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Year 16

About Liopleurodon

  • Birthday 12/27/1996

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    I'm too lazy to edit this for now.

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Makuta Conquered!

Makuta Conquered! (25/293)

  1. This is not a low-quality drawing, this is amazing! Love the details! :)
  2. I've had The Dream pretty frequently! However, after Bionicle was discontinued in 2010, most of these dreams involved me getting excited to see Bionicle sets on shelves again, only for me to realize that they were bootleg Bionicle sets. Oddly, I have never bought a bootleg Bionicle set and have no interest in doing so.
  3. Fascinating video! I love how much you were able to deduce from these prototypes.
  4. Wow, those newly-found prototypes are amazing! Pretty cool to find out about them after all these years. Also, I had no idea that the protodermic Kanohi Nuva were worth so much now - I got a protodermic Kaukau Nuva in a garage sale bulk lot awhile back, and I was surprised when I saw that the current average Bricklink price for one of those is over $100!
  5. Wow these are really cool!
  6. These are very nice, great job!
  7. I like the mask!
  8. Not what I was expecting, but that mini Tahu is kind of adorably goofy! It'll be fun to see other G1 characters in the same style.
  9. This is really neat! I really like the color scheme and the mood it sets.
  10. Junkbot was the third LEGO game I remember playing (after both MNOGs), so this is interesting to learn! I'd love to see that!
  11. Whoa, this is really cool! Thanks for sharing!
  12. Great to hear from Greg Farshtey and Christian Faber again, and happy 20th anniversary, Bionicle!
  13. Yay, Bionicle got the most votes in the first round!
  14. I voted for Bionicle, Adventurers, and Classic Space. This is exciting, and I look forward to seeing what happens!
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