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Status Updates posted by Valendale

  1. Oh, BZP gives you a notification when you rank up now. Neat.

  2. gec

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Oh wow, I had no idea of context and Googling "gec" didn't get me anywhere. Off to discover them, thanks for explaining and cool about the concert! 

    3. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Oh my goodness, that star hat has made my entire week.

    4. Valendale


      Yeah their outfits are cool. A lot of fans at the concert had made their own versions too.

  3. Oh, you stopped in 4 years ago and changed your name. Sorry we missed you, hope you're doing well.

  4. So BZP gives you a notification when you level up now. Interesting...

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      It's been giving me a notification every post or PM I make for months now in this rank range, somewhat startling with sound on. 🙈

    2. Valendale


      Gotta find all those Krana!

  5. I got my first pair of black jeans today.

  6. I still think of you every time I see a teal piece.

  7. I guess the Dawg Days are over.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      *Plants a Dawgwood tree in their honor*

      🌳Always liked the ring of Valendale, it makes me want to believe you're a Narnian because of "Queen Lucy the Valiant" sounding similar to me.

    2. Valendale


      I definitely like the name too, considering I've stuck with it so long. I feel like I'd definitely fit into an alternate fantasy world, but maybe not Narnia.

  8. Happy Birthday man

    1. Manducus


      Appreciate it as always

  9. Yooo S-Dawg! What's up?

  10. Well, uh, I'm back to the BZP Homepage every time I boot up my browser. Don't think I'll be needing to keep several pages of content I plan to read open for a while. Maybe I'll get back to reading some short stories in the library now too.

  11. Yo, crazy that you haven't actually been "Gerlicky" in like 8 years.

  12. For the first time in over a decade, I no longer see BZP first thing every time I boot up my internet browser. Kind of a big change.

  13. Seems like you've never posted anything else and you haven't visited in years, but I just wanted to say I liked your story.


  14. Wow the activity in this place has declined so much, I only had to go to the second page of the blogs while going to make my year end 2020 post to see my year end 2019 post.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Wow, I kind of though the Covid shutdowns would increase activity. :( 

  15. Man, remember the "jump to first unread post" button? I miss that.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Oh wow...

      I thought I was just overlooking it.  ;-;

  16. Finally saw the LEGO Movie 2

  17. I wish I had anything going on on New Year's beyond sitting at home with my mom.

  18. It feels like I have to add at least one word to my dictionary ever time I make a post on BZPower.

  19. So did we just lose all our old profile feeds or what? That was like the one thing I didn't have the foresight to backup.

    1. Valendale


      Never mind they're still here.

  20. Finally decided to make use of the About Me section of my profile. If you're by chance reading this from some other page, check it out, would ya?

    1. JAG18


      Nice, nice. It took me forever to do that too. Also, you're a tabletop player? Cool.

  21. As I look out this Waffle House window, I wonder if somewhere you're doing the same.

  22. Last Christmas, I gave you my heart

    1. JAG18


      But the very next day, you gave it away

    2. Valendale


      Well, that part isn't true, but just that one line was calling out to me.

    3. JAG18


      Oh, my bad. Thought you were doing a "quote the next lyric" kind of thing. =P

  23. I'm doing okay, but now in the sense that everything is okay, in the sense that a lot is going good and a lot is going bad.

  24. Doing great out here.

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