically an unofficial Joker. Nyaaah.
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