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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Voltex

  1. First comment! Woot! :P

  2. Whoa, long time no comments. :P

  3. Owwwww.... Me, I'm kinda getting that problem; my parents think that it's a waste of money for me (but not for my younger brothers. I hate that, I truly do.), so I have to buy it all myself now, and I don't really get enough money to do that. What I call a set buying spree now is buying three sets in two months. ... Yeah. It's probably going to be worse down the road; but I'm DEFINITELY not going to even mention it to my friends. They all think I'm insane already... although, I question their sanity too. ~Agent i~
  4. Yes, you shall join the Freelancers. :P

  5. To your personal statement:

    Freelancer iBrow has gone rogue, and listens to no one. :P

  6. Nothing much; I'm in 3/4 currently running RPGs, and the BZPRPG reboots, I'll be in that as well.

  7. Pretty decent. Say, I have a suggestion for you; join the Freelancers! :P

    Freelancer Mayno... has a nice ring, doesn't it? :P

  8. Possibly; I like my Tahu vs. Tahu one right now, though. And me. I like me. :P

  9. Augh, spelling error. Meant Washingtub. XD

  10. Or Freelancer Washintub; doesn't really matter. Have you seen Freelancer Flynn?

  11. Welcome to the Freelancers, Flynn. :P Spread the word! (Muttering: Even though I'm not....) :P

  12. Follow in my footsteps. Freelancer Riglax. In seriousness, Rig or Redidax. ~Agent i~
  13. With a little luck, they will. :P

    And you'll be able to say you started it!

  14. Lies was shorter, and had a little too much fighting for my tastes. :P Verbal/Emotional fighting. I would've enjoyed it, exceot for the fact that it was the WHOLE book.

  15. That too. :P

    But Vertak is screwed... unless my theory is correct, and in season 2, the admins are evil. :P

  16. Yeah. That was my only real down point with Hunger, though. So far, it's my favourite book. Too much fear in Gone (though also understanable), and too much negative emotions in Lies.

    Plus, Sma & Caine teamed up. :P

  17. I think I'm probably not gonna have much control over anything, soon. :P

    'Cuz Vertak isn't giving up BBC unless threatened with being banned. :P

  18. Just seemed... off by them sending him to hunt. I mean, Zil beat him so that he's not 100% normal anymore; why was it Hunter that got punished? :P

  19. Yeah, I don't think Hunter was really treated fairly by anyone.

  20. Sam's alright. :P

    Caine is totally where it's at. Except for when he ate Panda. That was disturbing.

  21. *Highfives back*


  22. Oh, yeah. Maybe I'l lchange my name to Freelancer iBrow. XD

    Love Church (Alpha) and Caboose. Grif is cool too.

  23. Me neither. XD

  24. Are you by chance a fan of Red vs. Blue? :P

  25. Voltex


    Eh, it's not canon in my storyline either. -ibrow
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