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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. [Hoob of Muffins]: How does muffins? How does toast?
  2. Well, that went well. New Mafia gang, PM me. We have a plan to establish.
  3. The reason toast seems to land buttered-side-down more often than buttered-side-up is because most tables are just the right height for the toast to rotate between 90 and 270 degrees. However, if you butter the toast vigorously enough, the buttered side may develop a concave shape which increases drag on the buttered side, causing air resistance to turn the toast more quickly to the unbuttered side. Unfortunately, scientists are as of yet unable to answer one of the greatest physics questions of our generation: how does toast? Probably because it isn't even a full question, silly.
  4. http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=12076&p=645708 And the funny thing is I convinced another member to agree with the phrase.
  5. I've always found the massively long lifespan of Bionicle beings a bit mind-boggling. I mean, it means a bit of sense for Matoran Universe beings, because they're designed by the Great Beings out of protodermis which is apparently extra-durable. But what about the Glatorian, Agori, et cetera, who evolved naturally, apparently without the help of sufficiently advanced technology like the Great Beings seem to have? How exactly did they each survive 100,000 years in an environment that we've already seen to be extremely harsh? Like, take the Glatorian matches. Suppose a Glatorian fights one match per month, and only sustains a major injury every 120 matches. That's only one injury every 10 years. Divide the time since the Shattering by that, and that's... 10,000 injuries over a single Glatorian's lifespan. Wow. And only one of those needs a severe infection to kill the Glatorian. How are they still alive? Did Energized Protodermis make them biologically immortal or something? (Actually, come to think of it, that's a brilliant theory for their amazing lifespan.) But that's why I lean toward the theory that Bionicle time is measured in Spherus Magna years, which are significantly shorter than Earth years. But that has potential ramifications for things like weeks and months and other units mentioned. Wasn't there a theory that Mata Nui days had 18 hours, though, based on the Great Sundial's markings? That could explain everything. I'd try and calculate what "100,000 years" would be if each day was only 18 hours, but my brain is half-asleep right now and thinks math is stupid.
  6. I vote Shadowhawk out of shameless self-preservation.
  7. Has it been at least 90 days since your last name change or your joining the forum? If not, you can't change your name yet. Administrative policy.
  8. Frankly I think any game based on Sburb would be a disappointment as gaming tech hasn't progressed to the point where you can crash bathtubs through people's roofs. Yet.
  9. Logically Pupwa can't be a role this round, because he was probably a Trespasser last round. (He leaked their names elsewhere, remember? And we proceeded to unanimously and triumphantly ignore him? So, logically, I vote for him, because it's in my best interests that roles be left open for me to fill later.
  10. Google apparently just bought that company. So now that robot knows everything about you.
  11. Crowbar counts as "sledgehammer" in game mechanics, right? Just checking.
  12. Do you take EM elements? If so, Fungus. If not, um, Fire works I guess.
  13. 3. (Pupwa's not in this game.) EDIT: Specifically, two completed and one in progress.
  14. Molten lead can be forged into bullets. Bullets are used by firing squads. Firing squads execute people for their crimes. Crime in many countries includes poaching. Poaching often targets lions, tigers, and other large wild cats. Maybe we could cut this game down to five steps and see if it still works. Next round: cabbages and kings. (And no, the Lewis Carroll quote I got that from shouldn't count here.)
  15. I've been wanting to see a game with a twist like this for so long now. X)
  16. Dang it. I considered saying 5 as I've just been reading 1984 as well, but decided not to risk missing what could be an obvious answer.
  17. Admittedly the Background Agori #482 was a hilarious in-joke from back when movie spoilers where still forbidden.
  18. , , and are a great combo for wire strangulation. Couldn't find any good ones of guns and knives though.
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