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Everything posted by Liopleurodon

  1. Usually I imagine them as in set form.
  2. I loved the atmosphere of danger from Island of Doom and City of the Lost. Regarding serials, The Kingdom, Dark Mirror, and Journey's End were my favorites.
  3. Out come Ta-Metru and Vulcanus. In goes Dosne (Onu-Matoran mining captain).
  4. Terribly Annoying Krana Under Takua's Arm Now Utilize Vicious Attacks. Dosne.
  5. From what I know, Teridax sent some of the most powerful ones there because he knew they'd get killed and thus cease being a threat to his plans.
  6. Out comes a bunch of regeneration Kanoka. In goes a piggy bank.
  7. Unfortunately, the Great Being became insane from the Ignika's powers.
  8. Never beat the game because I could never win the Kohlii matches.
  9. Fortunately, it gets put into Stasis before any more danger can be done.
  10. Wow! I have gotten Bionicle and Lego parts for extremely low prices at garage sales, but never anything that just cost a nickel. Once I did get the Toy Story Trash Compactor set (minus a few parts) for $1 though, which normally costs $50.
  11. Mostly Latin... I've also known a classmate who has Rahi in their name.
  12. I noticed that before but never really thought there was anything interesting about that...
  13. Just thought of another suggestion - it would be cool if you could buy/sell stuff from the traders. Maybe also collect natural resources like gems and bamboo and shells like in MNOG II. (Although this may be hard to do. ) You could also do a mining mini-game or something.
  14. Probably MNOG II because it was the first one I played. I also liked the music better and the fact you could buy stuff and collect resources/gems/shells/bamboo/etc (which you couldn't do in the first game).
  15. Fortunately, it gets put in a zoo instead, where it is caged but is also ethically treated.
  16. Out comes a Gukko bird. In goes a Nui-Kopen and a Nui-Rama.
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