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Status Updates posted by Valendale

  1. Fifteen degrees and I'm still wearing shorts...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      This year, it seems that the case is no -summer- where I live. (Which is basically the south). We had plenty of winter.

    3. Valendale


      This year was the exception. We got a couple inches of snow (if that) and the entire state freaked out.

    4. Ghidora131


      I usually get about a foot.

  2. gec

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Oh wow, I had no idea of context and Googling "gec" didn't get me anywhere. Off to discover them, thanks for explaining and cool about the concert! 

    3. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Oh my goodness, that star hat has made my entire week.

    4. Valendale


      Yeah their outfits are cool. A lot of fans at the concert had made their own versions too.

  3. Last Christmas, I gave you my heart

    1. JAG18


      But the very next day, you gave it away

    2. Valendale


      Well, that part isn't true, but just that one line was calling out to me.

    3. JAG18


      Oh, my bad. Thought you were doing a "quote the next lyric" kind of thing. =P

  4. I think I'll hold onto my custom title for about another year.

    1. Ride Another Day

      Ride Another Day

      You can just freely let them go?

    2. Valendale


      Well, I won it for a feat, so I'd assume so.

    3. Ride Another Day

      Ride Another Day

      Now that I look, quite ALOT of people have custom member titles.

  5. Hey, whatever happened to you and Jeopardy?

    1. Xaeraz


      They couldn't let me on the show because I was too good and Alex Trebek wanted me to be his dad.

    2. Valendale
  6. Forgetting to brush my teeth makes me think of BZPower.

    1. vataki


      I thought I was the only one. Wow.

    2. The Legendary TNT
  7. I guess the Dawg Days are over.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      *Plants a Dawgwood tree in their honor*

      🌳Always liked the ring of Valendale, it makes me want to believe you're a Narnian because of "Queen Lucy the Valiant" sounding similar to me.

    2. Valendale


      I definitely like the name too, considering I've stuck with it so long. I feel like I'd definitely fit into an alternate fantasy world, but maybe not Narnia.

  8. Remember to stay glacial over the summer, folks.

    1. Underscore


      Ice of you to remind us

    2. Valendale


      Drink water everyday.

  9. So BZP gives you a notification when you level up now. Interesting...

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      It's been giving me a notification every post or PM I make for months now in this rank range, somewhat startling with sound on. 🙈

    2. Valendale


      Gotta find all those Krana!

  10. Bricks Out for Bionicle!

    1. Bonkle


      Pushing those word filters. :P

    2. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      The awesomeness of this comment is overpowering.

  11. Was off BZP for the last week or so due to some malware taking over my computer, but thankfully I finally got rid of it.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Glad your computer is better bossman.

  12. I propose that we begin referring to Legends #5 as "Farshtey's Inferno".

  13. Back to being as normal as I ever will be.

    1. Ride Another Day

      Ride Another Day

      Then we're all doomed.

  14. Well, uh, I'm back to the BZP Homepage every time I boot up my browser. Don't think I'll be needing to keep several pages of content I plan to read open for a while. Maybe I'll get back to reading some short stories in the library now too.

  15. Come crawling faster.

    1. Ride Another Day

      Ride Another Day

      Can I not help but look at some of these a feel a little disturbed?

  16. Finally decided to make use of the About Me section of my profile. If you're by chance reading this from some other page, check it out, would ya?

    1. JAG18


      Nice, nice. It took me forever to do that too. Also, you're a tabletop player? Cool.

  17. Man, remember the "jump to first unread post" button? I miss that.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Oh wow...

      I thought I was just overlooking it.  ;-;

  18. Happy Birthday man

    1. Manducus


      Appreciate it as always

  19. Managed to hit a tree driving from my back yard to my front yard.

    1. Underscore


      what an intreesting story

  20. Wow the activity in this place has declined so much, I only had to go to the second page of the blogs while going to make my year end 2020 post to see my year end 2019 post.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Wow, I kind of though the Covid shutdowns would increase activity. :( 

  21. I feel like a phoenix, rising from the ashes and squawking in the face of pre-calculus.

    1. Ride Another Day

      Ride Another Day

      Whatever floats your college credits.

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