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Makuta of Comedy

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Status Replies posted by Makuta of Comedy

  1. I have thought long and hard about what I have done during the short term suspension I carried out. I have come to the conclusion that I was obviously in the wrong here. I had unknowlingly skimmed the section in the rules concerning polls and the like. As such I will never again vote for the party who I would like to win. I apologize for any inconvienence I have caused and am sorry that everything went down the way it did. I realize that voting is wrong and hope there are no hard feelings.

  2. Your banner just gave you about +50 cool points in my book. Bastion is amazing.

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      Can't wait for Transistor in 5 days. Get hype.

  3. If anyone still looks at this profile I'm going to post an "end" to the comic I started. Not sure when though.

  4. Where's that avatar from?

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      Sorry for the long reply, it's bakemonogatari.

  5. Sorry guys, on an extended hiatus.

  6. Hiya, haven't spoken in eons ^^ How's it going?

  7. Hiya, haven't spoken in eons ^^ How's it going?

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      Great, I'm going back into comic making now that there is free time. How are you doing?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Ah.... Foot surgery sucks...

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      Thanks, fortunately they numbed my foot and I didn't feel a thing.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. That... Is one creepy av.

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      Like Festivas. I get the name "One ring to rule them all".

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. That... Is one creepy av.

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      So it's like Hanukkah, except after Christmas, it's shorter, and no Dreidel?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  11. That... Is one creepy av.

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      Meh, I prefer comedies rather than serious long movies like Lord of the Rings. I believe I once saw it a few years ago, but remember nothing of it.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. That... Is one creepy av.

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      And another strange av, where does this one come from?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. That... Is one creepy av.

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      It makes me think someone went crazy with Photoshop.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. Love your pic, and I know what it's from ;)

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      Awesome, someone else who reads Romantically Apocalyptic. When I saw it on the comic I knew I had to make it my av.

  15. Still alive blargh, no comic for a while until i get antivirus software downloaded onto my computer...

  16. I love your avatar. Dunno if that's supposed to be Teridax, but it's a really cute Kraakhan. ^_^

    1. Makuta of Comedy

      Makuta of Comedy

      The other one is a Toa.


      But he doesn't seem to be in the hugging mood.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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