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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Chunky!

  1. Yeah, so my friend who built the TF2 level 1 sentry wants to order the parts online. To meet the minimum price, he asked if I wanted a blue version. For me it costs $14 CAD + shipping. Not bad.
  2. Looks nice, but you kinda just took a bunch of other people's ideas/techniques and put it into one MOC, instead of creating your own.
  3. whoa your name turns to Merxy ~~~~~~~ when I see you viewing a forum

  4. Chunky!


    Paul McCartney's performance was beyond words. It was too amazing. • Approximately 3 Hours • 3 encores • About 36 songs
  5. What. Have you ever actually listened to a Beatles song? Seriously? yes i have heard several of them GET OUT OF MY BLOG. NAOUGH.
  6. eh, the universe is too overrated, IMO
  7. He's performing live in my city. Why not go?
  8. Why do you always post, "What is it?" or, "I don't get it?". It's spam and is insulting.

  9. I'm not sure if you falsely made the assumption that I'm religious in the "Unschooling" topic. I'd just like to clarify that I'm an atheist as well.

  10. please become premier again thx

  11. You do know that you don't capitalize every single word when you type a sentence, right?

  12. @Blue Fire, Caliga, and Haz: Thanks for the advice. I used to mark my stuff with a "C!", but I stopped because I figured no one would steal my art. @AT: What did he say after you accused him? @Spirit:
  13. I checked a forum that I regularly visit that directed me to some other forums. I checked the artwork section and saw a topic about a Krana banner. I clicked it, and it showed the banner I made for Torongo. He didn't give any credit to me, nor Silver Avohkii Productions (or was it Spectral Avohkii Enterprises?). He also re-uploaded it to his Brickshelf account along with some of my other banners.
  14. I recently discovered that Torongo stole my artwork and posted it on another forum claiming it was his. I am soooo angwee.
  15. Chunky!

    Brickfair Day 1

    So I take it people liked the shirt designs?
  16. Don't you know that you're not supposed to talk to strangers!! They could have candy. Wait. Free candy doesn't sounds so bad.

  17. He's says he's too cool to add internet friends.
  18. This song is really good. It's by Kid Cudi, Ratatat, AND MGMT. There's two videoes for this song. I reccomend watch the one where Kid Cudi's on the couch. It has really good effects.
  19. Chunky!


    Probably going to see them in October too.
  20. Hello. Do I know you?

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