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Status Updates posted by ALVIS

  1. Hey, orion. Chapter 22 of my epic is up, just in case you're interested. I normally notify fans via the Personal Message system, but yours is disabled, so...

  2. Indeed it should...

  3. Yay, another surprise member! LOVE that concept Mata Nui picture that some BZP members found!

  4. You're welcome, Electon. :)

  5. Well, thanks! Compliments make me feel good. :)

  6. Hey, welcome to BZP! I noticed you reading my epic - care to review it in the topic linked at the bottom of each chapter?

  7. The Angels are feasting, sir. Soon we'll be able to absorb enough power to consume this vessel. This world and all the stars, and worlds beyond.

  8. Nope. Changed my name to Gornt, after the main protagonist of All Of Reality. Most BZP epic writers do that.

  9. Right now, it's exactly 4 PM at my house. (But who knows the official time? All our clocks are way off. :P )

  10. I've posted a new short story, Sundown, that's my first Hero Factory work. Reviews would be appreciated. :)

  11. Hey, your birthday's one day after mine! :P

    ...and one year before...

  12. ALVIS

    Hey, I noticed you reading my epic, All Of Reality... care to review it? :)

  13. Just discovered the 1500-word essay my FRC team wanted me to write is due within a month. Fun.

  14. @ Vocal was Kohrak...: I sincerely hope you're joking.

  15. Come on, guys -- only one review of Chapter 4? I suppose some of you can hide behind the "finals" excuse, but still...

  16. I saw the comments you put on Hero Factory Must Die's page, and I appreciate that you tried diplomacy - but it came off a bit like fighting hate with hate. Next time, try to be a bit calmer, 'kay? ;)

  17. Chapter 5 of Makuta Hunt: Dark Moonlight is finally out.

  18. Why thank you, sir. We shall have dominion over all time and space.

  19. New short story out: "Last Destiny", featuring Spherus Magna in the far future. Check it out via the link in my signature!

  20. Oh, I'm sure it wasn't the whole story. I admire you for talking with a HF hater, but the comments seemed a bit angry, and that's not so great. ;)

  21. Chapter 4 of Makuta Hunt: The Subtarond Project is now out.

  22. Well, Dark Moonlight will be the next Makuta Hunt episode after all. Also I'm about to undergo a name change/makeover for the next 90 days, I thought I ought to let people know.

  23. DON'T look away. DON'T turn your head. And DON'T BLINK!

    Good luck. >:D

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