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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. Oh, so is that how you took so many of us out one-by-one? Checking who voted alongside me to compile a list of Rahkshi? And to think we drove ourselves nuts searching for a possible turncoat in our midst. XD
  2. People who are now cleared from suspicion as moles Shadowhawk The Dapper Man Me Use this to your advantage, assassins. We need to take these guys down. EDIT: The moles, that is. Not the people on the list.
  3. Malice must die. He has my vote. Pull the switch.
  4. ^^^Not quite, Tex. Null doesn't just mean not voting for any suspects, Null means voting to forgo the hanging so that Everybody Lives, Rose! Just This Once! Abstentions don't count towards anything. A hanging can occur with a majority of Abstentions, it cannot occur with a majority of Nulls.
  5. Well that was a bad day for the Shadow Lords. I vote Null on all except Pupwa's death. There I vote Null.
  6. Wait, he's not? [checks player list] Huh. I tend to assume he is in any Mafia game. I've targeted him in past games under various different roles, and have had to be told by the host he wasn't playing. Theory: He's messing with us on an epic level.
  7. Theory: Lloyd has been targeted by a role with the ability to command what people post. You heard it here first, people. (And it's rather ironic because IIRC, Lloyd was the first host to introduce such a role. )
  8. Yep, kinda. I just think of it as ectoplasm and that's all the information I need.
  9. I'll prepare the acid bath for the first execution. [accidentally spills acid on Personal Messenger] ... Watson, come here! I need you!
  10. Cloudy thingies can already be created by Ghost anyway, right?
  11. Will join. I've been watching the first game. And loved it. I've never seen anything so beautifully chaotic. [wipes tear from eye]
  12. ^I happen to agree there. I'd be a great way to revitalize interest in both the EM and the RPG forum, both of which have seen declined activity. Maybe bones can work something out with the RPG staff? Something like another BZPRPG set in the EM? (Or at least an alternate timeline to prevent player actions from messing us the main storyline.)
  13. ^^ Seeds of Doom. It has a much cooler villain and funnier jokes.
  14. I vote Taka. I think he is a she and she is a changeling.
  15. Killing off a null off-screen was how Zakaro and I faked his death last game.
  16. Discuss the awesome BBC detective drama here. (Hopefully this'll cut down on derails in the Doctor Who topic. )
  17. Switching from nullnull to Grav. (This is legal. My last switch was yesterday, not today, and we still have more than 30 until closing time.)
  18. Switching from nullnull to RG and ShadowVez to nullnull.
  19. I vote ShadowVez on the first and nullnull on the second one.
  20. What exactly is Type Three? Is it the one that schizophrenically swings between Types One and Two?
  21. Joining! Someone has to keep this game from staying too sane. May as well be me.
  22. you have no idea how I have missed these welcome back Brickeens unless you've been back for a while in which case whoops lol
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