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Everything posted by Archon~

  1. Okay, I'm sorry, it was the "Fikou weapon" then wasn't it? Please enlighten me on what that is.
  2. Dude. Seriously? You try to shut down the suggestion topic every single day... That's rushing. That's being disrespectful towards your fellow fans, who quite frankly probably know a lot about the story and want to see results, but not ###### ones because one stubborn member is rushing the polls and not taking time to offer the greater span of the community to cast their voice. Not everyone can afford to visit BZP whenever they want. Also, a Fikou mace? What is a Fikou Mace? A mace out of Fikou? Or is it just a name? Add descriptions next to the weapons that are named and don't inherently make sense, I've given you that idea before.. Cooperate with the rest of us here. On the first one. I just wanted to get started with the discussion parts. As what I've did with Shadow Destroyer, I still accepted the suggestion. I never stated "NO MORE SUGGESTION WILL BE TAKEN AFTER THIS POINT", I just said that phase 2 will commence. I feel at this point you just want to say the word "rushing" for the fun of it. That is the point of phase 2. We will throw around ideas for each weapon until we can get a solid description for each. I don't see how much more I can get to co-operating with the community than letting them decide the descriptions rather than me make one up and force it on you to vote. My apologies, from what I understood, I thought that "phase 1" was both making up weapons and creating descriptions for the ones who need a description, because a lot of them are self explanatory, and I thought since you made up the Fikou Mace ( or whatever) thing you'd be so kind to provide a description for it, since that's the only one that really needs any ratification. Honestly, looking at the rest of the Mangai weapons I see that they don't have a lot of detail which is reasonable, since the characters showed up little to not at all.
  3. Any one of them that can be found on Zaktan's BS01 page. http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Zaktan I swear, that character had so much "oomph"... Shame he got fused. Or is it??
  4. Dude. Seriously? You try to shut down the suggestion topic every single day... That's rushing. That's being disrespectful towards your fellow fans, who quite frankly probably know a lot about the story and want to see results, but not ones because one stubborn member is rushing the polls and not taking time to offer the greater span of the community to cast their voice. Not everyone can afford to visit BZP whenever they want. Also, a Fikou mace? What is a Fikou Mace? A mace out of Fikou? Or is it just a name? Add descriptions next to the weapons that are named and don't inherently make sense, I've given you that idea before.. Cooperate with the rest of us here.
  5. I always loved the Visorak, especially Keeleak with the vivid color scheme, sleek design and menacing spider look.
  6. Lewa was my favorite Mata. The scheme and mask are what stuck out to me the most.
  7. I can't pick one so for character I'd have to say that I really like the Jaller and Takanuva especially as a duo, along with Brutaka. Set-wise is a little tougher, but I always loved Jaller, Hydraxon and Brutaka
  8. I loved Takanuva. Such a sleek design, cool vehicle, plus gold and Mask of Light. B)
  9. Exo Toa for the win. Amazing build, great poseability, and overall a joy to play with.
  10. [/size] I'm just going to say this and nothing else, because the diction I have brewing right now would get me banned without question. Drawing people exclusively white is not an art-style It could be an art style, simply due to the wide definition of art.However, if an artist wants to draw Bionicle characters as all caucasian or all female or whatever they can, because it's their art, it's what they find appealing and it's coming out of their own head. Personally I feel this entire discussion is rather pointless and very flamable, especially since these characters aren't human whatsoever, and I feel artists can represent that as whatever they want since it's their art after all.
  11. Okay the second part makes sense, seeing that he is pretty deceitful, but how would a Toa of any kind get their hand on shattered rock fragments that were outside of the universe? And I imagine none of the 7 Toa present in that area were even aware of Tuyet's body nor the Nui Stone being there...
  12. So, does anyone remember Into the Darkness? That serial when Matoro and Teridax formed a dynamic duo and revived the body of dead alt-Tuyet? You know, the one where the (fake) Nui Stone made an appearance again? Anyway, to refresh some memories for some people, Teridax basically had Icarax deliver the Staff of Artakha to him so he could create, what he believed to be, the Nui Stone. My question is a simple one: Why? Why did he need the Nui Stone or the Staff? If I remember correctly, he was about to become the Great Spirit, so why was he so angry and flustered when the staff was taken away from him if the Order was going to use it to help repair the universe anyway? Is this just a case of Greg doesn't seem to plan his serials, or am I actually missing something here that might shed light on this issue?
  13. This is what I officially imagine Teridax from the Kingdom to look like. Big, bad and scary. I gotta say, I love those wings, how many capes did you use for that/
  14. I agree and have already suggested some, however I would leave that to someone like Bonesiii to start and manage since supermod powers and all that.
  15. This, Madu Cabolo, Kabum Launcher Madu Fruit Launcher added to list. Does anyone else have any suggestions, or would like to second any suggestion that never made it to the list? Does anyone else think we should close this now and start expanding on the suggestions we already have? This poll has only been open for about 4 days now. I would consider waiting at least a full week before closing this poll and moving on to the next one.What he said.What's up with you and rushing things?
  16. I think that the line regarding coming into existence might have referred to his existence as it is in the future: guarding the fortress. He could have also been hinting at the fact that if the Inika/Mahri didn't go on with their mission, the faith of the universe would have been jeopardized and he wouldn't exist because he would have possibly died during the evacuation. Another idea is that it could have just been another one of Vakama's blurry visions; not great with detail, but outline the main jist.
  17. I've been preqching this over and over again. Therefor I second this motion.
  18. It's just artistic choice and artists making art that they can familiarize with. Nothing to be taken harshly.
  19. Krekka sucked, I think we can all agree on that. Same goes for Nivawk. The 2008 Makuta disappointed me quite a bit too. Also the Stars. the Stars.
  20. I'm just curious, what is the status of the memoirs? Any idea when the voting will happen, or move forward? Thanks.
  21. I mainly added the "extreme" options to lighten up this whole debate a little bit. I was originally only going to offer 3 options really.
  22. Interesting thing about Bionicle is that it seems like it will stick around for a while as a theme that will repeat itself, similarly to Star Wars and City to name a couple. I watched the video of NYCC or something like that and it was stated that Bionicle was planned to come back eventually even when it was ended.
  23. Quote removed. -B6 To add to this, can the people who use sarcasm as a way to get a point across cut that out? Think of a better way to rephrase your point, and if snarky sarcasm gives you some feeling of superiority, then there's some bigger problem there that's mostly in nature of character. Plus not only is sarcasm disrespectful, it causes flame wars. Also, to better the debate grounds, please try to stick to nice worsing, for example the kind of wording bonesiii and fishers use. I don't care what your age or mental state is, but please, please everyone chill out On the ither hand, I left the topic for like a few hours and it turned upside down into a battlefield, so I have to say I LOVE YOU ALL AND YOUR ENTHUSIASM FOR THE DEAD STORY. It's a real tear jerker. :')
  24. I'll see you're question and raise you a question: if they're insignificant, what's the point in the first place? And, more importantly, if somebody went into a story you enjoyed and decided they knew best how to write it, even better than the people who created it in the first place, and their mark on canon is more important than letting the story finally rest and be over with, would you honestly feel you have no right to complain, just because they find such meddling "fun"? One person's meddling is anothers fun, and we're "meddling with deceasd characters. In what way does this bother you, I mean seriously, are you just stubborn regarding the issue or do you actually think there's a solid reason that these shouldn't be pushed foreward? Also, I've noticed your wording, in this topic and others, is wuite strong while the rest of us keep it more or less civil, you use a lot of sarcasm, it's annoying. If you have something to say with solid vacking, do that instead of just rambling on.
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